Luthor family’s new world order

chapter 11: rebellion (part 2 of 2)

“Of course! We are lab partners after all,” Kara whimpered, giving Lena a pained grin. Lena’s face lit up, delighted that Kara remembered, and she nodded enthusiastically before retreating back down the hall.
“Gotta go to my locker! But see you in science class!” she cried out as she jogged back off, waving farewell as she did so. Kara waved back at her, but the moment she’d rounded a corner, Kara’s face fell.
Although Kara was still very fond of Lena, her paranoia was twisting their relationship, and Kara found herself avoiding Lena as much as possible, cruel as this was of her. But it just made her uneasy, knowing that she was such close friends with a Luthor, of all people. And she had caught Lena talking about some of her favorite films, and each of them had less-than-subtle anti-alien messages. That wasn’t exactly a comforting thing for someone like Kara to hear: that one of her best friends liked rather anti-alien movies. Even if Lena herself was pro-alien, as she so claimed whenever she disavowed her brother’s crazy politics, the fact that she still seemed to be on good terms with him, as well as the fact that she enjoyed anti-alien movies, made her a little more than unsettling in Kara’s sharp eyes.
“I can’t believe it!” Alex thundered angrily during English class that day.
“What’s wrong?” Kara asked, sounding so unhappy that her tone was unnaturally low and flat.
“Those sick twisted monsters, Felicity Smoak, Sara Lance, Thea Queen, Barry Allen and Caitlin Snow are all trying to have some sort of stupid, fancy demonstration this weekend to sing Lex’s praises!” Alex was nearly red-faced with outrage as she continued to curse her ex-friends’ names. Kara, meanwhile, only heaved a sad sigh. She couldn’t really say that she was surprised anymore. Her hometown was no longer the sleepy little place it used to be. Instead, it was a hotbed for political activity and uprising. It was one of the most volatile places in the country, and there didn’t seem to be any escape from it, no matter where she turned.
The very next day, Alex managed to rally up enough students to carry out a successful weeklong boycott of the school, threatening to actively skip class every day until Felicity Smoak, Sara Lance, Thea Queen, Barry Allen and Caitlin Snow were all banned from putting on their little Lex party. As one may have expected, the protest ended in a small scale riot with Felicity Smoak, Sara Lance, Thea Queen, Barry Allen and Caitlin Snow screaming about being attacked while Alex and her boycotting friends were all but forced back into school by cops and parents both.
“Vive la révolution!” Alex bellowed.
“Vive la révolution!” all of the protestors echoed, Lena and Kara included. Fists were raised high in the air as young voices continued to scream out their anger, pain, fear, grief, frustration and desire for rebellion. In exchange, the rebels were called “Earth Traitors” and “Enemies of the State” and “Traitors to Their Country”, but none of them cared, and they continued to boycott school and rant and rave in their anger.
It was a nonviolent act, but it was so disruptive and the boycott lasted so long that cops were still called, and Alex was punished for being the riot’s ringleader, not that too many people actually disagreed with her.
“We’re actually quite proud of you,” Eliza admitted with a dry smile as her older daughter was escorted home in a cop car. “But we won’t be able to celebrate until later,” she added with a wink, and Alex returned the look before pretending to look down at her feet in shame, apologizing to the cop for disrupting the entire town.
“I’m sorry my peaceful protest made you angry enough to consider it a violent demonstration,” she grunted. “I’m sorry you took my use of my rights as an annoyance and a threat enough to send a police squad after me. I’m sorry you think I was being immature and trying to skip school instead of make a point about equality.”
And even though her apology was very passive-aggressive, the cop could only accept it and leave, but not before catching the smirk on the oldest Danver sister’s face. Kara had never loved her sister quite as much as she did in that moment, and Lena, who was with them at the time, looked just as impressed and proud. It was the first time Kara had smiled in a very long time, and that made Alex prouder than any rebellion ever could have. Even if their boycott had finally been broken, they had still won a small victory, and that was worth the world to all of them. Kara’s smile, in Alex’s mind, was the greatest victory of all that week.
Lex, meanwhile, was living it up in the White House. His reign was in full swing by this point, and he was beyond pleased with the dissections of the aliens, keeping meticulous count over every single one of them, possessing a dated recording of every last dissection to ever occur, starting all the way back when his sick, twisted law first went into place. He still faced a daily slew of bad press and protestors, but he was so skilled at avoiding it all that all the screaming and angry protestors outside were practically part of the White House scenery by now! All the riots and protests and rebellion? They were useless against him!
And best of all, in Lex’s crazy eyes, he’d found a loophole in the constitution that allowed him to run for far more than two mere terms as president. It was his intention to use that loophole until every single little last alien on Earth was dead, and the planet was reduced to possessing humans and humans alone. He would restore the purity of the Earth and make sure that it was mankind who reigned supreme. Until that day came, then, he would run for president over and over and over again. There would be no end to his power or his rule!!
21 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 4 years
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