Luthor family’s new world order

chapter 13: truth will out (part 2 of 2)

All along, though, nothing could’ve been further from the truth. Lena was just as anti-alien as her brother, and she was just as sadistic and violent as he was too. She had celebrated when he managed to get his dissection law passed, even though, of course, she pretended to despair it instead. The moment everyone’s back was turned, however, the true Luthor came out, in all of her cold, cruel, calculating and conniving ways.
The only other people in the town to know were the three girls who had come with her for the trip, those three having been the children of some of Lex’s closest allies. They had come to help Lena in her act, and they had come to help keep her company, as well as assist with her mission. But intentionally, they remained as faceless, invisible and neutral as possible.
While Lena was meant to paint herself up as an alien activist, they were meant to stay in the shadows, existing solely as tools and companions for her to use at her disposal. They followed these instructions well and remained relatively unknown throughout their entire stay at Midvale. It was why the Danvers were never close to them even though they had been close to Lena. The three other girls were told not to make friends and to stay apart, so they did, and it worked out perfectly.
But even though the rest of the town mostly ignored them, Lena certainly did not.
“So, guess what I just found out,” the young Luthor hissed grimly, handing her phone to her three friends. They all crowded around it and marveled and awed at the video unfolding before them on the screen. It was only 10 seconds long, but 10 seconds was all that was needed.
“Ooooh!” they shrilled, voices obnoxiously high and loud. The video had been of Kara Danvers and her one little slip, her one little mistake, her fatal error.
“I knew it!” one of the girls, Jamie, screeched.
“Kara was an alien this whole time!” Josie sounded just as hysterical.
“I can’t believe she would do something so stupid!” Daisy agreed, cackling as she watched the video on loop.
“C’mon, give it back!” Lena snapped before yanking her phone back out of Daisy’s hands. “But you are right,” she admitted. “Kara was stupid to do such a thing. But oh well, her loss!”
“I just can’t believe the Danvers hid her so well for so long! Heavens knows I would never!” Jamie put a hand to her chest in dramatic fashion, pretending to swoon in horror.
“Of course you wouldn’t, numbskull, you’re anti alien!” Daisy humphed, obviously mad at Lena for taking away her entertainment source.
“No duh, stupid, we all are!” Jamie spat back.
“Alright, enough, girls!” Lena raised her hands for silence and, like magic, her three stooges shut up.
“It doesn’t matter what did or didn’t happen. What matters now is that we got it all on tape!”
“Ahhh, you’re right!” the three grinned wickedly. “Now that goody-goody is gonna get what’s coming to her!” Daisy sounded beyond delighted. “Ooooh, I simply cannot wait to see Kara’s dissection! What a smarty-two-shoes she is! It’ll be fun to see her go.”
“Whatever, Daisy,” Lena rolled her eyes disdainfully. “All aliens deserve to be dissected, it’s all that they’re good for! If they’re going to flee their own planets, they obviously weren’t worth much before. What about coming to Earth suddenly makes them so precious and valuable?” Lena spat out those last three words.
“Nothing!” Jamie and Josie shrilled, laughing heartily all over again.
“Yeah! You’re right! They deserve to be dissected! Every last one of them!” Jamie nodded cruelly.
“So, when are you gonna tell on her?!” Josie singsonged excitedly.
“Soon, Josie, soon!” Lena hissed. “But I need to contact Lex first, tell him what I found.”
“Oh! Why wait? He’ll find out soon enough!” Josie protested impatiently.
“Because he asked me directly,” Lena replied sharply, biting out every single word as she took several steps closer to Josie until their noses were only inches apart. Josie gulped nervously. Even though Lena was the smallest of them all, she was also the most powerful and the most terrifying, especially with Lex at her disposal.
“Lex made me promise to tell him about this alien before I told anybody else, and if you want to go and tell him that you tried to get me to break my vow, be my guest. But I can’t imagine that he’d be too thrilled by that!” Lena continued to threaten while Josie shrunk away from her, visibly trembling.
“I guess you’re right,” she squeaked.
“Of course I am,” Lena replied frostily. “Of course I am,” and neither Jamie nor Daisy dared to protest either.
Lena made good on her word, then, to contact Lex.
“I found it! I found the alien from the pod!” she muttered over the phone.
“Excellent!” he hissed. “Tell me where it is! Tell me who it is!”
“Her name is Kara Danvers, and she is a friend and classmate of mine,” Lena replied with a sadistic smile slowly spreading across her face. On the other end of the line, Lex’s face was doing the same thing.
“Excellent!” he hissed again, then he demanded more information. “Tell me more about this… Kara Danvers...” and Lena was more than happy to oblige.
Once that call was done, then, Lena resumed her conversation with her three allies.
“What did he say? What are you gonna do?” they asked eagerly once Lena got off the phone with her brother.
“He’s sending me a shipment of Gold Kryptonite,” she replied. “Kara Danvers is a Kryptonian and Kryptonite is her only weakness. The gold stuff will remove her powers, which will make it easier for us to capture her!”
“And then dissect her!” Josie butted in excitedly and Lena nodded, eyes half shut, already reveling in Kara’s dying screams. These new few day were gonna be fun!
Once the shipment came in, Lena wasted no time confronting one of the more anti-alien teachers around.
“Mr. Thorul,” she began. “I have some very important news that I think will be most interesting to you!” and then the rest was history as she handed him her phone, the video clip up and ready to watch.
Not long after that, Mr. Thorul quickly notified the proper authorities about the matter at hand and cops were quickly dispatched to the area, come to retrieve Ms. Kara Danvers at the behest of President Luthor himself. With the Gold K in their hands, all Lena needed to do was sit back and watch the fireworks, and oh did they deliver! Now here they were, just a few short later.
“You! I can’t believe you!” Kara continued to thrash against her chains, but it still did nothing.
“Oh well, what can you say? All’s well that ends well!” Lena sung.
“But it didn’t end well!” Kara shot back angrily. “It didn’t even start well, according to you!”
“Oh, well, all’s fair in love and war, then, I guess,” she shrugged, unbothered by Kara’s fury. “I mean, I would say that it has been nice knowing you, but it hasn’t. So, toodle-loo!” she waved her fingers at Kara before skipping merrily out of the room. Lex, who had been watching in silent amusement the whole time, finally spoke up again, laughter in his voice.
“Well, well well. My, my, my. Truth will out, won’t it, Ms. Danvers?” he crooned, but Kara stubbornly remained silent. Lex pretended to tsk disappointedly. “Oh, don’t do this to me, Kara Danvers. Don’t try to fight me and don’t pretend you can’t hear me. It’s a tedious old game that will do no one any good. Your time is up and that is that. Nothing you do, from here on out, matters any more. Your story and life is over, meanwhile, mine is only just beginning. Now, where were we?... Oh! Right! Yes! Well! Please tell me, Ms. Danvers, do you bleed?”
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