Goosebumps haunted mask and supergirl

chapter 2: kara zor el has changed

Almost immediately, then, she felt a strange wave of apathy, anger and aggression was over her. She couldn't explain it, except that she suddenly had the desire to do something… strong, and powerful and domineering… If only she knew what she had purchased. If only she knew it was the curse of the Haunted Mask, slowly poising her mind with sick, sadistic thoughts and desires. If only she knew what a monster she was going to become, come Halloween night! But since Kara was ignorant to this knowledge, she had no idea that the mask was slowly turning her evil, hardening her typically soft heart into ice…
"Woah! Nice mask, Kara!" Alex smiled approvingly as Kara returned to their apartment with the Haunted Mask still on.
"Thanks," Kara growled, then she was taken aback by her own voice, because it had suddenly sounded so low, deep, guttural and powerful.
"Woah! Nice voice!" Alex complimented, looking just as surprised and impressed. "I'm glad you decided to see things my way and get a costume that's actually halfway decent and new this year!" she added as a joke, but for some reason, that one little lighthearted remark rubbed Kara severely in the wrong way and she found herself growing unreasonably angry and defensive.
"I didn't do it because you told me to! I did it because I wanted to!" she insisted. "I was the one who chose the store and the mask! I was the one who did this! Not you! You're not the boss of me! You don't get to tell me what to do!!!" with every word out of her mouth, Kara became meaner and louder, but Alex did not heed the warning signs, just as ignorant to the truth behind Kara's mask as Kara was herself.
"Ok Kara, calm down, jeez!" she laughed, but that was the wrong response.
"I AM CALM!!!!!" Kara roared. That finally got Alex's attention.
"Ok, Kara, seriously, you need to just relax. Take a deep breath. No need to get so angry. We have a Halloween Party to go to tonight," she spoke with a softer and more authoritative tone and it was enough to calm Kara back down, but it was not enough to save her permanently.
Instead, as the night went on, her temper only grew worse and worse. Alex's success at calming her down back at the house was a one-hit wonder of an event and by the time the Halloween Party had started, it was already too late to turn Kara back to the side of goodness and mercy.
"Out of my way, loser!"
"Git! Punk!"
"Stupid!& quot;
"Lame costume!"
"Fatty! "
"Shove off!!" Kara snapped at almost everyone at the party, much to the dismay of all of her friends. But for once, Kara didn't care. Instead, she only continued to be rude to everyone the entire night, acting bold and selfish, refusing to apologize for any of her assaults upon the other guests.
4 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 4 years
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