Peter parker: porker

chapter 12

Peter layed on his bed, naked, on top of the sheets. He could feel sweat dripping down the curves and folds of his neck and his thighs. His breathing had finally returned to normal. He heard Felicia's footsteps, but couldn't see her because his belly blocked his view. She was next to the bed by the time he could see her, pulling her top back over her prominent breasts.

"I have to go Peter, but I had a really great time. I knew someone with your... appetite... would have a very talented tongue," she said, and winked.

Grunting, Peter struggled to sit up. Felicia placed a hand on the mountain of his stomach, gently pushing him back.

"Shhh, Petey, you stay here and rest."

He relaxed back onto the matress. She kissed his chubby cheek, before stepping away. He listened to her footsteps, and then the front door slam shut.

With some difficulty, Peter rolled his large body onto his left side, his big belly jiggling and flopping out beside him, reaching the edge of his bed. He exhaled deeply, exhausted just from the effort of shifting his bulk, quickly drifting off to sleep.


Peter woke a few hours later. As had become the norm, it took some time (and a few attempts) for him to get up from the bed. Naked, he waddled into the living area of his apartment. His phone blinked at him. There was a message from Felicia: "I thought you would be hungry, so I arranged something for you, Make sure you finish it all! F."

At that moment there was a knock at the door. Crap, Peter thought. He didn't have time to get any clothes on. He waddled toward the door. At least his hanging belly covered his genitals, he thought.

"Pizza delivery," the man at the door said. Then his eyebrows raised as he noticed the huge, fat, naked man in front of him. He handed over two large pizza boxes, mumbling, "um, pre-paid, including tip."

"Thanks," Peter grumbled, slamming the door shut while the delivery guy continued to stare, wide-eyed, his gaze fixated on Peter's belly.

Peter ambled back to the couch and dropped the pizza boxes on top of the collection of other fast food boxes covering the coffee table. He plopped down on the couch, pulled one of the boxes onto the makeshift table of his moobs, lifted the lid and hungrily started to deliver slices of the gooey, greasy pizza to his mouth.

It took Peter a little while to finish both pizzas. He started to slow a little as he finished the second box. Once done, he dropped the empty box onto the pile of disgarded pizza boxes, and sat for several minutes, resting his hands on the top of his large, heavy stomach. He almost started to nod off to sleep right there on the couch.

"The braclet!" Peter exclaimed, suddenly remembering the jewlery he'd intended to return to the police.

Stuggling off the couch, Peter moved to the table where he'd last seen the braclet. It wasn't there. He opened the table's drawer, but it wasn't there.

As he searched, he reflected that Felicia didn't actually respond to his request for her to return the stolen goods. Maybe he could be a possitive influence on her? If she really was falling for him the way she said she was...

Having exhausted the possible places the braclet could be, Peter's eyes drifted to the couch, and to the floor. "Well, if it's fallen under there, I guess I'm going to have to wait for someone to help me. Heck, I can't even tie my shoes on my own anymore! Maybe Felicia could help check under the couch?"


Peter walked along the sideway the next day, on his way to Nancy's Diner for some lunch. The outline of his huge gut was comically visible through his tight sweat pants and T-shirt.

"Peter! I was just coming to see you!"

Peter barely had time to look towards the sound before Felicia seemingly appeared beside him, wrapping both her lean, strong arms around Peter's much thicker, softer arm upper arm.

"So Petey, where are we going?" she said, smiling her perfect smile at him.

"I... I was just going to get something to eat-"

"Oh good!" Felicia exclaimed, hugging his arm tighter. "That sounds like fun! I hope you don't mind if I join you?"

"Of course not," Peter said.

Looking up into her beautiful eyes, Peter could hardly get his words out. She was so beautiful, she hardly seemed real. He still had trouble believing that she was interested in him in his current state.

Stepping into the diner the pair was met by a waitress. She obviously recognized Peter as soon as he came thru the door, but her face lit up with a smile when she saw he had a beautiful woman with him.

"Hi Peter! Table for two?" she asked.

"Yes, please, Martha."

The waitress led them to a table. Felicia followed behind Peter, admiring how his gait had turned into a waddle. Once seated, Martha stood smiling, waiting for their order.

"I'll have the usual, Martha," Peter said without looking at the menu. "What would you like, Felicia?"

"Just a garden salad, please. Can I have tuna on that?"

Martha nodded. "No problem. You're food will be ready in just a few minutes."

Alone, Felicia smiled at Peter, placing a hand on his upper arm. She squeezed the soft, yielding flab. Peter smiled an awkward smile. Felicia could tell he was still nervous, perhaps intimidated by her. She was used to that.

"So you come here regularly, huh, Petey?"

Peter nodded. "It's close, and their prices are pretty good... And they have generous portions."

Felicia grinned at that last statement, thinking to herself, I bet they do!

The food came surprisingly quickly. Peter's "usual" came out on six different plate. Felicia guessed that it was the equivalent of four normal entrees. But clearly Peter was not a "normal" eater. Peter immediately tucked in to his smorgashborg of a meal, swallowing it up with gusto, while Felicia observed with amusement, poking at her plate with a fork. Peter's marathon munching slowed toward the end, but he finished in a remarkably short time, by Felicia's judgement - more quickly than she had finished her little dish.

Peter leaned back in his seat and groaned quietly. His hands went to the sides of his huge gut and started to slowly rub. Felicia watched, mesmerized by the display of gluttony and its aftermath. After a few minutes of this Peter seemed to return to his senses. He noticed that Felicia had hardly touched her salad.

"I'm so sorry I ate so fast. I was really hungry."

"I could tell," Felicia said.

"Take as much time as you need to finish your meal, Felicia."

She pushed her plate away. "I'm not really hungry, Petey. But I think we should order dessert."

"Oh no," Peter replied, placing his hands on top of the huge mound of his stomach, "I am so full, I couldn't eat another bite."

Felicia grinned and waved at the waitress, who quickly came to her side. "Can we get some dessert? How about an apple pie and a coconut cream pie?"

"So you want two slices, one apple and one coconut cream," Martha said as she wrote on her note pad.

"No, not slices. Two whole pies, please."

Martha looked a little surprised. Her gaze bounced between Peter, looking a little shocked himself, and Felicia, who looked pleasant and calm.

"Really, Felicia, I can't eat any more right now," Peter said, leaning toward her as much as his bulk would allow, his voice just a whisper.

"That's ok, Petey. We'll get them to go."

She placed her palm gently against the flesh of his round, puffy cheek. She gave it a light pat, enjoying the way it caused the surrounding flesh to jiggle slightly at her touch.
17 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 10 months
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Likesmenwith... 4 years
Great theme. It is a slow but so some added details about more of the clothes not fitting or classmates noticing muffin-tops with older pants, inability to zip older pants forcing him to guy more. And definitely echo wanting to know MJ reaction or other
GrowingLoveH... 4 years
Nothing wrong with this "slow burn". I recall a scene in one of the movies. A neighbor girl gives him chocolate chip cookies. I always wondered what would happen if he gains weight. Your story explores that concept very well. Thanks.
Littleextra 4 years
Certainly enjoying this, thanks for posting it! I look forward to seeing Lisa's reaction to Peter's latest gain smiley
Supergirl 4 years
Any thoughts or constructive criticisms are very welcome! I realize this story is turning out to be a bit of a slow-burn... ?
Supergirl 4 years
Whew, correcting the punctuation formating manually was a real pain, but it's done for chapter 1... I need to rest before tackling chapter 2! smiley
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