Peter parker: porker

Chapter 16

Peter woke with a start. He was naked in bed, laying on his side, and immediately realized he was late for work. He struggled to shift his bulk up into a seated position. Felicia stepped into the room clad in her underwear.

"I could hear your grunting from the kitchen, Petey. Need some help getting up, lover?" she asked.

Peter groaned. "Yeah," he said, already out of breath, "I have to get to work... huff... I'm late."

Felicia put her hands on Peter's chest and shoulder and eased him back onto the bed. "Petey, it's okay. There's something I wanted to talk to you about."

She sat next to him, leaning up against his soft form. Peter turned his head to look at her, his neck rolls and cheek bulging with the movement.

With a sigh, Felicia began. "I've seen what a struggle it is for you to get to work each week. So I took the liberty of calling the school... They were very understanding. At your weight, you know, they would consider it a disability." Peter's eyes grew wide. "So... I told them that you wouldn't be coming in anymore."

"What?!" Peter excalimed.

"Oh please, Petey, don't be angry with me," Felicia said with a pout. "I just want what's best for you... and us."

Peter sputtered for a moment, unable to get the words out. "I can't believe you told my place of employment and told them I quit - without even talking to me about it!"

Felicia stood and placed her hands on her hips. "I understand why you're angry. I may have... overstepped my bounds a little with this. I'm sorry. But honestly, Petey, I have more than enough money for the both of us. I could pay your rent and your bills on top of mine, it wouldn't be a big deal." She leaned forward and took his chubby cheeks in her palms. "I want to take care of you, lover. I don't want to see you struggle or suffer."

She leaned forward and kiss his lips, pouting out as she pressed his puffing cheeks together. Peter could feel the stress and anxiety draining from him as they kissed, he reached forward and placed his hands on the lean, muscular sides of her torso as he felt her tongue against his. She was so intoxicating to him, he couldn't stay angry with her.

Perhaps a minute later (although to Peter is felt much longer) Felicia pulled away from Peter and stood in front of him. He was already getting a little out of breath. A concerned look came over his face.

"You know, I've never been to your apartment, Felicia."

She looked surprised. "Really?" She went to the dresser on the other side of the room and started to pull on her skirt and blouse. "Well, we'll just have to go over there, won't we? But right now I think we need to get you cleaned up and dressed. We have a reservation at Chez Louis."

Peter nodded and made an effort to launch his heavy bulk up from the matress. After a couple of attempts, Felicia came to his side and, putting her arms around his, helped his get to his feet.


An hour into their meal, Felicia sat with her elbows on the table, sipping on a glass of wine, while Peter was consuming his third entree. Felicia gazed at him admiringly, while Peter seemed completely focused on the food in front of him. His belly was so large and stuck out so far it was becoming challening for him to reach the table, so occassionally Felicia would help move a plate closer to the edge, or deliver a tasty morsel to his eager mouth.

Felicia looked up as she noticed a waiter pass by. She raised a hand, and he joined her at her side. "Next I think my sweetheart with have the half-chicken dinner, with a side of mashed potatoes. Actually, make that two servings of mashed potatoes, with lots of gravy, please."

"Yes, right away," the waiter said with a nod, and hurried away.

Felicia gently squeezed a handful of Peter's squishy upper arm. "You're still hungry, right Petey?"

Peter nodded, his mouth still full. His cheeks and double chin shook with the movement. He didn't pause at all, continuing to stuff food into his mouth, chewing and swallowing.

As Peter continued to gobble up the contents of his plate and the next order was being placed on the table, he noticed a figure moving toward them. At first it was a silouhette, obscured by the dim lighting of the restaurant. Then, as it stepped into the light, he could see the glimmer of long, red hair. Peter's chewing slowed as the figure drew closer to the table and came into focus.

"Mary Jane..." Peter muttered, his mouth still full, spitting bits of food.

"Good grief, Peter," Mary Jane said,glaring at her nearly unrecognizable ex, "what has she done to you?" Her eyes darted between Peter and Felicia.

Peter sat, frozen in place - partly in shock, but also feeling too full and heavy to move himself from his seat in any way that wouldn't be embarrassingly awkward. He almost felt like he was in a dream. Felicia was suddenly on her feet, standing between MJ and himself. Peter also noticed there was a figure just behind MJ, a tall man. He was handsome, and looked to have a muscular, althetic build. It dawned on Peter that he must have been MJ's new partner.

"Listen, Red," Felicia said, her voice filled with venom, "I'll have you know that Petey here had become a great, big butterball long before he got together with me. YOU'RE the reason he ate himself into big fat-fatty! You broke his kind, gentle, good little heart! I've shown Peter nothing but love and affection. I've embraced who he has become."

MJ seemed frozen, a look of shock on her face. Felicia stood definantly, hands on her hips. Eventually, MJ's eyes moved back to Peter.

"Goodbye, Peter. I hope you're happy." MJ turned to her companion and with a nod they turned and walked away.

Relaxing, Felicia turned her attention back to Peter. Seeing the full plates of food on the table, her demeanor shifted. She looked at Peter with a broad smile.

"I certainly hope that bit of drama didn't upset your appetite, Petey dear? Let's finish up all these yummy goodies," Felicia said.

And before Peter could even respond, Felicia was spooning mouthfuls of creamy mashed potatoes smothered in gravy into Peter's open mouth.
17 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 10 months
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Likesmenwith... 4 years
Great theme. It is a slow but so some added details about more of the clothes not fitting or classmates noticing muffin-tops with older pants, inability to zip older pants forcing him to guy more. And definitely echo wanting to know MJ reaction or other
GrowingLoveH... 4 years
Nothing wrong with this "slow burn". I recall a scene in one of the movies. A neighbor girl gives him chocolate chip cookies. I always wondered what would happen if he gains weight. Your story explores that concept very well. Thanks.
Littleextra 4 years
Certainly enjoying this, thanks for posting it! I look forward to seeing Lisa's reaction to Peter's latest gain smiley
Supergirl 4 years
Any thoughts or constructive criticisms are very welcome! I realize this story is turning out to be a bit of a slow-burn... ?
Supergirl 4 years
Whew, correcting the punctuation formating manually was a real pain, but it's done for chapter 1... I need to rest before tackling chapter 2! smiley
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