Marooned (finished)

  By Cggo

chapter 13


Anaisha was panicked as she floundered under the water, trying to figure out which way was up. It was dark, but occasionally there were flashes of light, the causes of which she didn’t want to think about.

Just as she was about to give up and let the ocean take her, a hand reached down into the water. She grabbed it, and was pulled up to the surface where there was air to breathe. She saw the yellow of a life raft next to her, and she scrambled up into it.


Anaisha awoke to a feeling she didn’t like, one that she felt the strongest at this time of day. She frowned at the slightly empty feeling from having slowly digested her food while she slept. There was one cure for that, she thought, and reached out her hand. An android had anticipated this motion and met her hand with a plate full of finger foods. To an average person this would have been a large meal, but to her it was a snack to tide her over until breakfast.

Once she was done, Anaisha got up, with the help of two of the robots, and looked at herself in the mirrored section of her bedroom wall. She was positively massive, Though she had gained weight fairly evenly, she still had managed to accumulate the most in her gargantuan belly. It stuck out in front of her a few feet, and hung below her knees while standing. Her breasts were over a foot in diameter, resting heavily on the upper curve of her gut. Her but was in a similar condition, though they couldn’t be seen except for directly from behind due to cover from her love handles.

While she wasn't terribly pleased with how she looked, she wasn’t angry or grossed out either. It was what it was, and at least she got to keep the emptiness away through food. With a resigned sigh, she said, “Clothes, please.” One of the androids went into the closet and returned with...nothing.

Anaisha didn’t know what to make of that, but she didn’t want to spend too much effort working it out, and she was starting to get hungry again. She waddled out to the living room (with the aid of two robots) not caring that she was naked. They helped her sit on a couch and another two brought a table and set it before her.

But something was wrong. Instead of piled high with breakfast foods, it barely had one plate - as much as her snack from earlier. Slightly panicked, she downed what food was there in record time.

The robots cleared away the table, leaving Anaisha starting to get that hollow feeling. It persisted as they just let her sit there, not helping her up, even if she asked. The emptiness grew, until finally the door opened and in walked a man. He was tall and fit, and dressed in a business suit, so it only made sense when he introduced himself as the owner of the island.

“You are very special, Anaisha, do you know that?”

“Well, sir, every person is special, correct?”

The Boss chuckled and replied, “I suppose so. But you are special in a particular way. I am especially impressed by the amount you can eat at one go. It is truly astounding!” He smiled a disarming smile while looking at her huge belly.

“Thank you for the compliment? I guess? But really, I just eat what I eat.”

“Would you help me test something? I want to see just how much you can take in. So I need to give you a feeding tube and then we can measure exactly.”

‘But, why?”

“Well, I think you really like to feel full, so why not know how much that takes? You must feel so empty now…”

Anaisha did feel empty, and the loss of her dearest Rajit had crept back in to the back of her mind. She longed to feel the comfort of a full belly again. Slowly, she closed her eyes and nodded.

“Excellent!” The Boss clapped and androids moved in. They arranged Anaisha on a reclining settee and put a tube down her throat. Then the Boss personally opened the valve to a large clear jug filled with a viscous substance. It slid down the tube and into Anaisha’s stomach. As she felt it start to fill her nearly empty belly, she began to relax in the comforting feeling it gave her.

After a while, the Boss looked at the markings on the outside of the jug and exclaimed, “You’re almost to a gallon! Incredible!” The robots occasionally massaged her stomach to allow for more room. Anaisha just kept moaning contentedly.

Some time later, the flow of the substance stopped, indicating Anaisha was at her limit. As the androids removed the tube, the Boss examined the markings. “Outstanding! You passed one and a half gallons. I’m sure we can get it to two in no time!” Looking at the beached whale in front of him, he asked with a touch of awe, “Would you mind if I rubbed some lotion on your magnificent belly?”

For an instant, Anaisha was shocked. But then she realized she’d actually been naked in his presence this whole time, so she didn’t see the further harm. Nodding, she said, “My belly only, please.”

“Of course, my dear.” then, as the robots applied oil and moved her breasts out of the way, he began to almost worshipfully rub the oil gently onto the expanse of skin enclosing her gargantuan midsection. It took a long time, both due to the surface area and the care he was taking. By the time the last of it was covered, Anaisha was starting to get hungry again. Though she had enjoyed the attention, the approaching emptiness began to cover those feelings.

The Boss was aware of her slow change in expression. “That awful empty feeling again?” At her nod he continued, “What would you say if I told you I could ensure you’d never feel that again?”

Anaisha was hopeful, but didn’t know what to think. “You can?”

The Boss nodded and held forth large marble that one of the androids gave him. He explained, “The marble we gave you all those months ago isn’t doing its job anymore. Your stomach has simply outgrown its ability to expand. This here is a new and improved model, which is able to expand much farther. But instead of periodic sessions of painful stretching, this baby will apply constant pressure, and all you will feel is a sensation of fullness. All the time. Does that sound like something you’d like?”

Anaisha wasted no time, she nodded vigorously and opened her mouth. Smiling, the Boss helped her swallow it, with the aid of some water. Once it was in her stomach, it expanded, and soon that empty feeling went away completely. Almost weeping, she looked at the Boss and said, “Thank you.”

Smiling he said, “Well, perhaps to thank me I can come by and tend to that wonderful belly from time to time.” With that he left the room just before robots started to come in with another meal. As a force of habit, Anaisha dug in with gusto.

On a monitor, Colton watched the proceedings and turned to a display which read, “Day 248: Anaisha: 5’7” 934, Lucile: 5’5” 849, Tia: 5’10” 863”. He wondered when his employer’s desires would be sated, considering he’d acquired his “ton of girls” 446 pounds ago. He concluded that only time would tell and went back to watching the monitors.
16 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 2 years
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BootyProotie 4 years
As cool as the story is I can't help but think of epstein....
Rickeb 4 years
Just short of a metric ton.
Theswordsman 4 years
I could be wrong but im pretty sure they weigh more then a ton combined
Maxis192 4 years
Lucile or Anaisha - who is the shortest?
Chubbypup 4 years
A tropical island where there's nothing to do but feed and fuck? This woman is living a fantasy and trying to escape!
Karenjenk 4 years
I really like this.
tricked and forced
and you write really well. descriptive