Ethan: the secret feeder

Chapter 10 - relaxing

Over the next few weeks, Mel began to see just how perfect a boyfriend Ethan could be. He was caring and attentive… whilst also being a demon in the bedroom. Heading over to his place was like stepping into an all-inclusive resort, where she could lounge about on the sofa all evening and completely relax. Ethan didn’t care about her wearing make-up or dressing up for him. He was happy to see her looking comfortable and laid back. That was when she was at her sexiest, so he said. And he was more than willing to show her just how sexy he found her...

As the holidays arrived, Mel could see how incredibly charming Ethan could be with her family, making them all love him within thirty seconds of meeting him. He was a man who certainly knew how to get people on his side and within only a couple of weeks, Mel’s mother was already advising her on how best to ensure that she kept hold of the handsome hunk.

“I’m not sure you should be eating things like this,” she advised as they met up for lunch one afternoon. “I’m sure Ethan doesn’t eat all this fried stuff like you do. You’ve never had a boyfriend this good-looking before,” she asserted, seeming to picture the handsome man in her memory. “But, you know, you’re starting to look a little like you used to when you first came out of college…”

Mel rolled her eyes. Her mother’s words were code for telling her that she was getting fat. She put her fork down and took a sip of wine, somewhat regretting her acceptance of her mother’s invitation tonight. “I’m just enjoying my food at the moment,” she stated with just a hint of irritation. “Ethan has a degree in nutrition. He knows how to keep me in shape,” she explained, trying not to laugh at her own joke.

Remembering what she had been told, Mel was acutely aware of the fact that Ethan was a feeder; even despite the strange situation they were in, with neither of them ever speaking about it openly. But having that knowledge gave Mel an advantage over all of the girls that had come before her. It gave her the insight to see exactly how Ethan worked – and what a clever, wicked, sexy man, quietly ensuring that he got what he wanted out of Mel's softening physique.

Not only could she taste the copious amounts of butter and fats in her meals, Mel could also see how expertly Ethan combined food with sex; making her hunger for his sexy, toned body almost as much as she did for his fine home-cooked food. No wonder Kimmy had porked-up so fast last time; Ethan was a professional at overfeeding girls without them even being aware of it.

Mel remembered how, within a month, she was feeling the incredible tightness of her work skirts and the strain of her favourite blouse around her chest and stomach. She could also feel Ethan’s hands sliding onto those softer areas, sizing them up and silently monitoring their growth; their expansion. She could have said something; tried to stop him in his tracks. But somehow things were more fun this way.

Everything changed not long after that however. It was a Monday morning when it happened. Ethan only worked a couple of hours on Mondays and he had left Mel alone in his apartment to wait in for a delivery for him; promising to make it back as soon as he could and take Mel out for a meal somewhere on her day off.

Mel heard the buzzer go and trotted over to the intercom. But, standing there on the display screen was no delivery guy; it was none other than Ethan’s ex-girlfriend, the unforgettable Kimmy.

“Mel?” she asked assertively, looking directly into the camera. “I know it’s just you up there. We really need to talk.”
17 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 2 years
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Jack-Elray 4 years
Very good. Looking forward to more.
Newyorkadmirer 4 years
yeah, please write more of this one please smiley
Jazzman 4 years
You're a Genius. I wish Every other writer would read Your stories.
Hurgon 4 years
Incredible start!
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