Luthor family’s new world order

chapter 6: secret (part 2 of 2)

“This goes against our rights!” one of them wailed.
“It was only an act of solidarity after all!” another agreed angrily. “Support and comradery!”
“We weren’t hurting anyone or protesting, just wearing something that signified our beliefs!” said a third. “We weren’t rioting, we were supporting each other!”
“That’s like trying to ban Pride flags just because you don’t agree with homosexuality!” a fourth railed. “Let us wear our uniforms because it is within our rights to do so!” and on and on the students protested, arguing that banning them and their uniforms was nothing short of criminality and injustice.
“C’mon, let’s get out of here!” Kara muttered at last, taking Lena by the hand and dragging her away from the screaming high schoolers. Lena seemed surprised by the sudden physical contact from Kara, but she allowed the younger Danvers to lead her away…
“Say, Kara, why don’t you come out to dinner with me and my friends?” Lena asked a few minutes later, after the last of the shouting had died off in the distance. “There’s a nice little place on the edge of town where we can get away from all of that,” she cocked her head back in the direction of the protestors.
“Yeah, I think I’d like that,” Kara agreed, some of the nervousness in her stomach dying down a little at the prospect of enjoying a nice little night out with her new friend. It would be nice to just hang out with Lena and, like she said, get away from all the craziness in their town…
A few hours later, Kara, Alex, Lena and Lena’s three friends (Jamie, Josie and Daisy) were all out dining at a fancy little diner, The Silver Kettle, at the edge of town. At Alex’s behest, Kara made sure to only order a maximum of two plates of food.
“It would look weird if you ate more than that,” she’d whispered as her mother drove them over to the diner. “Normal humans only eat one, maybe two, plates and that’s it.”
“But that’s not nearly enough!” Kara cried in dismay.
“But your sister is right, dear,” Eliza said, looking at Kara through the car’s mirror. “If you ate your usual four or five, your friends might get suspicious!” and that warning was more than enough to convince Kara to cut back on the food intake, at least for tonight.
So there she sat, with her sister and her four new friends, making sure to only eat two plates. Alex snickered at her but Kara had eyes only for Lena, hoping that she was making a good impression on the Luthor. Lena, meanwhile, was smiling right back at her. It was a wonderful night and a welcome distraction from all the craziness of the past couple of months.
An hour later, the dinner was over and Jeremiah came back to pick his daughters up.
“Thanks again for coming!” Lena cried as she waved a goodnight to the Danvers.
“Thanks again for inviting us!” Kara replied with an equally eager wave.
“Goodbye Mr. Danvers!” Lena thanked Kara and Alex’s father next.
“Goodbye, Ms. Luthor,” he replied with a friendly smile of his own.
But while Lena continued to wave until the Danvers car was out of sight, Jeremiah found himself frowning just a little as soon as he was out of the lot. He was beyond ecstatic that Kara had made a new friend, but he wasn’t sure how he felt given that the new friend was none of than Lex “Anti Alien” Luthor’s little sister. Could she really be trusted? Was she really as sweet as she seemed? Was Lex using her for something? Or did the Littlest Luthor have her own secret? Jeremiah really did not trust that girl at all, but seeing how happy she made Kara made it hard for him to try and ask or warn the young alien away from the young Luthor. He could only hope that Lena would prove different than the rest of her family, but only time would reveal that.
21 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 4 years
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