Ethan: the secret feeder

Chapter 11 - i need to tell you something...

A minute later, Mel watched as Kimmy entered and gazed around the apartment she must have known so well. She could see that Kimmy had lost a lot of weight; probably the result of some crash diet since the break-up. The previously chubby girl’s tummy had shrunk back, leaving only the remains of her larger rear in place. That would probably be very difficult to shift now, Mel thought, thinking how heartbroken Ethan would be to see the reduced size of Kimmy’s current body. “What did you want to see me for?” she asked, nervously.

“I heard you started dating Ethan,” Kimmy began, already sounding confrontational. “I wanted to give you the same warning I had from Ethan’s ex when I started going out with him.”

Mel thought back. Ethan’s ex: Heather? She had tried to warn Kimmy about going out with Ethan?

“Your new boyfriend is a freak!” Kimmy stated frankly. “I gained 62lbs in the time I was with him – not even a year!”

She looked at Mel for some reaction but, not getting any, she decided to explain herself better.

“The man’s a feeder. He wanted to fatten me up, just as he did Heather and however many other girlfriends there were before that! Who knows how fat he would have continued to make me get had I not ending things with him once I realised.”

“I see,” Mel nodded, not wanting to admit that she already knew all of this.

Kimmy strutted around the kitchen. “I saw you with him around town the other day. I’m aware that I don’t know you that well, but I could see that you were an item now. Plus…” she began awkwardly, turning to face Mel, but hardly knowing where to look. “…I could see that you were starting to pile on a few pounds,” she finished, pointing to her own now flatter stomach, as if to emphasise what she meant. “I hate to say it, but… it’s clear that he’s already started working on making you grow fatter.”

Mel stared, unsure how to feel. She had always wanted to be Ethan’s girlfriend and now that she was, she knew that she would have to accept the inevitable observations about her weight gain. So why did she feel so pleased with herself?

Kimmy continued walking around the kitchen and opened up the refrigerator, snooping. “That absolute dick!” she blasted at the sight of the contents. She bent over and pulled out a huge chocolate cheesecake, freshly made last night. “I can’t believe that asshole is feeding you with this as well!” she almost shouted, clearly frustrated. She threw the cake plate roughly on the counter and turned to Mel. “I put a hidden camera right there,” she pointed up on a high shelf. “It was when I started to suspect that maybe Heather had been right. I saw him making one of these. “You wouldn’t believe how much crap he puts into it!” she blasted, bending down and pulling out things from a cupboard. “Including this!” she announced, yanking out a huge tub, hidden right at the back. “Weight gain powder! This is what he uses – and not just in his desserts,” she continued, bending down and fishing out even more supplements. “There are loads of flavours and varieties. He’s obsessed!”

Mel walked over, surprised that she hadn’t seen these in the cupboard before. But then, Ethan never gave her much reason to ever go into the kitchen herself. “Oh my…” she gasped, seeing the calorie contents on the packaging. Ethan really was good at this.

Kimmy picked up the cheesecake and prepared herself to throw it into the food waste with a look of fury and determination on her face. “Don’t even touch it!” she stated, literally looking like she was trying not to even get any of it on her fingers.

“No, wait!” Mel called, trying to stop Kimmy. “I know you’re angry with Ethan. What he did was wrong,” she admitted. “But I’m not like you. I…” she began, trying to think of how to phrase things. “I’ve known about Ethan’s… interests, for some time now.”

Kimmy put the cheesecake down and looked at Mel with confusion. “You’ve known that he’s a feeder?” she asked, hardly believing the words coming out of Mel's mouth. “How long?”

Mel could feel herself cringing. “Some of the girls told me when you first started going out with him. I didn’t really believe it at first,” she lied. “But then I could see you starting to put on weight…”

“And yet, you said nothing?” Kimmy blasted angrily.

Kimmy was livid, her face a scarlet red. Mel tried to speak, tried to think of something to say, but nothing came to her.

“You know what – you guys deserve each other!” Kimmy shouted, strutting off and only turning as she got to the door. “I hope he makes you as fat as he wants. But just don’t come crying to me when you can’t even see your own feet!”
17 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 2 years
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Jack-Elray 4 years
Very good. Looking forward to more.
Newyorkadmirer 4 years
yeah, please write more of this one please smiley
Jazzman 4 years
You're a Genius. I wish Every other writer would read Your stories.
Hurgon 4 years
Incredible start!
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