Ethan: the secret feeder

Chapter 8 - stimulation

Mel was only too glad to get out of the club. She could already imagine the comments all of their friends would have about her choice in Ethan. Still, she took in the jealous stares from the anonymous women in the club as she walked, pulled along by the handsome Ethan, out of the club.

Once outside, Ethan turned and pushed her up against the wall to kiss her once again, as if he had been holding his breath since they had last kissed. His hands slid over Mel’s sides, taking in her body, completely captivated by it. “You’re so damn sexy!” he grunted, leaning back in to kiss her again, pressing his beautiful body up against hers. “Come home with me tonight?” he asked, looking like he had never wanted anything more in his whole life.

After a short taxi ride, Mel looked around the apartment of her biggest crush. The place was immaculate; almost as if Ethan had never doubted for one moment that Mel would come back with him tonight. So this was it, she thought. This was the place where Ethan brought all of his girlfriends back to fatten them up.

Ethan was madly kissing her as he seemed to lead her backwards, deeper and deeper into his living space. His shirt was off, revealing his even more impressive body than Mel had even dared to imagine. Then she felt him tugging at the zip of her dress and he gradually unpeeled her from it; his eyes taking in every detail, desperate to get a look at her new, softer physique.

“You look so damn hot…” Ethan sighed at last, seeing her in only her underwear.

“I don’t know,” Mel joked, trying to hold a straight face. “I’ve put on a few pounds recently...”

“Not at all,” Ethan lied, allowing his fingers to touch the little roll of flab that was starting to snuggle up to the waistband of Mel’s underwear. “You look incredible,” he stated, before leaning in for another kiss.

“I’m a little hungry though,” Mel blurted out as Ethan pulled away from the kiss. She could see how hard Ethan was, stripped down to his underwear as he was now. But she wanted to make him even harder; in a way that maybe no other girl had before.

Ethan’s face lit up and he kissed Mel gently. “What would you like?” he asked smoothly, kissing Mel’s neck and sending his hands to slide across her butt as she thought.

“Do you have any ice cream?” Mel asked, surprised at how excited she felt to have Ethan prepare something for her. Then she smiled as the sexy man kissed her once last time and headed off to his kitchen straight away.

Sitting herself down on the sofa, Mel sighed and rubbed her hands over her face, hardly believing that she was actually here, in Ethan’s place; being practically worshipped by him. She pulled out her cell phone from her bag and saw the influx of texts from her friends. As expected, they’d seen her leaving with Ethan and were suitably shocked. But Mel just grinned and ignored them all, smirking as she threw her cell phone to the side without a care. Then she sat there, dressed only in her underwear, waiting for the wicked, sexy Ethan to return.

Damn, her belly was looking swollen this evening, she noted, rubbing it, pleased with how it had helped her acquire such a sexy guy. And now it was going to help her keep him...

Ethan returned with surprising speed carrying a delightful-looking Sundae. He clearly wasn’t new to making these things, Mel realised.

“Here you go!” he smiled, looking pleased that Mel had made herself comfortable. But as she tried to take the spoon off him, Ethan grinned. “No, no,” he whispered, plunging the spoon into the thick, gooey ice cream and taking out a huge mound. “You’re my guest,” he smiled, spoon-feeding her flirtatiously. “Do you like it?” he asked immediately, not waiting for a response; of course Mel would enjoy it. “I make the chocolate sauce myself.”

Mel’s eyebrows raised. If Ethan made the sauce himself, it must be extra-fattening, she realised, imagining how many calories she must be taking in right now. “Mmm…” she mumbled in delight. “This is amazing! You can make me one of these anytime you like!”

Ethan looked pleased with himself. “Maybe I will” he smiled, passing Mel the spoon to feed herself and slowly kissing her chest as he drifted down her body, tugging at her underwear. Then, spreading her legs wide over his shoulders and pulling her forwards so that she was slouched on the sofa, he slipped his lips down upon her crotch, slowly sending his tongue inside to work its magic.

Mel’s whole body seemed to take an immediate shock-wave of pleasure as Ethan set to work on her. She’d never experienced anything like it. Ethan was truly an expert at everything he did.

“What’s the matter?” Ethan asked. “Do you not like the ice cream?” he enquired, noting that Mel had stopped eating. But Mel’s whole brain had turned to mush, it was almost hard to lift the spoon to her mouth whilst Ethan pleasured her so well. Nevertheless, she tried her best to continue as Ethan brought her to the edge of climaxing so many times. Then, only once it was all gone, did Ethan take her by the hand and lead her excitedly into his bedroom.
17 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 2 years
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Jack-Elray 4 years
Very good. Looking forward to more.
Newyorkadmirer 4 years
yeah, please write more of this one please smiley
Jazzman 4 years
You're a Genius. I wish Every other writer would read Your stories.
Hurgon 4 years
Incredible start!
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