Contributions to society extended cut edition

chapter 5: contributions to society

Date: Christmas 2019 7pm-9pm

But while the rest of the world grieved, two men were more than happy with how things were going. These were the men behind the curtain.
“How are productions looking, Ivan?” Lex asked over a prison phone call.
“Excellent, sir!” Ivan replied. “Your cloning machine is working like a charm! I don’t think supplies are going to go down any time soon, unless we get exposed of course...”
“Excellent,” Lex replied, then a sickening smile spread across his face, which he buried in his sleeve so that none of the watching guards could see.
“Let me hear it, will you?” he asked.
“Sir?” Ivan faltered.
“I want to hear how production is going,” Lex replied.
“But sir, I don’t think that’s such a good idea,” Ivan frowned a little. He knew that Lex was probably surrounded by at least 15 guards right then.
“Do it anyway!” Lex replied, a dangerous edge creeping into his voice.
“Yes sir!” immediately, Ivan’s thoughts of defiance were wiped clean out of his mind. He had been standing outside when talking to Lex but, at Lex’s behest, he entered back into the factory.
All at once, Lex was met with a heavenly symphony to rival even the likes of Beethoven and Mozart. He could hear whirring, grinding machines. Metal on metal. The hiss and growl of fire and heat. He could hear an oven creaking open and shut constantly. He could hear the sound of flesh being cut and burned into raw meat. He could hear sizzling as the meat was cooked and turned into consumable food. He could hear clattering, clanking, whirring and churring. He could hear roaring and moaning.
But his favorite sound of all was of the raw and desperate screams and sobs that raised even over the machinery and heat. Thousands of high-pitched screams of pain and pleas for mercy permeated the air and every single voice sounded exactly the same. Every single voice sounded exactly like hers, like Kara Danver’s.
Coming out of a small black box on one side of the factory was an endless stream of Kara clones, all naked and afraid, panicked as their first sight of this earth was nothing but death, despair, pain and Meat. They were quickly held in place by claw arms as they were moved onto a conveyor belt made to burn them alive in the flames of an oven or chop them up into pieces or string them up by their ankles before shoving the charred and chopped up remains into packages sent to be shipped out across the world under the label of Universe Food. The screaming and crying were so loud, but Lex reveled in it. He liked hearing the Kara clones squeal and cry out and weep. He liked their panic.
“Ahhhh!” Lex sighed in pleasure as Ivan continued to hold the phone to the chaos. He could hear the Kara clones begging for help or mercy, begging for the pain to stop. He could hear them screaming and wailing in panic and confusion. They didn’t understand what was going on. But how could they? They were only, at most, 10 minutes old. And that was about how long any of them ever lasted before the beautiful machinery in Lex’s horrible scheme cut their lives and bodies short. Even after the phone had been yanked away from his ear, Lex continued to revel in the sound of his enemy’s dying gasps and wails. In an endless round, Kara would die over and over again for all eternity, her body being used as literal meat to strengthen and power humanity.
“Who said that aliens couldn’t make a contribution to society?” Lex asked himself with a small, satisfied smile as he opened up his own Universe Food burger. Ahhh! Made freshly from the best kind of meat: Kara Zor El Meat. It was his third burger of the day! Then once he finished his little meal, he curled up into his tiny bed. It was cold, especially since it was the middle of winter, but the triumph of having finally vanquished a super made Lex feel warm, and the burger sat richly in his stomach as he fell asleep, dreaming of all the profit his new company would continue to turn for years and years to come. It was the start of a new era for sure!
And Lex fell asleep with a smile on his face, happy not just with his triumph over Supergirl, but with his sick, sadistic little inside joke. Universe Food’s front of being a “human-run enterprise with a strong belief that aliens CAN make great contributions to society” seemed like a sweet thing to say, but he knew the truth. Lex knew better. And he was the only one in the entire universe who did. He was the only one who truly understood what “contributions to society as Aliens Served as Food” really meant in this case, and that fact filled his humane heart with a sadistic glee even colder than the snow and ice outside his prison cell.
12 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 4 years
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