Marooned (finished)

  By Cggo

chapter 12


Tia was underwater, but she fortunately had taken a deep breath before going under. She could see pieces of the plane go by her on the way to the bottom. All in all, it was a pretty grim sight.

Managing to avoid panic, she pulled the release on the raft and held on to the strap. She emerged a few seconds later and gasped for air. She climbed her lithe form into the raft. Resting there for a moment, she then sat up and started looking for other people.


Tia woke with the trapped feeling she usually had. In order to keep the massive weight of her tits off of her chest for breathing purposes, her bed had to be replaced with one that inclined a bit. Of course, this meant they were over her lower torso and lap, often pinning her arms to her sides.

The two androids sensed that she was awake, and went over to help extricate Tia from the bed. Mostly the help came in the form of each robot lifting a breast, taking their weight off of her so she could move. Once she was sitting, they gently lowered them on the bed.

As usual when she woke up, Tia was extremely horny, and could think of very little but her first morning session. She got one of the robots to go to her drawer to select the largest dildo that she had acquired in those stupid contests. In the meantime, she tried to reach her nipples to give them some relief, but between the size of her breasts and the thickness of her arms, she hadn’t been able to accomplish that in a while.

She took the dildo and reached under her belly to do her business. It was getting harder and harder to do this as she gained more weight. As she moaned from pleasuring herself, she considered whether she’d need to tell one of the androids to do this, but the idea was just too weird for her to dwell on. Soon she came, and had the androids help her to stand.

The image that greeted her in the wall-sized mirror always looked like what she might see in a funhouse. Her breasts were each nearly four feet wide, and though they were still quite round, their sheer weight was dragging them toward the floor. They rested heavily on a belly that hung down almost to her knees, and was in turn nearly covered by her mammoth tits.While her ass and legs were big by normal standards, they were dwarfed by her other features. Her arms were thicker than her legs now, making it difficult to even move them. Her face had also received a lot of the gains, Her cheeks were so fat it looked like she was holding her breath all the time, and her neck had developed into a huge triple chin that hung down heavily and almost brushed the top of her breasts.

She looked at herself in disgust and said, simply, “Clothes.” One of the androids went into the closet and returned with nothing at all. “What the…?” It was then she realized that there were no longer any clothes in the closet that fit her. “Oh, you’ve got to be kidding me.”

Moving into the living room without a bra was a bigger challenge than Tia could have imagined. Instead of holding her up by her fat arms, the androids carried her breasts. She had to go through the double doors sideways as usual, but this time the robots looked like they were moving a couch. She eventually made it through and arrived at her sofa out of breath. Se sat down with help, and the two robots carrying her breasts set them down gently on the four-inch-high concave stands to either side.

Once she was settled, the androids brought in the table full of food and set it before her. Tia sighed. She used to fight this with every fiber of her being, but now she was always so hungry...that and aroused. On cue, she worked the phallus she had carried in from the bedroom and started again to move it in and out of her. With the other hand she started to stuff her face, aided often by the androids.

Once she had her fill of food and orgasmed from the other activity, the robots moved the table away. The door to the hall opened, and instead of Colton like Tia had expected, a distinguished looking man entered. “Good morning, Tia. We haven’t formally met. I am the owner of this island and everything on it.”

Tia didn’t like the sound of that last bit, as if he was implying that she was part of that. “So you’re the perverted asshole who did this to me, huh?”

“Well, I wouldn’t use those terms, and technically, you did this to yourself.” As Tia fumed silently, he continued, “I’ve been watching your exploits for a while, and I must say I’m impressed by the amount of times you need to pleasure yourself every day.”

Tia’s face filled with blood at the thought of someone having watched her using those dildos on herself. She wondered if he knew that she still had the one inside her from breakfast. “Listen, I…”

“I’ve decided I want you to pleasure yourself in my presence, but in a specific way.” He snapped his fingers and an android brought in an insanely large dildo. It was almost as tall as the Boss was, and as big around as one of his legs.

Tia gaped at the enormous phallic object with a combination of disbelief, fear and lust. “There is no way that will fit inside me.”

“Oh heavens no, of course not! That’s what those are for.” He gestured toward one android who was carrying two dildos that, while large, were much closer to human limits. “This one is to be put between your wonderful tits.”

Tia gaped at him, uncertain what to say. The thought of doing what he suggested was, well, quite arousing, but also demeaning. Two forces battled inside her, keeping her silent.

The Boss could see the conflict within her. “Oh, come on,” he said, seductively. “You beat off all the time. And you know, deep down, you’ve always wanted an audience.”

She did, the only thing better in her hormone-addled mind than getting off would be to put on a show. But she wanted to resist, so with her last bit of resolve she said, “I can barely move…”

“Easily remedied.” He snapped his fingers again, and two of the androids lifted her immense tits from their resting places and led her by them to the enormous dildo. They maneuvered her mammaries to either side of it until it was resting comfortably in her vast cleavage. As she began to writhe against it, the robots lifted and lowered her breasts to match her movements. At this point two other androids each grasped a nipple in their smooth hands and stroked them. Tia nearly screamed out a moan. It had been so long since she’d been able to touch them, so she hadn’t realized how much more sensitive they’d gotten in the meantime. Two other robots brought the other dildos around, and began to pound both her pussy and ass at the same time.

This went on for a time which to Tia seemed like forever. Lost in the sensations and her own arousal, she almost didn’t notice when she had her orgasm. It was easy to tell by an outside observer though, as she stopped gyrating and just shuddered, nearly falling down. The androids helped her keep her feet, and then got her situated on the sofa once she was mostly done her climax.

“See? All you needed was an audience!” With that the Boss turned and left the room.

Colton watched the door close on the monitor, and then turned to the status screen, which read, “Day 244: Anaisha: 5’7” 927, Lucile: 5’5” 845, Tia: 5’10” 858” As before, Colton calculated that they were likely nearing a plateau, and end up at the weight they’d be for the rest of their lives.

Like a sentinel, Colton stood. And watched.
16 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 2 years
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BootyProotie 4 years
As cool as the story is I can't help but think of epstein....
Rickeb 4 years
Just short of a metric ton.
Theswordsman 4 years
I could be wrong but im pretty sure they weigh more then a ton combined
Maxis192 4 years
Lucile or Anaisha - who is the shortest?
Chubbypup 4 years
A tropical island where there's nothing to do but feed and fuck? This woman is living a fantasy and trying to escape!
Karenjenk 4 years
I really like this.
tricked and forced
and you write really well. descriptive