Marooned (finished)

  By Cggo

chapter 10


Tia tried to keep calm as she sat back up amid the raised, panicked voices and the sound of rushing water. She then heard a flight attendant yell, “Everyone! Unfasten your seatbelt and make your way to the nearest exit!” After that, there was a general panic and people got up and crowded the aisles.

Tia tried to get to the girl across the aisle, but was unable as she was swept along forward. When she passed an attendant station, she extricated herself from the flow of people and started to search the cabinets. When she found what she was looking for, she pulled the large yellow bundle out that she hoped was a raft, and was prepared to re-enter the aisle. Before she could, the fuselage broke apart, and water swept her away.


Tia awoke with a start and tried to sit up. She immediately became aware that she couldn’t due to the enormous orbs attached to her chest. She had to push hard with her arms behind her to finally force those things to roll on to her lap.

She sighed as one of her mammoth tits began to slowly slide off of the edge of the bed. She knew she’d be stuck if it fell to the floor, so she started to pull against it. It was a losing battle, so eventually she had to say, “Help me.”

Just then an android stepped out of a corner and held out a hand to stop her wayward breast, and extended the other for her to take. She grabbed its hand with both of hers and it pulled her to a standing position. Once she was vertical, Tia waddled over to the dresser and opened the top drawer. Inside were a variety of dildos that she’d won in various challenges since that first one three months ago. Choosing one of the larger ones, she rested her breasts on the bed and started to use it. When Colton started leaving one of his robots in her room to help her do the basic things that were becoming harder and harder - like just getting up out of bed - Tia was a little nervous about masterbating in front of it. But she soon got accustomed to its presence, and it’s not like it ever turned to watch her or reacted in any way.

Once she was finished, Tia went into the bathroom to shower, and had to get help again to enter the stall safely. Her mammoth tits nearly took up the entire stall, but she knew if that day came there would be a larger bathroom in her future. It already happened once before.

After she got dried off (with help), Tia lumbered back to her dresser, selected a different phallus and went to work again. Most days she found she was so horny she needed two sessions before breakfast time. These sessions became part of her routine fairly easily, since the treatments Colton administered had gone from monthly to weekly recently.

As the android helped her dress, Tia looked at how gross her body had become since being imprisoned in the mansion. Of course her breasts dominated her frame, two large heavy bean bag chairs hanging off her chest. They covered her fat belly, which in turn covered her crotch and rested on her thighs while standing. Her ass was getting big enough that a normal-sized chair was uncomfortable. Her legs were thick and her upper arms were actually thicker than her legs at this point. Her face was filled out, and she had a double chin that wobbled as she moved her head. She was a mess, and if she didn’t have to see herself every day she would have been much more grossed out by the whole thing.

Once Tia was dressed, her pendulous tits contained in an enormous sling that could only have been called a bra when she was wearing it, she waddled out into the living room, becoming out of breath by the time she reached a couch. As soon as she got seated (with help), Colton entered.

“Good morning. Today, instead of taking breakfast in your room, you, Anaisha and Lucile will all eat together. In fact, you will be together all day long, just like old times.”

“But I don’t…” The android was joined by another, and they gently helped Tia up. Seeing no other alternative, she started to waddle slowly toward the door, her gigantic breasts weighing her down with every step. She had to stop several times to catch her breath, leaning on a robot as needed. Eventually they made it to the grand dining hall, and with the androids’ help she sat down on a chair made especially for her, with huge bowled depressions on either side that her tits settled into perfectly.

An opposite door opened and in came Lucile. Her hips made the double doors look like a single. Her ass stuck out behind her a couple feet, round hemispheres met by her incredibly thick thighs. She couldn’t walk except in tiny steps, and even then she had to be careful not to fall on her enormous rear. She held onto one of the androids for dear life as she sat down in her incredibly wide chair.

Anaisha then arrived, and entered in the third set of double doors. Though her weight gain was more even, she was noticeably heavier than either of the other two. Her belly kept a round curve from underneath her large breasts to the bottom which hung down past her knees. She waddled in with the aid of a robot and sat down, her belly resting on a footstool in front of her.

The food was piled onto their plates, and they began to eat automatically. The room was silent except for the sounds of their eating, until Anaisha said, “It’s good to see the both of you…”

Lucile cut her off. “Shut up, fatso! Nobody cares.”

Tia leapt to her defense, if only verbally. “You leave her alone, fat-ass! She was only trying to be nice!”

“Oh yeah, cow? It’s amazing they having put you out to pasture yet!”

“Listen, wide-load! I’m not the one who needs a permit just to sit down!”

“The hell with you, Elsie! I’m surprised they haven’t put a bell around your neck yet!”

The dialogue descended into chaos as the insults became more rapid. Anaisha just sat there and ate dejectedly, hoping the other two would stop soon.

Colton watched the proceedings through a monitor. He glanced at the readout that said, “Day 210: Anaisha: 5’7” 762, Lucile: 5’5” 718, Tia: 5’10” 709” Turning to the monitor with his employer’s face, he said, “As you can see, the rift between the two is beyond repair. While Anaisha holds no animosity, her personality is not strong enough to force the other two into reconciliation. In addition, they have been eating quite obediently of late.”

“We are so close, Colton! 11 pounds! My ‘ton of girls’ is 11 pounds away! You’ve done an acceptable job, Colton. I can’t wait to meet them in person.”

“I believe you will be pleased, sir.”


“Balloon tits!”

By the time Colton got into the room, it was clear that the good insults were long gone. Holding up his hands, he said, “Ladies, please. There is time for a quick challenge before lunch.” The androids cleared the table and moved it off to one side. They then helped the women into their VR gear. “This one is a classic - the cart-racing game from your first challenge.”

As soon as the track and cars became visible, Tia and Lucile started trying to run each other off the road. Anaisha plodded along to victory due to their mutual destruction.

Colton said, “As you might realize, I was unable to tell you the penalties and/or prizes before the two of you started going at each other. So let’s say the penalty for not winning is the feeding tube for 24 hours. Anaisha, your prize is to be able to eat lunch in peace for as long as you’d like.”

As the two women were helped up and out of the room, Colton knew that, this punishment would only serve to make them hate each other more. He then turned to Anaisha as the table was moved back in place and food was brought in, and noted how good a job he had done.
16 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 2 years
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BootyProotie 4 years
As cool as the story is I can't help but think of epstein....
Rickeb 4 years
Just short of a metric ton.
Theswordsman 4 years
I could be wrong but im pretty sure they weigh more then a ton combined
Maxis192 4 years
Lucile or Anaisha - who is the shortest?
Chubbypup 4 years
A tropical island where there's nothing to do but feed and fuck? This woman is living a fantasy and trying to escape!
Karenjenk 4 years
I really like this.
tricked and forced
and you write really well. descriptive