Meat up!

chapter 3

Sam lay on the bed with her eyes closed. She had struggled, twisted and pulled to loosen her chains to no avail. She had also yelled. First some inquisitive "hello? Is anybody there?" followed by pleas for help after receiving no response. All of her efforts had earned her nothing but a harder pounding in her skull. Her stomach rumbled again, with legitimate hunger this time. She had been awake about two hours she guessed. It was only a guess, of course, as there was no clock in the room.

Sam tried to reach for the bowl of M&Ms, but her chains stopped her about three inches short of the bowl. She let her head fall back to the pillow and sighed. Something to eat, even just a little sugar, would surely ease her head. Determined, she kicked her legs over the side of the bed. She wiggled her butt up toward the headboard, her still swollen belly jiggling as she moved. Her right arm was pulled tight, the cuff biting into her wrist. She swung a leg over and tried to hook her foot on the bottom of the night stand to pull it closer. She had to bend herself nearly in half to do so. Her big belly made it very difficult, but she was able to hook her toes on the front leg closest to the bed. She was breathing heavy now, both from the exertion and how her big belly was impinging her diaphram. She tried to bend her knee, but the table wouldn't bugde. It was too heavy and she couldn't get the right leverage. Feeling defeated, Sam rolled onto her back and let her body go limp.

The jackhammer in her head had ramped up again due to the lack of oxygen. She laid still for a moment to let it calm. She looked down at the pale orb heaving on her midriff with every deep breath. "Well Sam," she thought "if you weren't getting to be such a fat bitch you might have had it." As if on cue, the orb growled it's response. Sam laughed and her belly shook. She liked how it did that now. "Alright then, you're in charge" she said to the orb. She studied the bowl for a moment, her mouth beginning to water.

Sam rocked up onto her side and with some effort lifted her leg on to the nightstand's surface. Her toes just barely reached the edge of the bowl and she gave it a nudge. Then another. And another. A few candies jumped out and rolled to the floor. The edge of the bowl was now touching the wall, and Sam was able to get her foot behind it and pull it closer. She brought it to the very egde of the table and collapsed, her lower half hanging off the bed. After taking a moment to catch her breath, Sam heaved her legs back onto the bed and wriggled back into the position she'd woken in. She reached for the bowl and found she could grab just a few candies from the top. Overjoyed, she hurriedly brought her hand to her mouth but the chain stopped short, spilling the hard earned prize from her hand. Sam hoisted herself up and twisted her body and ate what her mouth could reach off the mattress. The chocolate candies she managed to catch were a mix of peanut, caramel and almond m&ms, all of her favorites. As she savored the sweet flavor her stomach rumbled, demanding more. She reached and spilled another handful onto the matress, this time being careful to drop them near her head. She was able to eat two more handfuls this way before the level of the bowl dropped and she could barely manage to scratch the colorful surface of the contents.
Dejected, she laid her head back. At least she had gotten a little something in her stomach. Unfortunately for her, that little something had been just enough to prime her gluttonous gut that now gave a roar, demanding more. She shimmied toward the edge of the bed, listening to it creak as she moved. She heaved herself over, both arms now pulled taught as she rolled onto her belly. The bowl was about half an inch from her face. She stretched her neck out and was able to just barely hook her chin on it's rim. Slowly, she lowered her head and the bowl inched toward her, slowly making it's way off way off the table. With the bowl precariously close to tipping, Sam found she could now get he rface into it, and she did. The cuffs were stripping a layer of skin from her wrists as she stretched, bit she didn't care. She buried her head in the dish and filled her mouth with the chocolates. In that moment, they were the best thing she had ever tasted.

The bowl tipped and wobbled as Sam devoured the candy. She was very aware that she could lose her snack at any time and ate faster. The brightly colored candy shells were staining her face and the bedsheets as she ate, and melted chocolate surrounded her mouth. She was in such extasy as she came up for air she almost didn't hear the buzzing noise behind her. As she dove face first back into the bowl she realize the room was going dark. Then she heard a click as the lock in the door turned.
7 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 4 years
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Jazzman 4 years
This is Excellent !
Jazzman 4 years
Very nice writing. Very nice treatment of this theme