Goosebumps haunted mask and supergirl

chapter 3: kara zor el possessed

How many people had she pushed or flipped off or insulted? She'd already lost count!
"What's gotten into you, Kara?" Nia and Maeve asked. They, having since reconciled their sisterly bond, were dressed as Elsa and Anna from Frozen and Nia was using her Dreamer power in the place of ice and snow.
"None of your business!" came the nasty reply from behind the green, snarling face.
"There's no need to be so rude!" Alex chided. She was dressed as Laura Croft.
"Then shut up!" Kara shoved Alex.
"Woah! Ok! Break it up! Enough!" James tried to intervene. He was in his Guardian outfit. This only earned him a good, hard shove from Kara. Lucy, who was dressed up as a military pilot, was quick to follow after James, shielding him from any further harm from Kara. She shot Kara a cold glare but Kara only snickered in response, earning a stunned look from everyone else in the area.
"Seriously, Kara, what's gotten into you?" Winn demanded, looking alarmed, confused and angry all at once. He was dressed as Stormtrooper. Lyra and Lena, though they said nothing, looked just as disturbed and put out by Kara's behavior as everyone else was. (Lyra was dressed as a Klingon and Lena as Han Solo).
"What's gotten into me? WHAT'S GOTTEN INTO ME?!?!" Kara snarled dangerously at him. "What's gotten into YOU?!" and then she shoved him back too, but instead of just trying to push him to the floor like she'd done with Alex and James, she back-handed him across the room, causing him to slam into the back wall and slump over immediately, rendered unconscious from the force behind Kara's blow.

"Well that's not good!" Alex and James muttered, but it was too late. Kara's rampage had truly begun!!!
Suddenly, with an inexplicable and untamable battle cry (though it sounded more like an animalistic howl than anything) Kara lunged. She began to ravish the party. And not in the good way. Instead, she screamed, kicked, punched, burned, destroyed and killed in a red mist of fury. Her words were incoherent as she flew around the building, destroying everything and everyone she ran into. Then she finally crashed right through the ceiling to spread her chaos across the city.
"We have to go after her!!" Lena and Alex both shouted, quick to prepare for a battle. Even though they were only in Halloween costumes, their battle gear was never too far away. James, Winn, Lyra, Lucy and the Nal sisters were quick to follow after. Nia took the lead, using her Dreamer powers to soar after the rogue Kryptonian while Alex called for backup. Lena followed immediately after Nia as her second in command, already suited up in her Lexosuit as she used a comm piece to bring in more robotic aid.
The ensuing battle was over with a terrifying speed. Despite all of the city's best efforts, they were no match for a crazed Kara. First, Kara killed Nia by tricking her into running right into Kara's laser beams. Kara killed Maeve next just to finish the job. Then she turned on James and Lucy. They were third, right after Lena. It was easy to kill them because they were only humans. Though they were wonderful soldiers, a mortal could not survive a fight with an angry god. Their fate proved that as Kara's yellow eyes shot out a ghoulish stream of pure energy. Next to fall were Winn and Lyra, both of them suiting up in their own battle gear in attempt to help Lena try and stop Kara. It still failed.
First Lyra went when Kara punched her right out of the sky and into the ground 100 feet blow. Next was Winn, whom Kara dragged out of his suit by the ear before flying him up high into the sky and punching him around a bit before finally breaking his neck. It was a mercy kill by that point, Kara having broken all the other bones in his body first. Then last to go was Lena. Kara tore her suit apart bit by bit until only Lena remained, then after pummeling Lena for a little, Kara ripped her arms and head clean off, leaving her body to fall 100 feet back down into the ground. It was a very ghastly sight.
"Perfect for Halloween!" Kara muttered in dark satisfaction as she gave a chilling laugh, wiping the blood off her "face". In all of this chaos, Kara hadn't even realized that the mask had slowly melted itself into her own visage. Now, the beautiful and adorable face of old was gone. All that remained was the hideous green mask from that Halloween store. That was her face no. There was no line between the mask's end and her skin's beginning. They were one in the same. But Kara was too high on adrenaline to see, let alone care. Instead, she delighted in her rage and hatred, howling with pride and pleasure as she beat her chest with her fists. She wanted more! More blood! More battle! More death! More dismemberment! She was Kara Zor-El, the great and powerful! Last daughter of Krypton! She was no mere mortal, but a GODDESS! And all goddesses need worship… and sacrifice!
Kara continued to roar and howl as her bright yellow eyes burned the city below. She opened her fanged mouth and the delightful sound of screaming and dying filled her pointy ears. The mask was her face and its mind was her mind. They were two souls hellishly tied together. But Kara didn't mind at all. Instead, she welcomed the hatred and wrath. She enjoyed her newfound dominance over the rest of the pathetic city down below.
But some time during Kara's wild savagery, Alex reappeared on the scene.
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