Ethan: the secret feeder

Chapter 13 - tasters

Over the coming weeks, Mel noticed that Ethan seemed to know just how to use his body to get what he wanted. At home, he never seemed to wear a shirt and when he cooked, it was usually when he was completely naked. He worked hard in the gym and he liked Mel to appreciate his body, but it was also as if he were trying to build up the anticipation for whatever he was preparing for Mel to eat next.

“Try this ice cream I made,” Ethan smiled, sitting down on the edge of the sofa where Mel was lazing, watching TV after a big meal.

Mel sat up, grunting a little with the heavy weight of her overstuffed stomach. However, the ice cream did look good; nice and soft. She opened her mouth happily as the handsome Ethan brought the long spoon to her mouth and placed it directly onto her eager tongue. “Mmm!” she sighed in pleasure, looking at Ethan’s body at the same time. “Amazing!” she nodded, undecided about whether she was talking about Ethan’s strapping chest, or his delicious dessert.

“I’m glad you like it!” Ethan grinned, filling up the spoon again with eagerness.

It must be a really fattening recipe, Mel thought, looking down at Ethan’s crotch. He didn’t usually get this hard straight away unless he was excited about how many calories Mel was consuming. No wonder the ice cream tasted so delicious...

“I made three batches of it,” Ethan explained, carefully placing the spoon into her mouth again and again, careful not to waste a drop.

“It’s incredible.” Mel agreed, pulling down her sweat pants at the sight of Ethan’s erection.

This seemed to excite the secret feeder even more. It appeared to Mel that Ethan was under the impression that if he got her as aroused as possible, she wouldn’t notice just how many calories she was taking in. It was a tactic that probably worked like a charm with someone like poor Kimmy, Mel thought with a twinge of guilt.

At any time, Mel could have called him out on his feeder tactics, but she never wanted to. It was too much fun watching the wicked man at work. Before long, he would pass whatever he was feeding to Mel, into her hands. Then he would slide down in between her legs and start warming her up. She’d never come across any man as good at arousing a woman like Ethan was.

“I hope you’re hungry, sexy!” Ethan smiled, walking in with a tray piled high with food the next morning.

Mel looked at her naked boyfriend feeling incredibly aroused yet again. “I’m hungry for you!” she growled in lust.

Ethan smiled, pleased with the response, as if he had been expecting it. The man seemed to be effective in getting Mel to gain weight, not just because he was constantly aroused by it and looking at ways to slyly push calories into her; but because he knew how to keep his girlfriend aroused as well. For whatever reason, Mel knew that she wanted Ethan’s sexy hands sliding across her newly thickened middle, or caressing her now enlarged, blubbery ass cheeks. What else could a girl want?

“Well, why don’t you get this down you before it goes cold. Then we can take this into the bathroom…” Ethan smirked, remembering how much Mel loved having sex in the shower.

It was all Mel needed to get her eating as fast as possible.
17 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 2 years
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Feeder862 1 year
This is the complete story, sorry.
Krollmeister 4 years
nice I like how she was aware of him being a feeder the whole time & was not only ok with it but managed to actually tame him in the end
Karenjenk 4 years
i love this sneaky ending
Jazzman 4 years
So good. Really enjoyed it.
Arch329 4 years
feeder862, I enjoyed the story Ethan: The Secret Feeder. I am writing a story Colette and Eric and the latest chapter mentions that Eric was Ethan's roommate in college. I hope you don't mind the reference. For continuity, where do Ethan and Mel live? And
Pet Sounds 4 years
In a world of mostly miserable wg fiction, your stories are uniformly excellent. Thanks!
Feeder862 4 years
That's it! Thank you to everyone who has invested their time in this story. I hope that you enjoyed it. Please feel free to check out my other fictions if you have.
Rstlne 4 years
Definitely enjoying it so far. Relatively innocent too, which is nice.
Theswordsman 4 years
Seems to me like mel might be an actual feedee
Feeder862 4 years
That's already written into the next chapter Jazzman. Numbers are coming!
Jazzman 4 years
While giving full praise for your wonderful writing style: my enjoyment of this story would be enhanced with just an occasional nod to cliche'. Like a shopping trip for clothing or a yearly physical. It's easier to envision with some numbers now and again
Feeder862 4 years
There will be seventeen chapters to this story - just so that you are all prepared for the inevitable end when it comes...
Jack-Elray 4 years
Doing very well so far with this one.
What a lucky boy Ethan is, and what a lucky girl Mel is as well I guess.
MysteryK99 4 years
This is such a great story!!! I can’t wait to read more!
Hereiam 4 years
Another juicy installment. Love it!
GrowingLoveH... 4 years
End of chapter 10 — great cliffhanger.
GrowingLoveH... 4 years
I really love this. A new idea here. Thanks for sharing your storytelling talents.
Jack-Elray 4 years
Very nice, starting shape up for sure.
Hereiam 4 years
Really nicely done. Can't wait to read more!
Th3f4t5ide 4 years
Big fan of your work! This one in particular.

Just wanted to point out how cool it is the thumbnail image for this story looks similar to the fat fetish flag. Nice touch.
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