Peter parker: porker

chapter 15

Dr. Lisa Langstaff was deep in concentration, her gaze focused on the computer monitor, when there was a knock at the door.

"Hi Doc, it's me, Peter."

"Come on in, Peter," Lisa said, and swivelled her chair around to face the door.

Peter's huge form waddled through the doorway. Lisa's eyebrows raised involuntarily. He was clearly even larger than the last time she'd seen him. His gait was slow and ponderous and he was breathing heavily. He wore a buttoned shirt and what looked like jeans, but which were clearly made of a stretchy material based on the way they clung to his giant curves like a second skin.

"H-have a seat," Lisa said, motioning to a heavy bench that she hoped was wide enough to accomodate Peter's substantial width.

A tall woman followed Peter into the room. Lisa was shocked by how beautiful she was. Her long, silver hair flowed around her her shoulders like a shimmering vale. Her tight, black skirt, knee-high boots and low-cut top only accentuated her beauty. She was so stunning that Lisa found it hard to devert her gaze.

"Um, Dr. Langstaff, this is my friend, Felicia," Peter said.

"It's very nice to meet you," Lisa said.

"Thank you, Doctor. And come now, Petey, I'm not just a friend - I'm your girlfriend." Felcia stood next to Peter with a hand on her shoulder.

"Yes, well," Lisa said, and cleared her throat. "How are you feeling, Peter?"

"He's just great," Felicia replied. She smiled at the doctor, running her hands through Peter's hair. "Aren't you sweety?"

"Well, uh, yeah, I guess I feel pretty good..."

"Your bloodwork is normal, and all of your test results are within normal parameters. So I would say you are in good health. There's just the matter of... well, your weight."

Peter nodded silently, making his cheeks jiggle.

"I mean, you're clearly larger than the last time I saw you, Peter. I know we don't have a way to weigh you, but I think-"

"Oh, I know how much he weighs," Felicia said, interrupting with a smile.

"You do?" Peter asked, looking up at Felicia, confused.

"Yes, Petey. We've been through the weighing station in the limo. Both with you, and without you. It's not totally accurate, but it's close."

"And... and what does he weigh?" Lisa asked.

Felicia smiled and ran her hand across Peter's expansive, soft chest. "About 530 lbs. Give or take."

Peter's mouth hung open in shock for a moment. "Really? That much?"

Felicia nodded, her expression enthusiastic.

"Oh my," Lisa said. "That is... very, very large."

"I know! Isn't he just the most gorgeous guy you've ever seen?" Felicia said, and bent down to kiss Peter on the lips.

Lisa frowned. "I know his tests show normal, but I am still concerned about his size. I mean, even just in terms of his ongoing mobility..."

"Now I won't hear a negative word about my beautiful boy's weight," Felicia said, her tone growing more stern. "As you said yourself, he is healthy. So what's the issue?"

Lisa looked from Felisha to Peter and back. She really wanted Peter to speak up for himself,but it quickly became clear he wasn't going to. She didn't want to reveal anything about Peter's secret identity in front of someone she didn't know or trust.

"There were certain... abilities... that Peter and I had discussed previously. Abilities that he hoped to regain, and would probably require him to lose a substantial amount of weight..."

"Abilities?" Felicia asked, confused for a moment. Then she smiled as she realized what Dr. Langstaff meant. "Oh, you mean Spider-Man. Don't worry, doc. I know all about Peter's other life."

Lisa's eyes flitted between Peter and Felicia. Peter's gaze was cast down to the floor.

"Quite frankly, I think it's for the best that Spider-Man is gone. I mean, just thinking about my poor Petey out there endangering his very life every day - and for what? For strangers! Good riddance, I say." Felicia placed her hands on Peters cheeks and turned his face so that their gaze met. "Tell me your life isn't better now. Our life. Indulging in whatever you want, as much as you want. All the time we spend together...." She raised an eyebrow. "The sex?"

Peter blushed, and nodded. Felicia leaned in slowly until their lips met. Lisa averted her eyes, becoming visibly uncomfortable. At the end of the long, passionate kiss Felicia raised herself to her full height and stared directly at Lisa Langstaff.

"Come on Peter, it's time for us to go," Felicia commanded.

Peter leaned forward and started the process of standing, which was not an easy one at his current size. He rocked forward, once, then again, his massive gut and moobs undulating beneath his tight clothes. Felicia took a strong stance and held out her hands to help. Peter grasped them and after several long seconds he was on his feet, breathing heavily again. Felicia moved toward the doorway and Peter followed dutily.

"You head on over to the elevator, I'll catch up," she said. Peter nodded and passed through the doorway, not questioning Felicia's orders in any way, and waddled out of view.

Felicia, scowling, stepped toward Lisa. Lisa stood from her seat just in time to be standing a few inches from the tall, voluptuous woman. Felicia was so tall, Lisa's eyeline fell on Felicia's ample cleavage. Lisa quickly tilted her neck to look into Felicia's eyes.

"Thank you for everything you've done for Peter. However, your services will no longer be required."

With that, Felicia turned and walked toward the open door.

"How can you encourage him to be so incredibly obese? Surely you must understand it can't be good for him, regardless of what his bloodwork says," Lisa called out.

Felicia swiveled at the threshold of the office, her mane of silky hair seeming to float in the air as she turned. "I didn't make Peter into a big fatty. He did that all by himself. I just happen to adore the new Peter, and I want him to reach his potential. I want him to experience as much happiness as he possibly can. Frankly, I'm just undoing the damage caused by that bitch he was married to. She wasn't interested in the real Peter at all."

Felicia, grinning, disappeared from view. Lisa listened to the sound of her boots fade along the hallway.

Falling back into her seat, Lisa sighed and shook her head.
17 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 10 months
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Likesmenwith... 4 years
Great theme. It is a slow but so some added details about more of the clothes not fitting or classmates noticing muffin-tops with older pants, inability to zip older pants forcing him to guy more. And definitely echo wanting to know MJ reaction or other
GrowingLoveH... 4 years
Nothing wrong with this "slow burn". I recall a scene in one of the movies. A neighbor girl gives him chocolate chip cookies. I always wondered what would happen if he gains weight. Your story explores that concept very well. Thanks.
Littleextra 4 years
Certainly enjoying this, thanks for posting it! I look forward to seeing Lisa's reaction to Peter's latest gain smiley
Supergirl 4 years
Any thoughts or constructive criticisms are very welcome! I realize this story is turning out to be a bit of a slow-burn... ?
Supergirl 4 years
Whew, correcting the punctuation formating manually was a real pain, but it's done for chapter 1... I need to rest before tackling chapter 2! smiley
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