6 steps to heaven

chapter 4

She belched again and was visibly disturbed by the tightness around her distended middle. 'Oh god Matthew I feel like I'm about to burst, please no more, I promise I'll eat the last one just not-' I covered her mouth with my hand and swiped off the frosting surrounding it before letting her lick my fingers clean. She was caught in my trap, she'd taken the bait. Alls I had to do now is bring home the bacon... "Now you have to look at me Molly, focus." She opened her eyes to fight off the food coma for as long as she could, almost shaking with the added unknown of what I was about to request next... how far could it go? "Eat this if you want to relinquish control over your life and give it to me." She was so helpless in this moment, there was no one else around to help her. Every decision she'd ever made in life had led her to this... was it fate? I continued "I already run this house, treat you like a royal pet, and you do a fantastic job of being the spoiled, trophy house-girlfriend. But I want, and I KNOW you want, more than that. She knew we liked to mix it up in the bedroom with some DD/LG and BDSM, but where was he going with this? 'Urp... what... argh... do you- mean?' She was genuinely frightened and intrigued, every sense tried it's best to stay attentive with the mountain of food making it's way through her stretched out insides. "I want you to hand over the reigns for me to have complete power over you. You will be my pet piggy princess who I will stuff, fuck, and care for as I see fit, when I see fit. Forget decision making, forget planning your days, forget everything but me and food...

/Fuuuuuck this is... this is crazy talk... he wants me to just be at his beck and call, do anything he says?... I dont know..../ "Let's face it, you're already half way there, your life revolves around me. Your friends have gone, your family are fat as pigs themselves and they adore me. Do you honestly think you could go grab yourself a man as successful, good looking and charming as me in your current state? Can you even remember the last time you left the house?" She was speechless, she couldn't argue with anything I said. It was all true, she needed me, and she needed food. Without me, what would she be? This went against everything she thought she ever knew... before I entered her life. "Eat this if you will be my pet hog to fatten up, use and abuse for my own pleasure. I know what's best for you and will always get my own way. Because I know deep down, you want to give in completely." Before I could raise the final cupcake she cried out in release 'I KNOW I KNOW I KNOW.... THIS JUST... WHY DOES IT SEEM SO WRONG... BUT FEEL SOOOOOO FUCKING GOOD. IT'S JUST TOO MUCH UNNFFF.' I had her in my grasp. "THAT'S IT my sweet piglet, let it ALL out!" She was on the verge of cumming, indescribably sexually frustrated, her brain being utterly penetrated and defeated by my devilish demands. 'HNGGG... YES, OH GOD YES I'LL BE YOUR PIG, I'LL BE YOUR HOG, FUCK FUCK FUCK, I'LL BE WHATEVER YOU WANT ME TO BE BABY. I NEEEEEEED IT.' And just like that she crammed the last fatty cake into her gaping maw and devoured it as if it was her last meal. "Such a good girl, I ALWAYS knew you would." 'MMMF NOW PLEASE, FUCK ME BABY, FUCK ME HARD. I NEEEEED IT!!!' "Haha, not yet my pathetic sow. Master needs his end away first... and you haven't even had dessert yet." She was squirming all over the place, grinding against the couch and trying ever so hard not to touch herself (which wasn't so easy as of late) as she knew I'd prevent her. I quickly went to the fridge and grabbed one of the many cans of whipped cream. Returning to my ex-girlfriend, now pet, I paused for a second to admire what I had created. That pretty little face I saw when she first smiled at me all those years ago was now covered in sweat as she moaned, encased in hundreds of pounds of excess lard. She never thought she'd ever get anywhere near as big as she was... and yet it was the thinnest she'd ever be again...

All of this manipulation and humiliation had given me a raging hard on, my cock like steel now I had achieved my goal. I popped the can off the cream and sprayed it all over my throbbing member then clicked my fingers. "Pudding is served, darling." She pathetically clambered off the sofa, like a toddler who'd just learned how to stand up for the first time. Her joints cracked and popped from the exertion and her heart was already pounding from the mental marathon she'd just ran. In stark contrast, now all she had to 'run' was a few steps to seal her fate. Shuffling forward through mixed tears of joy, fear, and overwhelming lust, she collapsed to her knees. "This is the point of no return piggy, no going back now. EAT." She hungrily gobbled on my cock sucking, slurping and trying to get every lick of cream she could. This is what she was made for. "I'M GOING TO MAKE YOU THE FATTEST FUCKING COW YOU'VE EVER SEEN, YOU THINK YOU'RE BIG NOW HAHAHA. I WANT YOU TWICE AS BIG... AND BEYOND. OINK FOR ME PIG." 'OINK SNORT SNORT, YES PLEASE, MMMMM.' I applied more cream as she continued to hang off my dick like her life depended on it... which in essence, it did now. "YOU WILL BE A LAZY FUCKING SOW, NO EXERCISE. NO OUTDOORS. THESE 4 WALLS ARE ALL YOUR COMPLETELY SEDENTARY LIFE IS FROM NOW ON. GOT IT?!" 'OHHHHH PLEASE YES YES I WON'T MOVE MY FAT ARSE OFF THE SOFA I PROMISE.' "IM GOING TO FUNNEL YOU PURE WEIGHT GAIN SHAKE CONCOCTIONS. COMBINED WITH CREAM, BUTTER AND LARD. SCHEDULED, AROUND THE CLOCK FEEDINGS. I WANT YOU CONSTANTLY PACKING ON AS MUCH BLUBBER AS YOUR POOR HEART WILL TAKE. NOW OINK FOR ME!!!" 'OHHHHHHH FUUUUUUUCK OINKOINKOINKOINKOINKOINK IM GOING TO GET SO FUCKING HUUUUUGE FOR YOUUU.'
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GrowingLoveH... 3 years
Excellent perverse erotica!