Ernesto with bernadette and her lovers

chapter 6 cont

The guys were lined up waiting patiently. She asked Joan if she was ready? Joan said yes. Bernie yelled, “come on babies.” Immediately 6 guys surrounded each table. Bernie and Joan were pulling and sucking cocks. The front man was rubbing, licking, sucking, their clits and pussys. Fingers or a hand were inserted into the pussy for extra stimulation. The side guys besides getting their cocks sucked put some lubricant on the girls and massaged them. They licked, sucked,nibbled on their breasts and nipples. As each front man completed fucking them he would leave the table . The next guy was up fucking and slapping his balls against their pussies. Bernie had an ass fucking a few times. Joan did to. Joan wondered how Gene was handling all of this? It’s what she wanted. Like Bernie she found gang banging exhilarating. Addictive. The girls moaned and shouted as they were feeling constant stimulations. Joan hoped Gene could deal with her needs and happiness.

After 2 1/2 hours the lines of men were gone. The girls showered and talked. Bernie found out Joan and her husband lived in town near the hospital where she works. They exchanged phone numbers. Bernie had a new friend with the same needs she had.

The girls were dressed. Gene kissed Joan. He said he loved her. He was turned on by her being loved by 30 men. She said she was going home with the only man she loved.

Bernie hugged and kissed them goodnight. She was hungry. She was stopping for a steak dinner and a glass of wine. While she was dining a well dressed man stopped by her and introduced himself. He gave her his business card. He was an attorney in town. He said he was impressed with how beautiful she was He asked her if he could call her? She said she would call him. He put his home phone number on the card.

Friday night Ernesto called Bernie. He would fly in at 1PM and be home by 2:30PM Saturday. She thanked him for calling and said she loved him.

Saturday afternoon there is a call on the intercom from the gate. Bernie pushed the button to open the gate for the limousine to enter. Ernesto was home. The chauffeur and Bernie helped Ernesto with his luggage and gift boxes. She hugged and kissed him. She took his coat and hung it up. He tipped the chauffeur and thanked him.

Ernesto was happy to be home with Bernie. He was tired. He was hungry. She made him a sandwich and coffee. The gift boxes were for her. He bought some souvenier t-shirts, sweatshirts and he went a department store not like anything where they live. He bought women’s romper sets that were cute and sexy. He also went to the tattoo store that sold body jewelry. He bought a gold necklace with gold chains that would circle both breasts. They connected under the breasts and a chain dangled from there to her waist. She was so happy, she thanked and kissed him.

They had dinner that evening. He asked her how ladies night went? She said she went to the theater by herself as Lydia’s son was sick. She said she met a lady, Joan from their area and her husband Gene. It would be Joan’s first Gang Bang. Bernie said she made suggestions. Joan was happy Bernie was there. Especially because there were 60 men in line. Bernie said she was happy Gene was there. Bernie commented how Joan loved the gang bang and the feeling of being ultimately loved by all of those men. She wanted more gang bangs. Bernie said this woman felt the same way about her need for sex as she did.

Bernie put her new body jewelry on. Ernesto went to bed. She straddled him and pushed his cock into her pussy. He was horny. He saw she was wearing the body jewelry he bought her. She was beautiful. The jewelry sparkled like Christmas tree lights. He had missed her. She rode his cock and he pushed up giving a lot of force thrusting into her pussy. She used her fingers on her clit ring. Ernesto licked,sucked her nipples,sucked her breasts leaving his own marks on her also called,Hickys. She rode him for a few minutes then started orgasming. She was making those love sounds of moaning and noises of being satisfied. Her vaginal muscles tightened around his cock pulling it to squirt her pussy. He came in her and her body shook receiving his cum and orgasming. Once she calmed down,she got off of Ernesto. She serviced his cock licking,sucking his cock and balls clean. She had a spoon and asked him to feed her his cum. She pushed the cum from her pussy. It was copious. He spoon fed her. She rolled the cream pie on her tongue showing him she swallowed it. She did a lot of swallowing.

After sex they showered. They went to bed. Ernesto would *** ass Sunday morning. Wakey, Wakey.
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