Peter parker: porker

chapter 2

Sunlight leaked in around the gaps around the curtains of Peter’s bedroom window. It was Saturday, so he didn’t have to get up for work, but the light wouldn’t let him sleep in any longer. He groaned and lifted himself up off the bed.

He grimaced as he yanked open the curtains, temporarily blinding himself. It was a beautiful day. Maybe it was the sun, or maybe because he felt well-rested, but the sadness he’d grown accustomed to didn’t feel quite so heavy this morning. Maybe he would take Dr. Langstaff’s advice and suit up and go for a swing. It had been almost two months since they’d had that conversation, and he still had yet to try it.

Walking across the room to the closet, Peter was quite aware of the additional heft in his belly since then. He figured that he’d probably put on another thirty pounds. The flesh around his middle swayed and shook as he walked.

He knew that he really had to get his eating under control. It just seemed whenever he thought about MJ he dropped into a deep, dark mood. It was like his insides just emptied out, and eating was the easiest way to fill the gap. It seemed like the only way. Unfortunately, it seemed like every day it took more and more food to fill that hole.

Peter opened the door to the closet, pushed the clothes hangers away to one side. There, near the back was his trusty old costume. He grabbed it, and went to slip in one foot. He nearly fell off balance – he wasn’t used to his belly getting in the way! He went back to his bed and sat on the edge while he pulled the suit up over his legs. Standing, he tugged it up along his thighs with a little difficulty. It caught along the way, and he had to work it over his thickened limbs. He tugged, then tugged some more.

“Ungh!” The suit was halfway up his thighs now, and Peter tugged harder – until he heard the sound of fabric tearing. “Oh no….”

The suit couldn’t even stretch enough to get over his expanded hips and butt, which shocked him. It was so stretchy, and his flesh was so soft, he thought he could squish it in. He sat down to remove it, then held it up to inspect the damage. The seam along the center of the seat had completely exploded.

“Dammit!” Peter exclaimed, and threw the suit into a nearby garbage can, knocking it over.

He stalked into the main room of his apartment. Pizza boxes and delivery food containers littered the place. He opened the lid of a pizza box, it was empty. He threw it across the room. He rummaged through a few containers, but they were empty, too. His anger seemed to fuel his hunger, and his stomach rumbled in response.

A quick inspection of the refrigerator proved fruitless. He slammed the door closed, when a advertisement on the fridge door caught his attention. It proclaimed, “Cheesecake Delivered to Your Door!”

Peter called the number. A cheerful voice asked if they could help.

“I’d like to order a slice of cheesecake for delivery,” he said. He stomach growled at him. “Actually, make it a full cheesecake.”

“Did you know that we have a special offer? If you buy 2 the 3rd one is free.”

“Fine, send three cheesecakes. And a chocolate milkshake, too. Extra-large.”
17 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 10 months
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Daver58 2 months
I'm going to die! Whats happening to Peter? lol
Jordi 3 months
Supergirl 1 year
Thanks for sticking with this long, seemingly never ending story! smiley I am going to do my best to bring this thing to a conclusion. Don't expect it to be predicatable, lol!
Daver58 1 year
Can't wait! I might die with impatience though!
Ptoot 1 year
Missed yer updates glad to see you're back
Pandorica Open 1 year
Spiderpig gets the best girl in the end!
Ptoot 1 year
This is the only reason I still visit this site, it's just so good to read. Seeing Peter swell up so much and being so led on by her... and the mystery of why this is still happening still. Love it
Ptoot 2 years
Oh wow didn't expect peter to get that big immediately but it was so hot
Jordi 2 years
Esperemos ver más de esto pronto
WhaleRiderAm... 2 years
Great story, well written, nice details, and very erotic. Added bonus for me was hearing Peter, May, MJ, and Felicia's voices in my head as the voice actors from the 90s cartoon XD
Supergirl 2 years
Sorry I only got one chapter done last year. Chapter 14 is the first chapter in 2022 - hopefully of many to come! I'd like to finish this story this year, honestly!
Jackiewaddle... 2 years
It’s worth the wait it’s one of my favourites 😊
Jordi 1 year
I hope you can't finish it this year, the story is going great!!
Stevita 2 years
This is awesome! I hope you continue!
Supergirl 3 years
New chapter 13 to start off 2021! Thank you for your patience.
Supergirl 3 years
Sorry for the delay folks. Just life, you know? But I am working on continuing this one now. Thank you for reading and for your patience!
Supergirl 4 years
Yes, it will continue! I have just been busy irl... thank you for your patience! Much more to come! smiley
Hurgon 4 years
Wow, you are an incredible writer! Love the Peter / Felicia contrast so much!
Built4com4t 4 years
Love it...chapter 11 definitely starting to bubble
Supergirl 4 years
Thank you for your comments, they are very much appreciated. As always, there is more to come!
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