Contributions to society extended cut edition

Chapter 2 - i’ll always be with you

Dates: July 1 2010-June 2019

“Oh, come on, Alex! Learn to live a little! Learn to have a little fun!” Kara pleaded once again. She knew how lonely Alex was and she had been ferociously advocating that Alex needed to get out more and work less. Alex had always managed to come up with excuses in the past, insisting that she was married only to her post, but Kara’s incessant nagging that she go out and really unwind finally got to Alex and, at long, long last, she agreed to it.
“Fine. But just this one night,” she grunted and while Kara threw her a cheeky smirk, Alex made her way to the door. 15 minutes later, she was entering one of the local bars in the downtown area of National City. It was a highly pro-alien place and Alex had been there many times before. It was her favorite spot in town, quite honestly. Tonight was no different.
“Pick a table, any table!” one of the hosts told Alex when she walked in. She nodded in response before taking a nice, empty little spot in the back corner not too far away from the pool table. Not that she was going to be playing any games tonight. It was just going to be her and her alone. No friends, no family. Just her. The only company she needed tonight was a drink. A Greece Brand Beer Mythos to be precise! Ahhhh, this was the life! Of course, Alex knew Kara would’ve been despairing, had she seen Alex at that point, drinking but making no effort to socialize or make friends, but for once, Alex didn’t really care.
“Let Kara stew. Tonight’s my night!” the elder Danvers raised a toast to herself and took another big swig of her drink.
30 minutes later, then, an off-duty National City cop walked on by. From the second she walked in, Alex had found herself strangely attracted. Her eyes never left the cop even once. Not even once, as she walked past rows and rows of tables. They were all taken by then. Busy night for the bar. And that was when the beer started talking. Barely even aware of it, Alex opened her mouth and called out to the cop.
“Come on and sit by me! I don’t mind!” and it was a totally earnest and sincere offer, nothing sordid or sexual at all about the invitation. There was nowhere else for the weary cop to rest, so Alex was offering up a spot for her. The cop seemed to sense that Alex was only being friendly and not trying to weasel anything out of the offer, so she accepted. Sitting across from Alex, she offered to shake hands and she introduced herself.
“I’m Maggie Sawyer.”
“I’m Alex Danvers,” Alex replied, then right at that moment, a server walked over with Alex’s extra booze. Alex’s eyes lit up as she took the drinks from the tray, offering one to Maggie. “And this,” she joked. “Is my good friend, Mythos Beer!” Maggie was so tickled by Alex’s slightly tipsy joke that she laughed genuinely and took the drink without fear, raising her bottle to Alex’s before they both began to drink…
Alex was unable to remember anything about the rest of that night, except a dim haze of pleasure, but she was able to remember the following months in very clear detail. Just over a month later after that first meetup, Maggie met Alex's family, Kara and Eliza.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. and Ms. Danvers,” Maggie greeted Eliza and Kara politely.
“No need to be so formal,” Eliza smiled tenderly at Maggie. “You may call me Eliza.”
“And just call me Kara,” Kara agreed, also smiling at Maggie. Maggie exchanged a quick grin with Alex, who was looking nervous, proud and excited all at once. Wow, this family was really sweet! Maggie was warming up to them already! And it seemed like the feeling was mutual…
(A few weeks after that, Maggie met Kara’s friend, Lena Luthor.) Then a couple weeks after that, Alex and Maggie began dating each other with Kara Eliza giving their approval.
“Well, what do you think?” Alex asked with that shy, nervous smile she always got whenever Maggie was around. Kara only gave a thumbs up, flashing her older sister a huge grin, while Eliza nodded with a loving gaze.
“We’re so proud of you, honey,” she told Alex, then she repeated the same to Maggie, welcoming both of the girls into a hug. Kara was quick to join in.
“I’m so happy for you!” she whispered into Alex and Maggie’s ears and Alex and Maggie exchanged winks during the embrace. So it was official. They were girlfriends now, and they had the Danvers’ family blessing!!
And not long after that, Kara finally allowed Maggie to know her secret about being the Kryptonian known as Supergirl.
“So that’s how you know you’re really part of the family now, eh, Maggie?” Alex elbowed Maggie playfully while Maggie looked at Kara with new interest. Kara blushed a little under Maggie’s intense gaze, but she did not hesitate to show off a little and properly welcome Maggie into the family. Alex, meanwhile, watched the entire scene unfold with amusement and affection.
Five years later, Kara Danvers had gone missing. Two more after that and Alex and Maggie were getting married. The wedding had been beautiful and spectacular and it had been one of the best days of Alex’s life. The reception had been sweet and the food had been divine. (Since Lena was one of the guests, she’d used her connects to Universe Food to snag a bunch of Universe Food steaks and ribs for the wedding). Those steaks and ribs were one of the highlights of the wedding, second only to the two women getting married that day. There wasn’t a single bit of Universe Food left over by the end of the night.
“If only Kara could’ve been here to see it,” Alex murmured, eyes glittering with unshed tears as she embraced her new wife once again.
“I’m sure she would’ve been so proud of you,” Maggie replied, tenderly kissing Alex on the cheek. Tough as both of them were, they could be so very gentle with one another, especially in moments like this. Maggie had been Alex’s rock through the entire ordeal of Kara’s disappearance and even now, two years later, Maggie was still there, ever at Alex’s side.
“And I will be like that, always,” Maggie promised as she touched her and Alex’s wedding bands. “I’ll always be with you, and you will always have me.”
“Always,” Alex agreed, and then they sealed their marriage with a kiss. Even though they were alone by that point, the official ceremony having ended hours ago, this kiss felt just as magical as the one they’d shared while still at the altar.
12 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 4 years
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