Ethan: the secret feeder

Chapter 12 - playing the feeder

As the door slammed, Mel couldn’t help feeling awful. She really should have said something to Kimmy when she found out about Ethan. But was it really her place? And besides, she thought, getting a little cross, Heather had tried to warn Kimmy and she hadn’t listened to her! What would have made her listen to Mel?

No, there really was no excuse, Mel sighed, sitting down at the kitchen table, too lazy to pack away all of the calorie supplements that Kimmy had dragged out of the cupboards to show her. Ethan really was a wicked boy, she smiled, finding it hard not to find it amusing, thinking about how much of those supplements she must have consumed herself in the last few weeks.

Still, the cheesecake sat there glistening, warming up a little on the counter. That was when a strange feeling of excitement came over Mel. There certainly was one way to make sure that Ethan never did this to anyone like Kimmy again…

“Hey honey! Where are you?” Mel asked, propping her cell phone up on the table so that they could video call. She could see Ethan on her screen, driving his car, his cell phone safely attached to the dash. “How long until you get back?” she asked. “Your parcel has just arrived.”

“Great!” Ethan smiled. “I won’t be long. I’ve just got to go see this one client and then I will be back with you,” he promised, briefly looking at the screen whilst he drove. “What’s that on your face?” he asked, looking confused.

“Oh!” Mel squeaked, secretly pleased that Ethan had noticed already. “Sorry,” she laughed, wiping the excess from around her mouth. “I hope you don’t mind. I just started on that cheesecake you made for me in your refrigerator. You know that I love it! It’s absolutely delicious!”

Ethan peered in short bursts at the screen as Mel showed him the plate. “How much have you eaten of it?” he asked, almost sounding concerned.

“I’ve been a bit greedy…” Mel chuckled. “I’ve nearly finished it!” she smiled, placing a forkful into her mouth again. She watched as Ethan’s face showed off his excitement, then chuckled as she saw the secret feeder place a hand down to his crotch to readjust the instant boner she had just given him. He must have known exactly how many calories Mel had just unknowingly taken in.

“That’s fine,” Ethan breathed, almost losing control of himself. “You eat as much as you want! I’ll make you another one tonight!” he smiled, having to adjust himself again. “You know what, I can see this client tomorrow instead,” he explained, turning his steering wheel at a junction. “I’ll be home in ten minutes or so. I’m not really in the right frame of mind for work right now…”

Mel felt very pleased with herself as she ended the call. She could feel the cheesecake sitting there in her stomach, pushing it out and bloating her. Indeed, it was no surprise when Ethan bounded in through the door a few minutes later with a huge bulge pressing up against his work pants. He must have been nursing that since the video call, Mel thought to herself.

Ethan's shirt was off with rapid speed as he tried his best to seduce her as she stood by the mirror. She was getting some make-up on at the time when Ethan starting kissing her neck, hands silently feeling up the swell of her tummy. Mel simply chuckled and shooed him away, as if he were a pest. “I’m getting ready!” she laughed. “You’re taking me out for lunch, remember?”

“You still want to do that?” Ethan asked, stunned. “After finishing all that cheesecake!”

“Of course! I’m in the mood for something savoury now…” Mel lied, knowing exactly what she was doing to Ethan. His sexual frustration had just skyrocketed once again: his greedy girl was still hungry. “I quite fancy Chinese food,” she explained casually, as she leaned into the mirror above the sink and added her eye-liner. “Oh, and I’m thinking we should stop off for one of those milkshakes on the way home as well,” she threw in. “I’ve had a craving for one of those for a few days now.”

Mel quietly watched Ethan’s dumbfounded expression in the mirror as his eyes travelled down to her ever expanding butt. He was torn between his desperate need to feed her and yet, he had never wanted to have sex with her more. Grinning, Mel knew that the horny boy was going to worship her like a queen when they got back home later…
17 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 2 years
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Feeder862 1 year
This is the complete story, sorry.
Krollmeister 4 years
nice I like how she was aware of him being a feeder the whole time & was not only ok with it but managed to actually tame him in the end
Karenjenk 4 years
i love this sneaky ending
Jazzman 4 years
So good. Really enjoyed it.
Arch329 4 years
feeder862, I enjoyed the story Ethan: The Secret Feeder. I am writing a story Colette and Eric and the latest chapter mentions that Eric was Ethan's roommate in college. I hope you don't mind the reference. For continuity, where do Ethan and Mel live? And
Pet Sounds 4 years
In a world of mostly miserable wg fiction, your stories are uniformly excellent. Thanks!
Feeder862 4 years
That's it! Thank you to everyone who has invested their time in this story. I hope that you enjoyed it. Please feel free to check out my other fictions if you have.
Rstlne 4 years
Definitely enjoying it so far. Relatively innocent too, which is nice.
Theswordsman 4 years
Seems to me like mel might be an actual feedee
Feeder862 4 years
That's already written into the next chapter Jazzman. Numbers are coming!
Jazzman 4 years
While giving full praise for your wonderful writing style: my enjoyment of this story would be enhanced with just an occasional nod to cliche'. Like a shopping trip for clothing or a yearly physical. It's easier to envision with some numbers now and again
Feeder862 4 years
There will be seventeen chapters to this story - just so that you are all prepared for the inevitable end when it comes...
Jack-Elray 4 years
Doing very well so far with this one.
What a lucky boy Ethan is, and what a lucky girl Mel is as well I guess.
MysteryK99 4 years
This is such a great story!!! I can’t wait to read more!
Hereiam 4 years
Another juicy installment. Love it!
GrowingLoveH... 4 years
End of chapter 10 — great cliffhanger.
GrowingLoveH... 4 years
I really love this. A new idea here. Thanks for sharing your storytelling talents.
Jack-Elray 4 years
Very nice, starting shape up for sure.
Hereiam 4 years
Really nicely done. Can't wait to read more!
Th3f4t5ide 4 years
Big fan of your work! This one in particular.

Just wanted to point out how cool it is the thumbnail image for this story looks similar to the fat fetish flag. Nice touch.
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