Contributions to society extended cut edition

chapter 3: universe food (part 2 of 2)

In the days to come, Universe Food invited the press to test their launch lineup of food. National City’s press was beyond amazed and delighted with the results. One of the city’s top food critics ate all the burgers and meat pies and stated in his review, “It’s the best burger I’ve ever eaten, light but filling, sweet and crispy and sour and juicy all at once. Your taste buds will dance and sing as they are treated richly with each and every warm, filling bite!” and he approved greatly of the “special sauce” really used to spice up the burger’s flavor. He gave it 4.5 stars out of 5, and for someone like him, that was incredibly generous.
All the other news companies in National City quickly followed suit and, each and every time, every little last reporter and critic fell in love with the mysterious new diner’s AMAZING burgers. One writer for CatCo decreed that the burgers were even better than a “Grade A” meal, and that Universe Foods deserved an A++++++++!!!
And various doctors around the city had to admit that the burgers were surprisingly healthy. Of course, they weren’t perfect, but they were noted to increase muscle mass and strength and endurance in any of its eaters, which was quite the impressive claim for any fast food joint to make. The only difference was, Universe Food could actually, legitimately make that claim. Their food really did cause their customers to grow stronger, and many doctors attested to it.
“The meat is delicious! Whatever animal it comes from, it certainly packs a punch! It’s flavorful and outrageously healthy for a burger!” one doctor had declared, while devouring a Universe Food meat pie. “Everyone should try it!” he added, though his voice was somewhat muffled by the pie, which he was still devouring hungrily. He was far from the only one who thought this way.
Countless other reviews, from every sort of person and posted on every sort of social platform, all said similar things about the new and mysterious burger joint:
“Universe Food has the best burgers in the world!”
“Favorite snack of all time!”
“So cheap and simple, yet so delicious and wonderful!”
“Best burger meat of all time!”
“Far better than McDonalds or BK!”
“I don’t know what their secret recipe is, but it’s no secret that Universe Food is the BEST!!!”
Over the next few months, Universe Food continued to grow in size, power and popularity, gaining notoriety and money faster than any restaurant before it ever had. But even though Universe Food was thriving, that could not totally offset the gloom that came with knowing that the Girl of Steel was still missing.
“I can’t believe you got us Universe Food,” Alex remarked one night as Winn stopped by with a bagful of burgers and meat pies. She was still grieving terribly over the loss of her little sister, but she was trying to put on a brave face for everyone else.
“What?! It’s a new place and it’s done so much for Supergirl’s memory that I think it’s only fair we give it a try,” he replied with a sad smile.
“Big Belly Burger was better,” James replied, but his voice was hollow, no humor at all in it.
“Just shut up and eat,” Winn sighed as he tossed everyone their burger. J’onn, Eliza, Lena and Cat were also in attendance, though none of them were even speaking. As much as some of them hated to admit it, though, the burgers were pretty good.
“It is delicious,” Alex admitted as she took another giant bite of her sandwich.
“It really is!” James agreed, sounding genuinely surprised at how much better Universe Food tasted compared to any other fast food joint or burger place he’d ever been to before. One would think that all low-down places like that would taste similar, but no, something about Universe Food was just too darn good to deny!
“Whatever animal it may be from, it’s amazing!” Lena murmured as she dug into a meat pie.
“Agreed!” Winn was already on his second burger.
“Rip-off Big Belly Burger,” Cat replied, but no one missed how hungrily she was devouring her own.
“Wonder what’s in it?” Eliza mused sadly. She still sometimes felt too sick and sad to eat, but for the sake of her remaining daughter, she ate. If only Kara could’ve been here... She would’ve loved these burgers! In fact, she probably would’ve downed a dozen of them and still be hungry for more! A bittersweet tear rolled down Eliza's cheek as she thought about her younger daughter.
It made her feel good, though, to think that this burger joint was doing their best to try and help the country through one of its darkest hours. Perhaps that sounded silly to say out loud, a burger joint offering America hope and comfort, but it was true! The corporation donated a large portion of its profit to various charities across the country, especially charities that were for pro-alien organizations. It made Eliza feel a little bit better to watch a pro-alien company soar through the ranks, and it gave her hope that someday, the world would see peace once again...
“This burger meat is far superior to whatever pink paste is in McDonald’s patties!” Cat suddenly decreed, startling Eliza from her sad reveries. Around her and Cat, the others laughed, but they were all in agreement with what she had said. It was the start of a new era for the fast food industry, and as Eliza secretly hoped as well, it would be the start of a new era for human-alien cooperation too. It was the least they deserved after all the tragedy they’d suffered through with the loss of Kara and Supergirl…
12 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 4 years
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