A new diet

chapter 3

Absentmindedly Jessica grabbed a handful of chips from the bowl on her desk, while typing in an E-mail. Marcus was at work, and all morning she had been snacking while working herself, not even noticing how much she was even eating. It was the fifth day of her diet, and even she was still constantly bloated she was slowly getting used to eating this much. She was kind of afraid to step on the scale though, even if she knew that her weight gain would only be permanent. Also, Marcus has told her at least a hundred times that he wouldn't mind her gaining a bit in this month of overeating. He was helping her a lot in general, being thoughtful all of the time, making sure she was eating enough. She was so lucky to have him.

When she noticed that her snack bowl was already empty, she stood up to get herself some Oreos from the kitchen. As soon as she sat down at her desk again, she began stuffing herself with them. She had noticed how much she started enjoying just eating by itself, now that she didn't need to be concerned about calories and carbs anymore. She let out a little moan when she started feeling really fool. She looked down at her belly. When it was empty there was barely a difference to be noticed to how it looked before. But the only time of the day when her belly was really empty was right after she got up in the morning. After that it was just constant food intake. Starting with a big breakfast, snacks while working, lunch, snacks again, and every night so far, Marcus had made sure, that she had an amazingly big dinner, before going to bed, feeling like a beached whale.

When Marcus came home this evening he had brought home a box with six donuts and chinese takeout. Jessica was sitting on the couch, wearing yoga pants and a top that was just short enough to show of a little of her lower belly. He greeted Jessica with a kiss on the forehead and handed her two boxes of takeout, along with a fork. "Dig in babe. When you're done, there's dessert ready" She smiled at him "You just spoil me so much, honey". He sat down next to her and while she was watching some tv show, he was just watching her, shoving more and more food into her mouth, not even properly chewing before swallowing. He thought to himself, how good of a piggy she would be, if she wouldn't be so concerned with her body all the time. She clearly enjoyed food, enjoyed eating, enjoyed stuffing herself. But he was confident that this diet would eventually work out in a way that would leave both of them happy. He just needed to show her how much better her life could be, if she would just stop worrying so much all the time.
4 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 4 years
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Stor738 9 months
Please continue!!
Jack-Elray 3 years
‘He just needed to show her how much better her life could be, if she would just stop worrying so much all the time.‘
Whenever a feeder dates someone who isn’t into gaining 😂
Fbuucgk 4 years
Is this story dead?
Jack-Elray 4 years
Looking forward to chapter 5
QuebecFA 4 years
I am really loving the story right now! I can't wait for Chapter 5! :-)
Karenjenk 4 years
I like how he is sneaky!
Passionfat 4 years
Dutchbbwlover 4 years
Love this story, can't wait for the future chapters!
GrowingLoveH... 4 years
Welcome to FF, new member and fellow writer. Great job here so far!
Jazzman 4 years
This plot has been done before. But you're executing very nicely Nice realism and good characters.Please continue.