Meat up!

chapter 5

It wasn't long before the Sam heard the door open again. No light came from the hallway as the door opened and shut. She didn't see her visitor, but could tell by the heavy footfalls that this was not the high pitched voice returning. The floorboards creaked under there weight of those steps until they ceased at the foot of the bed.

Sam's mind whirled at the possibilities as her stomach rumbled. What torture and torment had this dark figure in mind for her? Clearly it had to be one or the other based on how she was being kept. What if she had gotten so drunk she left with one of the guys last night? Most of them were alright, but there were a handful that were real creepers.

"Are you hungry my gluttonous girl?" a sultry and distinctly female voice purred from the end of the bed. Sam strained to see the figure at her feet to no avail. Her stomach gurgled and growled.

The voice chortled. It was a low humm humm humm that reminded Sam of Tim Curry in the Rocky Horror Picture Show. "Of course you are, you haven't eaten in hours. After the show you put on last night I'd expect nothing less. Clearly you are a proper little piggy." There was a buzzing noise as the electronic blinds on the windows lifted. "Don't worry my pet, I'm going to take very, very good care of you while you're in my care."

As Sam's eyes adjusted to the light her fears melted into lust. Before her stood one of, if not the, most incredibly gorgeous women she has ever seen. Though not tall, the woman's girth and position gave her the appearance of towering over Sam. Thick thighs billowed over the tops of patent leather boots like soft serve over a cone. Above that wide, rounded hips burst forth from the bottom of a corset, whose laces strained to hold it's contents. Sam's eyes climbed the lacing, imagining herself kissing each little diamond shaped pooch of protruding belly fat as they rose. Her breathing increased as her eyes wandered, making their way to the enormous breasts bulging and overflowing out of the corset. Spirals of silky chestnut hair cascaded over the woman's soft broad shoulders, resting neatly just above her cleavage. In spite of the stern look it wore, her face was beautiful. Deep brown pools were set in her plushy cheeks just below the sexy curve of her brow. She had a button nose and lips like rosebuds. They were neither too plump nor too thin-just the type Sam liked to nibble as she kissed them.

Every question and emotion Sam had been preoccupied with since waking left her. All she could do was gape open-mouthed at the Goddess before her. "Dead," she thought. "I'm dead and this is heaven. Terrible train accident on my way home-"

"My, but you are a mess!" The words jolted Sam back into the present situation. "We'll clean you up in a bit, but first you must be hungry. For food.... or something else, perhaps?" The woman said with a wink and a nod. Sam was clearly aware of her arousal and how wet she was becoming, but didn't realize how visibly obvious it was. She turned beet red and her stomach growled. There was no denying she'd greedily accept anything offered to either end of her. All she could do was nod and lower her head.
7 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 4 years
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Jazzman 4 years
This is Excellent !
Jazzman 4 years
Very nice writing. Very nice treatment of this theme