Luthor family’s new world order

chapter 2: first contact (part 1 of 2)

Eliza, Jeremiah and Alex were all shocked to see what looked like a human in a tiny spaceship, but all three of them knew instantly that this child, this girl, was not a human at all. Maybe they didn’t know exactly what she was, but they did know that she was most definitely an alien and that was cause for great concern for the three Danvers. They feared that the alien would be dangerous or aggressive, just like how they were depicted in shows, movies and novels. Because of that, Jeremiah took the lead in starting a first contact with the little alien child while his family stayed safely back.
The alien, meanwhile, watched him approach with wary but curious eyes. She had been the one to cause the pod window to click open and she watched in amusement and hurt as that one little movement sent the Earthlings scrambling backward in fear. She wasn’t going to hurt them! Couldn’t they tell by the way she looked that she meant no harm (and could likely do no harm)? She was only a young girl! Not a monster! And she looked so much like them! But she understood that her arrival onto the scene had been a bit… dramatic, so she could understand why they might’ve been a little scared of her. She hoped that such fear would not last because it made her feel bad and she really did need an Earthling to talk to and help her get everything sorted out. That couldn’t happen if every Earthling she met kept fleeing from her in fear.
But while the alien watched them with sharp and curious eyes, busily thinking up a way to try and initiate this first contact with them and show that she meant no harm, Eliza was already one step ahead.
“We have to get her inside quickly,” she muttered to her husband. “Before that shady US Government Organization, Cadmus, comes for her!” Jeremiah made no visible reaction to his wife’s words, but it was apparent that he agreed. Alex, meanwhile, continued to stare at the alien girl in awe and wonder. She was starting to step out of her pod! The first contact was about to begin!
The sound of the girl leaving her pod returned the Danvers’ attention to her.
“Are you really from another planet?” Jeremiah asked at once.
“Yes,” the alien replied shyly, nervously. “My name is Kara Zor-El and I am from Planet Krypton. This means that I am a Kryptonian.”
“I am from Planet Earth,” Jeremiah replied as he took a cautious step forward, trying to prove to the little alien girl, Kara Zor-El, that he was friendly. “This is where you are now, and we are called Humans,” he continued and Kara nodded to herself and to him. She allowed him to step closer and closer.
“Why did you leave your home planet to come to this one?” Jeremiah asked next. Kara’s face fell, but she answered nonetheless.
“My planet was destroyed,” she admitted painfully. “Our star exploded and burned it into oblivion. My parents forced me to leave the planet while I still had the chance. I watched it, and them, die as I was sent away…” she trailed off with a haunted and wounded expression, tears in her eyes. “It’s totally gone. Erased from the stars…”
“Well, you’re safe here with us now,” Jeremiah soothed gently, finally reaching out to touch Kara. She recoiled at first, but when she felt nothing but kindness and concern in his touch, she leaned back into it.
“Thank you,” she whispered, then she took him into a hug and the Danvers family welcomed its fourth member.
Meanwhile, NASA received the alert about a UFO crashing down in a city called Midvale. The president was swiftly alerted and when he caught wind of the news, he commanded NASA to keep him updated.
“Go and see what you find!” he commanded. “And tell me everything!”
“Yes, Mr. President!” the NASA worker on the other line said. Then the president hung up.
As soon as that call ended, however, he swiftly began another one. This time, it was to Cadmus.
“Go with them,” he commanded. “Follow the NASA workers to the site of the crash and see what you can find! Bring me back any alien you can, or any alien weakness. We need to make sure there are no invaders upon our soil. And try to keep the press out of this. We need to protect our planet, not create a sensation piece!”
“Yes, Mr. President!” the Cadmus worker replied with the same obedience the NASA worker had.
“Good,” the president hung up the phone a second time then, eyes and voice cold and determined. Then he made one last call, this time to the Pentagon, demanding that they start blocking off all the roads in Midvale just so that he and his men would have time to explore and keep this story covered up.
