Ernesto with bernadette and her lovers

chapter 4 ernesto, bernadette and william

It’s the 1970’s. Women have become liberated and demand equality with the men. Bernadette (Bernie)is no exception. She’s single, beautiful, young, looks like a school girl and dresses like one. She is college educated (med tech). Her sexual needs exceed the ability for one man to satisfy her. Men become enchanted with her because she looks so young.

The one man she returns to after her trysts is Ernesto. He’s 50 years old. He is a bank president. He opened his heart and home to her in a divorce hearing with her exhusband. Bernie loves him and he understands her needs.

Sunday is Ernesto’s favorite day. It’s football Sunday. He likes to watch the games. Bernie decided to go to an art show in town. It was the last day of the showing and sale of local artists works. She dressed warm as it was cold. She kissed him and said she would be back for dinner. He said bring home pizza instead. She said okay. She said she would get salad too.

The art show was at the civic center. Free parking and a $5 entry fee.

There was a crowd there. Art work involved items made from paper, ceramic, wood, metal, floral and forest grown. The paintings and other mediums were of exceptional quality. One large painting caught her eye. It was of a young girl, almost a teenager and naked. The girl looked like Bernie. A well dressed man next to her said,”she looks like you.” Bernie was surprised at the almost exactness of her. The lady artist came to her. The lady asked her if she liked the painting?
The gentleman said to the artist to look at Bernie and the subject. She was stunned as she studied the situation. She said the subject was painted by her in New York City at her studio. The artist said if Bernie wanted her likeness painting she reduced the price just for her to $150. Bernie got her check book out when Williaml insisted he would buy it for her.

She said he didn’t have to do that. He said he felt it was the right thing to do. The artist said to Bernie she hadn’t named the girl in the painting.
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