Ernesto with bernadette and her lovers

chapter 6 ernesto is away, bernadette will play

It’s Thursday and Ernesto is in Washington DC at a Banking Conference. He will fly back home Saturday.

Bernadette or “Bernie” as she prefers is going to Uptown tonight for Thursday Ladies Night. Instead of the club, she’s going to the Euro Adult XXX Theater alone. Lydia can’t go as her son isn’t feeling well. Bernie is a little concerned about being alone. However, the management at the theater is family owned and they don’t tolerate harmful behavior. She will be safe.

Bernie checks in at the theater booth and the lady knows her. She asked Bernie about Lydia and Bernie told her about Lydia’s son being sick. The lady said she hoped the boy gets better. Bernie went down the stairs and followed the passageway. She turned right and into the gang bang room. To Bernie’s surprise there was another lady there with a man. Bernie introduced herself. The lady’s name was Joan. She was a tall, beautiful blue eyed blonde young lady and her husband’s name was Gene. She asked Bernie if she had been there before? Bernie said yes and that she usually comes with a lady friend. But her friend’s son is sick. Joan said this is her first Gang Bang. Bernie said for her to get extra disposable towels. She would also need sunglasses. Joan asked why? Bernie said when the guys squirt cum many times it goes into the eyes and it’s uncomfortable. Bernie said one more thing and Gene can help. Remind the guys to wear condoms for your ass and pussy. Gene can announce that. Bernie said she reminds them too. Bernie told her she would be busy sucking and licking their cocks. She told her they both will be surrounded by 6 guys at a time. Gene should get his sex now as you and I will be very busy. Bernie layed on the table next to her naked and opened her legs. Gene asked Joan if he could be with Bernie? Joan said of course, she said she would be with a lot of men. Gene went to Bernie and Bernie spread her legs more and said,”come fuck me baby.” He put a condom on. He thrust his cock into her pussy fast and hard. He said you are beautiful. He commented her pussy was tight and how it felt good. She moaned and enjoyed his balls slapping her pussy. Finally he squirted into the condom. He stimulated her for the next cock.
10 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 4 years
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