Meat up!

chapter 6.

"My, my, my " the lady cooed as she moved to the side of the bed and ran her hand up the inside of Sam's leg, "I am going to enjoy my new toy". Her touch was a tease, little more than a tickle. Sam's body trembled as her pussy ached for that tickle. "And so responsive, that's excellent." Her hand continued to make it's way up Sam's inner thigh where the lady stopped and pinched -- hard.

Sam winced and pulled her legs together twisting her hips so she lay on her side from the waist down. "Oh no my pet!" the woman reprimanded "That is something you must never do!" She sprang into the bed and grabbed Sam's knees forcing them apart. She was surprisingly strong.
"You must never, never deny me anything I want," she growled. "Any further insubordination will be met with severe punishment! Believe that, pudgy!" She concluded by grabbing a handful of Sam's fat and shaking it.

Sam moaned as the jiggling fat sent ripples of pleasure through her body. She hadn't had sex since she'd begun putting on weight. She loved to lay in bed at night rubbing and jiggling her new belly but had never really considered the idea of someone else doing it. She was amazed at how excited it was getting her. She lost her breath as she let the extasy of it wash over her. She turned her head and finally noticed the hotel cart by the door, the source of all of the delightful aromas. It was brimming with plates piled high with food: blueberry muffins smothered in butter, crepes with apple and cherry fillings and fresh cream, French toast with strawberries and powdered sugar, platters of bacon, sausage and thick slices of ham. There were pitchers of milk, apple juice and water, as well as a pot of coffee. Sam licked her lips as she began to salivate at the sight of it all. Her stomach gave a rumble. "Yes ma'am", she murmurred.

"Yes ma'am," the large woman mimiced in a low dopey voice. "Your mouth says 'yes ma'am' but this says 'I waaant'" she gave Sam's belly another jiggle. "You certainly are a spoiled greedy piggy aren't you?" Sam nodded, still gazing at the cart, her stomach continuing it's cacphony.

"You see something you like piggy?" asked the woman now straddling Sam's waist and still manipulating her fat. Sam looked from the food to the woman on top of her. She took a moment to drink in the beauty of the luscious lady, slowly looking her up and down to make sure she'd notice. "Yes ma'am, I do" she replied with a slight grin on her lips.

"And do you want it? Does the greedy piggy want to be fed?"

"Yes ma'am, if it pleases you."

"Good answer, very good my pet." The woman purred and began to gently rub Sam's gut, which responded with a growl. "You'll give me everything I want before I leave you today, I'm sure of it". She put a finger to her temple "hmm.. you will need your strength...perhaps I should feed you first. Are you hungry my piggy? Would you like to be fed first?"

"Yes ma'am"

"Tsk! How rude! Clearly I'm going to have to teach you manners as well!" The lady dismounted and crossed to the cart, and wheeled it over to the bed.

"Yes please ma'am. I'm sorry."

"Yes please ma'am I'm sorry what?" She picked up a muffin and held it in front of Sam's face. Warm butter dripped onto her belly and rolled into her belly button crease.

"Yes please ma'am. I'm sorry I was rude. I'm just so hungry." Sam's stomach rumbled as if on cue, "Yes please ma'am I'd like you to feed me, I'd like it very much".

"I like the way you grovel piggy. Throw a few oinks in and you might convince me of your sincerety."

"Oink oink please feed this greedy piggy oink I want it so bad oink oink oink" Sam responded with shame on her face. She hated the piggy game but was so hungry and so horny, she was willing to go there.

"Ah yes my pet, there's a good piggy" the lady smiled as she shoved the muffin in Sam's face.
7 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 4 years
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Jazzman 4 years
This is Excellent !
Jazzman 4 years
Very nice writing. Very nice treatment of this theme