Back in Midvale, the Danvers family was still shocked, genuinely amazed to meet someone from a different planet up close and personal. It was one thing to know about aliens, but it was another thing entirely to meet one in real life, and especially in such a dramatic fashion!
While Jeremiah and Eliza discussed what to do about it, Alex finally slipped out of her mother’s grasp and ran over to the alien girl, face still full of awe and curiosity.
“Do you wanna come inside with us before any Feds come looking for aliens to dissect?” she asked. Maybe Alex should’ve worded her question a bit better because it visibly started Kara Zor-El. Jeremiah noticed and quickly tried to calm things down before anything got out of hand. Secrecy was of the utmost importance now. Kara couldn’t afford to freak out just yet.
“My name is Jeremiah Danvers,” he said quickly, distracting Kara from Alex’s well-meant but rather disturbing question. “And the woman behind me is my wife, Eliza, and this is my daughter, Alex,” he said, gesturing first behind him and then beside him. This intro seemed to work in distracting Kara from the danger she was in and she gave a reserved but polite smile to each of them in turn. It seemed that fate, for once, had decided to be kind to her. It seemed that this family consisted of good, kind humans, and that fact relieved Kara Zor-El greatly. She would find a home with these people, she was sure of it! And for that, she was relieved.
“Come on,” Jeremiah said next. “Let’s go home,” then he turned around back towards Eliza and gestured for the two teenage girls to follow after. Once again, swiftly and silently, the small group ran through the darkness until they reached the safety and peace of the Danvers house once more.
“There it is!” Alex pointed to the lights shining in the distance.
“Oh!” Kara made a noise of delight as she picked up her speed, suddenly vanishing from view.
“Woah!” Alex, Jeremiah and Eliza all cried out in shock as Kara went sprinting by, almost too fast for them to even see. She reached the front door in five seconds while they still needed to run another five minutes.
“OMG!” Alex panted once she and her parents finally reached Kara’s side again, all three of them were wide-eyed and wide-mouthed in shock at what the little Kryptonian could do.
“Do have any other powers aside from Super Speed?” once again, Alex’s question was well-meant, but it set off an alarm in Kara’s mind at once. So, apparently humans could NOT run as fast as Kryptonians. That was good to know. She looked at her feet nervously, clearly embarrassed and scared at having accidently revealed what she was capable of to the humans.
“Does the Human Race have any abilities like my own?” Kara instead replied, answering a question with a question. She was nervous and wanted to know what humans were or weren’t capable of so that she could better blend in with them.
“No, sadly,” Alex sighed, sounding jealous at how swiftly and easily Kara could run.
“We’ll explain it to you tomorrow morning,” Jeremiah soothed both of the girls. “But for now, let’s just get you set up and tucked in for the night,” then he opened the door to the house.
10 minutes later, everyone was safely inside, Alex having given Kara a quick lecture on what humans could and couldn’t do. Kara seemed surprised, and almost miffed and disdainful, of how weak humans were.
“You can’t do much of anything, can you?” she asked, not trying to be rude. Alex, however, looked offended, but Eliza spoke up before she could lash out.
“Unfortunately not,” she said kindly to Kara, resting a warning hand on Alex’s shoulder. “Humans are a rather weak species by comparison. If any other skills or powers manifest in you, you won’t be able to use them safely, I’m afraid.” Kara looked deeply disappointed by this.
“Then what do humans do for fun?” she asked. Alex quickly took over the conversation again, her previous hurt at Kara’s innocently insensitive remark fading back into excitement.
“Board games, video games, comics, novels, books, movies, TV,” Alex rattled off. “What did Kryptonians do?”
“Traveled to other planets and played sports, both at home and abroad,” Kara replied, looking pained again at the mention of her home planet. Eliza, once again, expertly intervened.
“Are you hungry, Kara?” she asked.
“Yes, please!” Kara replied, attention again distracted by a new topic. “I haven’t eaten anything since I was forced to leave my home planet, and that was about a month ago! That pod wasn’t able to hold that much food.”
“I will warm up some leftovers for you then,” Eliza promised and Kara nodded her thanks to the family. But then concern flickered across her face again.
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