Marooned (finished)

  By Cggo

chapter 11


The seriousness of the situation began to dawn on Lucile as the panic in the voices around her reached a crescendo. When she heard a flight attendant yell, “Everyone! Unfasten your seatbelt and make your way to the nearest exit!” she unbuckled and joined the small throng in the aisle.

The creaking of the plane and the rushing water noise did nothing to calm Lucile or the other passengers. The milling of bodies in the aisle got more intense as passengers from coach started moving forward. It quickly turned to pressing as the attendants struggled with the hatch at the exit. Lucile was about to complain loudly when a wrenching sensation shook the whole plane. Water rushed in, and she was swept away.


Lucile had a dream where she was back home, being given everything she wanted, Just before it ended, the owner of the island showed up and demanded she obey him. Before she could think, a “Yes, Master” escaped her lips. He then commanded her ass to grow, and amazingly enough, it did. It expanded rapidly until it started knocking down the walls of her family mansion, at which point she woke up.

She managed to sit up, but only part-way. Though not so big as to destroy buildings, her butt and hips were wide enough to keep her from doing simple things without help, like sitting up straight, standing, or even walking. She waved impatiently at the two androids in the alcove, and they immediately came over and helped her to her feet.

Lucile could not escape the grotesque form that she saw in the large mirror on the wall. Her hips were just passing five feet wide, nearly as big as she was tall. It felt as if she’d be brushing the sides of the double doorways any day now. Her huge round butt cheeks were larger than the largest yoga ball in any gym. They stuck out about four feet behind her, and merged with her fat thighs to form an only slightly saggy heart shape. She had a large belly now - enough to cover her legs mostly to the knees while standing - and her breasts would have seemed really huge if not for the bottom-heavy body they were attached to.

She then looked over at the only thing that made her happy anymore - the image of a man she’d never met, but had imagined and dreamt of being with countless times. The owner of this island was a handsome man, and extremely powerful, as far as Lucile could tell. She could only hope that the ordeals she had suffered would end in finally being with him.

Sighing, she asked the robots to find her something to wear, and watched as one of them walked to the closet, and returned with...nothing. “What?!” Lucile wondered, before realizing it must have meant there were no clothes in the closet that were large enough to fit her properly. She had to admit that what she’d been wearing the day before was rather tight in most places, and today she must have crossed a line in the robot’s programming or something. “Out of my way!” she screamed, but was unable to enter the closet due to her gargantuan ass. Sighing, she grabbed the bed sheet, and wrapped it around her. It did an adequate job of covering everything except her butt cheeks.

She needed help from the two androids to get out into the living area and to sit down on the simply enormous sturdy sofa. Her hips had lightly brushed the jamb on both sides of the double door, so that journey would become an even greater problem soon.

Once Lucile was settled, other androids came in with a table full of breakfast foods. She thought about the doorway and didn’t feel like eating,but then caught a glimpse of the second portrait of the owner that she had won in one of the numerous contests. Just one look at him and she knew that he’d want her to eat, so she dug in and consumed her fill, which at this point was nearly the entire table’s worth.

Once the robots had cleared away the table, there was a knock on the door. “Why do you bother knocking, Colton? You know I…” She was stunned into silence because the person who opened the door wasn’t Colton. It was him.

Lucile gasped, and her eyes went from the man to the portrait, and back to the man. It was truly the owner of this island, right here in the flesh. She shivered a little at the thought of all the power he possessed, and yet he chose to take time to visit her. “Hello…” was all she managed to get out.

The Boss smiled and replied, “Why hello, Lucile. I’ve been watching you for quite some time, and I have to say, I am impressed! You have the finest ass I’ve ever seen.”

Lucile’s fice turned bright red. She never expected to meet him in person, let alone him use such direct language. Automatically, she said, breathlessly, “Thank you…”

He sat down in the chair next to her that one of the androids had just placed. “It’s positively the biggest and most beautiful ass I’ve ever encountered, which is why I had to come see you. You see, I would like to make love to it.”

If Lucile could blush any more, she would have. She looked away from him for a moment before saying, “Um...I don’t…”

Putting a finger to her lips silenced her rambling. “I want to be inside your ass so badly, Lucile! It would make me so happy.” Lifting her chin so she was looking him in the eye, he added, “You want to make me happy, don’t you?”

Dumbfounded, she muttered, “Yes.” Then her voice found itself again and she said louder, “Yes!” Smiling at the Boss, she nodded eagerly.

She needed help from the androids to stand, go around to the back of the sofa and lean over it. She felt his hand caressing one immense butt cheek before hearing the sound of a zipper being undone. Soon after she gasped as she felt something slide in between her cheeks. “Oh, this is a wonderful ass!” she could hear the Boss say as the inserted object started sliding in and out. Her ass was so huge that the tip was only able to brush against her anus, but that caused Lucile to shudder and moan.

After a while, the Boss reached his climax, and Lucile felt a warm sensation between her cheeks as he released deep inside the crevasse. At that moment, she had an intense orgasm, even though he’d never actually penetrated her. She was still trying to catch her breath as the Boss came around in front of her, naked from the waist down, his large member already stirring back to life.

He announced, “Okay, now the front.” The androids responded and helped Lucile move to a huge settee, upon which she was laid back once she sat down. As he moved into position she could see his manhood was fully at attention. He signalled to two of the robots to spread her legs, and he penetrated her vaginally. Without a word he started grinding his hips and kept doing it until he arrived at another orgasm. Lucile hardly had time to build up again, but managed to climax as he did.

Smiling, he said, “That was well worth the wait for you to get as massive as you are. I bet it will be even better the bigger you get!” He gave one of her breasts a tweak and walked out of the room.

Lucile was stunned as she finally caught her breath. The androids helped her back around to the front of the sofa and sit down.

Colton had been watching the proceedings on a monitor. He then turned to the status screen, which read, “Day 242: Anaisha: 5’7” 924, Lucile: 5’5” 843, Tia: 5’10” 856” 2,623 pounds, well over the one metric ton he’d required. Even though he’d calculated that some of the girls were nearing their upper limit, he knew his employer would order him to try anyway.

With his usual emotionless expression he considered what that might entail.
16 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 2 years
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BootyProotie 4 years
As cool as the story is I can't help but think of epstein....
Rickeb 4 years
Just short of a metric ton.
Theswordsman 4 years
I could be wrong but im pretty sure they weigh more then a ton combined
Maxis192 4 years
Lucile or Anaisha - who is the shortest?
Chubbypup 4 years
A tropical island where there's nothing to do but feed and fuck? This woman is living a fantasy and trying to escape!
Karenjenk 4 years
I really like this.
tricked and forced
and you write really well. descriptive