Luthor family’s new world order

chapter 4: halloween (part 1 of 2)

As Kara’s second week of school ended and third week started, her positive opinion about the school remained the same. Although the school itself could’ve used some touch ups and although some of the people who attended it (staff and student alike) were less than stellar people, Kara genuinely enjoyed everything that she learned. It was all so fascinating to her!
Additionally, she found school easy, unlike a majority of the other students, who were all having a hard time for one reason or another. Kara was a very “Teacher’s Pet” type student and she often finished all of her school work before class even got out, unlike the rest of the students. As one may have expected, this did draw some negative attention from the others. Kara was always so on top of everything and that led to some teasing.
“She is so strange, and such a loser!” they would mutter. “She’s such a nerd and it isn’t normal! How does she manage to do all of her schoolwork so fast? It’s like she can move at the speed of light! What a Teacher’s Pet!” and they would continue to mock and deride her for being so smart and devoted.
Kara absolutely hated hearing those words. They made her bristle with anger and hurt, and quiver with fear and self-consciousness. She really did find their jibes quite hurtful and offensive, but she didn’t dare confront anyone about it, lest her secret identity be revealed. That fear about being sniffed out as an alien was what kept her silent about the bullying. She chose to just deal with it.
It wasn’t always easy though, as some of the more persistent kids liked to ruin Kara’s day even when nothing of importance was going on. There did come one day when Alex and Kara had been goofing around by the lockers, talking about boys and the boringness of middle school, and that was when a small cluster of some of the meaner kids sauntered on by. Accompanying them was a slew of insults, all aimed at freaky little Kara.
“Teacher’s Pet!”
“Hermione Granger Freak!”
“Geek !”
“Smarty Pants!”
But while Kara ducked her head, attempting to make herself smaller and smaller, Alex stood up, attempting to make herself bigger and bigger. She snarled bravely at the bullies, fighting back with words just as cruel as their own. Unlike Kara, she would not tolerate any bullying. Ever.
“Get a life and stop being lazy!” she snapped. “You empty-headed, empty-hearted wastes of space!”
“Ooooh! Alex Danvers is angry! I’m so scared!” some of the bullies pretended to swoon with fear.
“If you don’t knock it off, I’ll give you something to fear!” Alex replied, muttering coldly under her breath. But while the bullies continued to laugh and poke fun at the two sisters, still pretending to be deathly afraid of Alex, Kara continued to not-so-subtly-hide behind her older sister, just praying that the bullies would get tired of them soon and leave them alone…
For the rest of the day, Kara did her best to do her work slower, trying to finish everything at a normal human speed and NOT use her superspeed, just so she wouldn’t draw anymore unwanted attention.
But if the usual bully drama wasn’t enough, something far more serious was lurking on the horizon. After about one month after Kara had started Human School, as she kept on calling it, to Alex’s dismay and embarrassment, Kara began hearing words like “racism” and “bigotry” and “prejudice” circling around the school. Certain groups of people were using those words against certain other groups of people, accusing them of being discriminatory against aliens. Naturally, this caught Kara’s ears and raised her concerns to impossible heights. She listened in on the chatter and gossip anxiously.
“That’s just as bad as racism! It’s like saying you think White people are so much better that they deserve the world while Black people matter so little that it doesn’t matter if they live or die, so long as it benefits the White man!” someone shouted passionately.
“Oh, shut up! This is nothing like racism!” the person he was accusing snapped. “Racism is a rivalry between races of humans. This so-called “Xenophobia and Alienphobia” is a fear of alien invaders who mean us real harm! And besides, some aliens do have subhuman intelligence. It’s not like racism where it pitted two types of people against one another. Would you consider it offensive and insensitive if I were to suggest that a cat or a dog was worth less than a human? No? Same thing with aliens!”
“But some aliens are intelligent, just like humans. You can’t bunch them all into one group and insist that they are all subhuman!” the other side shot back.
Back and forth the arguments flew, every student chiming in about what it truly meant to be bigoted and discriminatory against aliens, and if such a thing was even worth worrying about. It set Kara on edge, especially when someone brought up the topic of dissecting aliens like frogs for the purpose of scientific study, but Kara knew better than to try and draw attention to herself when such a heated topic was at stake. Instead, just like always, she kept her eyes down and her mouth shut.
After Kara’s second month in school finished, she finally found something to look forward to.
“Halloween,” Alex said. “It’s a holiday humans celebrate on October 31st every year! It’s a day of thrills and chills, tricks and treats, sweets and shrieks!” then she proceeded to give Kara a long winded and excited speech about the wonders of Halloween. It sounded quite fun to the young alien and when the day finally rolled around, she and Alex both hit the town dressed to the nines. Kara dressed up as Alexia Ashford from Resident Evil Series while Alex dressed up as Claire Redfield from the same series.
“This is gonna be so much fun!” Alex declared as she and her sister, in costume, began their little Trick-or-Treat experience. Maybe they were both in middle school and, to some, too old to celebrate, but since it was Kara’s first time, Alex decided to make an exception. Besides, in her mind’s eye, one was never too old for candy, so one was never too old for Trick-or-Treating!
21 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 4 years
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