Peter parker: porker

Chapter 17

Felicia leaned against the wall, arms crossed under her breasts, and admired Peter with a warm smile. He was seated on the couch, his great girth covering two thirds of its width. He was clad in a massive pair of jogging pants and a t-shirt that was so tight it showed off every bulge, roll and fold of fat. The shirt was just barely long enough to cover his enormous tummy. If he reached up, it would surely bare some tummy flesh.

His thighs were spread wide, attempting to allow his belly some space to drop down between them. Those thighs were so thick, it wasn't much help. The huge gut covered most of them, bulging over the end of his puffed-out, invisible knees. That belly had grown so large that it made Peter's arms look positively tiny, unable to reach around it now. When he stretched his arms out as far as he could, his sausage-like fingertips were more than a foot away from reaching either side of his cavernous belly button. Perched on top of that huge sack of blubber were two smaller, soft, squishy pillows of fat - breasts that, with Peter's lack of chest hair, looked surprisingly feminine to Felicia. She'd tried to measure his tits before, just for fun, but it was hard with his rolls of back fat and all. The best she could guess was that his chest was larger than an H-cup, if she were to find a bra to fit them. They'd grown so large that when he laid on his back, his breasts fell backward around the flesh of his neck, seeming to almost choking off his airway. His face was hugely puffed out, too. His neck was completely buried now, so much pudge had accumulated around it. Even his once superhumanly-strong, firmly muscled arms were unrecognizable. His upper arms had grown thicker than Felicia's waist, and without a hint of muscle tone beneath the deep inches of fleshy cushioning.

Felicia's eyes traced the long, wide curves of Peter's form. He had a bowl of mashed potatoes in one hand, balanced on one breast, while his other hand carried spoonfuls, dripping with gravy into his waiting mouth. He was so massive now. She guessed he must be almost 600 lbs by now.

"What do you want to do today, lover?" Felicia asked.

Peter swallowed the food in his mouth, and paused. "I still haven't been to your apartment, you know."

Felicia lit up. "Yes, you're right!" She went to the counter and picked up her phone and started texting. "You are so right, Petey - I don't know why we've waited so long. You're going to love my place! I'm just sending a message to my driver, he'll be here by the time you're done your snack."


Felicia's huge, long, black limo pulled up in front of a building Peter wasn't familiar with. The limo was pefect for someone of Peter's physique; Based on the extended chassis of some kind of SUV, it had two sliding doors that helped accomodate Peter's expanded width. The driver pressed a button, opening the double doors, and Felicia quickly slid out from her seat. She stood and watched as the driver helped Peter sidle off his seat, and step down without loosing his balance while his flesh undulated over his body with every movement.

"Come, Petey, let's go in," Felicia said, once Peter was sure of his footing and had almost caught his breath.

Felicia takes his hand and leads him up the four steps to the front door. Peter is already breathing heavily by the time they step into the foyer, through large doors held open by doormen.

"Wow," Peter whispered, his gaze dancing from one side of the massive hall to the other. It looked luxurious, with marble floors and beauiful woodwork everywhere, including the vaulted ceiling. "You live here?"

Felicia giggled and nodded.

The marble floors, the vaulted ceiling - the staff wearing uniforms, looking very official. Peter was amazed. It was all so oppulent.

"It looks like a hotel," Peter said.

Felicia led him to the large bank of elevators. When the elevator arrived, Peter followed Felicia in and she pressed a button for the top floor.

"I don't know how much longer - huff - I can stay on my feet," Peter said.

"Don't worry, Petey, we're almost there, and you can have a seat and give those poor feet of yours a rest."

The elevator arrived at the penthouse floor, and opened into a hallway that was every bit as opulent as the lobby. The hallway led to a single door. Peter noticed the door was about a third wider than a normal door. Felicia walked ahead and keyed a code into a panel on the wall, and the door clicked open in response.

"Come on, lover, welcome to my home," Felicia said, grinning.

Peter waddled past the threshold and entered into a vast open space larger than his entire appartment. It had all of the trappings of an average living room - a couch, chairs, tables, a TV mounted on one wall - but everything was spread out further with ample distance between them. Everything looked immaculate. Peter was so in awe of his surroundings that he realized that Felica was giving him a tour, and he was missing it.

"...and the kitchen is through there, just in the next room. That bathroom over there is the one you should use, it can accomodate your... girth," she said, punctuating it with a giggle. "That hallway, over there, takes you to my bedroom. We'll explore that later, won't we?" She giggled again. "The other hallway, there, leads to the gym and the other bedrooms."

Peter continued to look around the room in amazement, teporarily forgeting how tired his legs were becoming. "Wow," was all he managed to say. He shuffled his bulk over to the couch (the chairs were clearly too small to accomodate his width), and dropped down heavily on the seat. Peter sighed with relief as he rested his hands on the table that his stomach formed.

