Ethan: the secret feeder

Chapter 9 - breakfast at ethan's

Mel couldn’t believe her luck as she woke up in Ethan’s bed the next morning. She grinned and stretched out like a starfish, remembering the night before. She had never come across a better lover than Ethan. It was as if he had a doctorate in how to pleasure a woman, for no one else had ever made her climax four times in one night.

Smiling and rolling around happily between the fresh sheets, Mel began to hear noises coming from the kitchen and knew that her sexy lover was up to something.

Stretching and throwing on Ethan shirt from the night before, Mel trotted out to the living space to see where Ethan had got to. Her eyes widened with excitement as she saw that Ethan was casually standing butt naked at the stove, frying something up.

“Morning!” he smiled, allowing Mel the time to admire his sexy ass and broad back. He was so obviously showing off to her. Ethan was a man who very clearly knew the effect that he had on women. How else would he have managed to hold on to his girlfriends so long otherwise? But how did he look even better with the daylight streaming in through the large windows of his loft apartment?

Timing it perfectly, Ethan turned around to walk over and kiss her.

“Did you sleep well?” he asked, pulling out a chair for Mel to sit down on, as if she were some kind of princess.

“Very well… eventually!” Mel nodded, taking her seat and grinning, remembering their passionate night.

“So did I…” Ethan smirked, bending down to gently kiss her. “…Eventually!”

Ethan’s hands started to wander over her body, covered by his shirt. He pulled himself away, as if determined not to get too carried away with himself. Round five would have to wait; especially when he was in the middle of cooking.

“What are you making?” Mel asked, feeling proud at how much lust she inspired in her new man.

“Oh… it’s nothing much,” Ethan smiled, turning back around and giving her the perfect view of his pert ass once more. “Just an old family recipe. It’s pretty good for a hangover,” he explained. “Nice and greasy!”

Mel didn’t really have a hangover, but she allowed Ethan his fun, serving up the delicious fried feast for her, despite keeping none for himself. Was Ethan really turning feeder on her already?

Mel could taste all sorts in Ethan’s food: butter, coconut milk, oils… It was absolutely delicious, but must have been packed full of calories. For why Else would Ethan’s manhood be steadily swelling like this as she ate more and more of it in front of him?

“You don’t have anywhere you need to be today, do you?” Ethan asked as Mel dutifully finished her plate.

Mel shook her head, gazing hungrily at Ethan’s body. “I’m all yours,” she grinned.

“Good!” Ethan smiled, pulling his chair a little closer, placing a hand on the back of Mel’s hair to pull her into a romantic kiss, whilst placing another on her now full stomach. “I want to spoil you all day long,” he whispered flirtatiously.
17 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 2 years
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Jack-Elray 4 years
Very good. Looking forward to more.
Newyorkadmirer 4 years
yeah, please write more of this one please smiley
Jazzman 4 years
You're a Genius. I wish Every other writer would read Your stories.
Hurgon 4 years
Incredible start!
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