Ethan: the secret feeder

Chapter 17 - finally tamed

Now that Mel had been more vocal about her weight, she started to see just how kinky her man was about her weight gain. Everything seemed to turn him on about it: a slight bit of belly sticking out from a blouse, the way she would have to catch her breath a little at the top of a staircase; she could see Ethan having to adjust his crotch each and every time. He was so much in love with his fattening woman as the numbers climbed ever higher. Ethan’s hands always wanting to be touching the soft flesh, or sliding over the bulging belly as Mel guzzled down his super fattening homemade creations, loaded with hidden calories.

“Is everything alright?” Mel asked some time later. “Between us, I mean?”

Ethan looked perplexed. “Of course! Why would you even ask that?” he questioned, sounding genuinely horrified.

“Well,” Mel began, wondering how to phrase herself. “It’s been three weeks and… I’m still 250lbs,” she explained, standing there, fresh out of the shower and completely naked. “Why am I still 250lbs?” she asked again.

“You don’t want to be 250lbs?” Ethan asked, unsure how to answer or where his girlfriend was going with this.

Mel placed Ethan’s hands on her round tummy. “Feel it,” she ordered. “It’s not getting any bigger!” she complained. “Have you lost interest in my body?” she probed, knowing full well that Ethan grew more enthusiastic about her body the more her obesity set in.

“Not at all!” Ethan protested, placing his hands on Mel’s extremely large, wide hips and gazing imploringly into her eyes.

“Then you need to start showing me!” Mel jokingly complained. “My hip measurements haven’t changed either.”

“You… you measure your hips?” Ethan asked, almost stuttering, trying to imagine the scenario in his head.

“Of course I do,” Mel laughed, slipping back into the bathroom and opening a cupboard over the sink, where a neatly rolled up tape measure sat, apparently unnoticed by Ethan for months. “I slip it around the lower part of my belly,” she demonstrated, grunting a little as she tried to stretch the tape around her back. It seemed to be getting a little harder to do this each and every time. All this fat was making her body harder to work with. “A little help please!” she stated impatiently to her eager boyfriend, watching the arousing spectacle.

Ethan jumped to attention and helped wind the tape around Mel’s wide stomach. Then , pulling it tight, they both looked at the number.
“See!” Mel exclaimed. “I’m no bigger at all! And I thought I was dating a feeder?”

Ethan’s face was a picture of shock. Well over a year they had been dating and never once had either of them mentioned that word. “I…well, I…” he stuttered again.

“I’ll tell you what you’re going to do,” Mel began, taking charge from her fumbling boyfriend. “You’re going to take that pretty little ass of yours into the kitchen,” she stated, patting Ethan’s tight glutes with appreciation. “Then you’re going to whip up plenty of tasty, delicious treats for me, do some of the laundry, tidy this place up a bit; save me having to exert myself.”

Ethan nodded, taking on board every instruction as if his life depended on it.

“Then you’re going to make sure that I eat every… single… bite,” Mel whispered seductively.” You got that?”

Ethan nodded.

“Good,” Mel smiled, feeling as though she had been heard. “Now I’m going to sit and watch some TV whilst you’re preparing it all. I’m not getting dressed today because I’m imagining that you’re going to feed me so well that all my clothes would be feeling pretty tight by lunchtime anyway. Am I right?”

Ethan nodded obediently. “I’ll do anything you want!” he agreed, his eyes big and innocent looking.

“Good man,” Mel smiled, plodding into the lounge and plopping her big butt down into her wide chair. “Now, off you go…” she ordered, grabbing the remote control for the TV and reclining back.

Mel looked over her shoulder, seeing Ethan set to his chores. That’s how you tame a feeder, she thought, chuckling to herself.
17 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 2 years
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Jack-Elray 4 years
Very good. Looking forward to more.
Newyorkadmirer 4 years
yeah, please write more of this one please smiley
Jazzman 4 years
You're a Genius. I wish Every other writer would read Your stories.
Hurgon 4 years
Incredible start!
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