Felicia stepped lightly, practically leaping onto the couch next to him, seeming weightless in comaprison. She giggled and hugged him. "Oh Petey, you do get tired so easily these days, don't you?" She kissed his cheek. "So what do you think of my place?"

"I - I'm amazed, Felicia... It's beautiful! But how can you possibly afford this?"

"Listen, Petey, I know you frown on my past as a burglar. And I haven't been out as the Black Cat since we've been together. You know that! But to be honest, I don't really needto make money from stealing anymore - I was just doing it for the thrill! My investment portfolio provides enough to pay for all of this," she said, and waved her hand in the air.

Peter looked into Felicia's beautiful, pale eyes. "I don't understand... Why did you always come to my crummy little apartment? Why didn't we just come here months ago?"

"Aw, Petey," Felicia said, smiling sweetly and placing a hand on his soft, chubby cheek. "I wanted you to be comfortable. I don't care what the furniture looks like, or if there is cleaning staff. I just wanted to be with you, and I wanted you to know that."

Still looking a little confused, Peter nodded. "Ok, sweetheart, I guess I understand. And I am very, very impressed. Amazed, even."

"Well I guess I should introduce you to my staff," Felicia announced, rising from the couch.

"Staff?" Peter said, his voice betraying his bewilderment.

"Guter! Rolf! Can you come here, please?" Felicia shouted.

From the hallway that led to the gym and secondary bedrooms came two men. They looked almost like twins, both at least 6-foot-3, with short-cropped blonde hair and square jaws. Their builds were very similar, with the physiques of bodybuilders - wide shoulders, thick necks, giant arms and chest muscles, tapering down to narrow waists. This was easy to see, as the only item of clothing either of them wore was a cross between a black G-string and a cod piece.

"These are... your... staff?!" Peter asked, eyebrows raised.

"Yes, Petey," Felicia replied, cheerily. She walked to one of the blonde hunks (Peter didn't know which was Rolf or which was Gunter), and wrapped one arm around his waist, the other over his shoulder. "They do everything for me - take care of my apartment, run all my errands. And they're here for you, too, babe." Felicia rested her head on Gunter's thick shoulder.

Peter glanced from one mostly-naked giant man to the other, marvelling at their chiselled physiques. Strong, thick pectoral muscles, defined abs, muscular legs. Peter's fingers pressed lightly into the huge mound of flesh that covered his lap and pushed his soft breasts into his thick, hanging chin. He suddenly felt very aware of the incredible amount of fat that encased his body.

"Um, hi fellas. Nice to meet you."
17 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 10 months
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Daver58 2 months
I'm going to die! Whats happening to Peter? lol
Jordi 3 months
Supergirl 1 year
Thanks for sticking with this long, seemingly never ending story! smiley I am going to do my best to bring this thing to a conclusion. Don't expect it to be predicatable, lol!
Daver58 1 year
Can't wait! I might die with impatience though!
Ptoot 1 year
Missed yer updates glad to see you're back
Pandorica Open 1 year
Spiderpig gets the best girl in the end!
Ptoot 1 year
This is the only reason I still visit this site, it's just so good to read. Seeing Peter swell up so much and being so led on by her... and the mystery of why this is still happening still. Love it
Ptoot 2 years
Oh wow didn't expect peter to get that big immediately but it was so hot
Jordi 2 years
Esperemos ver más de esto pronto
WhaleRiderAm... 2 years
Great story, well written, nice details, and very erotic. Added bonus for me was hearing Peter, May, MJ, and Felicia's voices in my head as the voice actors from the 90s cartoon XD
Supergirl 2 years
Sorry I only got one chapter done last year. Chapter 14 is the first chapter in 2022 - hopefully of many to come! I'd like to finish this story this year, honestly!
Jackiewaddle... 2 years
It’s worth the wait it’s one of my favourites 😊
Jordi 1 year
I hope you can't finish it this year, the story is going great!!
Stevita 2 years
This is awesome! I hope you continue!
Supergirl 3 years
New chapter 13 to start off 2021! Thank you for your patience.
Supergirl 3 years
Sorry for the delay folks. Just life, you know? But I am working on continuing this one now. Thank you for reading and for your patience!
Supergirl 4 years
Yes, it will continue! I have just been busy irl... thank you for your patience! Much more to come! smiley
Hurgon 4 years
Wow, you are an incredible writer! Love the Peter / Felicia contrast so much!
Built4com4t 4 years
Love it...chapter 11 definitely starting to bubble
Supergirl 4 years
Thank you for your comments, they are very much appreciated. As always, there is more to come!
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