Never hire a pig to be your waitress

Chapter 2 - getting ready for a workout

The next day John started to get his plan in motion, yesterday he had made sure to buy Jayden some extra elastic workout clothes and some tight work clothes. He wouldn't let this beautiful angel of his become a twig of a woman, no, he was going to make her his little piggy, just a waddling ball of lard, just the idea was enough to excite him.

He cuddled up closer to his sleeping beauty, they normally slept on the same bed, and he loved to feel how each day she took more and more space with those gorgeous hips, he began to rub and fondle her love-handles, to wobble her gelatinous ass, to grab every single roll and trace every single stretch mark he could find, it was good thing Jay was one of the heaviest sleepers in history, still, he could hear how her breathing got a bit faster, she also was getting into it, oh, how he wanted to just stuff her silly, have her forget what hunger or even how been just satisfied felt, and the time was just right.

He gave her a kiss on the head before getting up and walking to the kitchen. John wasn't a master chef when he first met Jay, but after constantly cooking and baking for his taste taster he had to admit he had gotten pretty good at it.

Today it was going to be a special day, the first day on Jayden's new diet; the poor girl didn't know what would await her, it is a very common that misconception that fat is what makes you, well, fat, so low-fat foods must be extremely healthy, right? Well, it is the complete opposite, sugar and carbs are the main reasons for weight gain, and, wouldn't you know it, it just so happens that some companies replace fat in the products by adding a ton of sugar to make the thing taste better, especially the cheap diet products.

He made breakfast as he normally did, starting up with a stack of pancakes, he got a bag of "low fat" flour and pour it's contents on the trash, replacing it by one used for extra thick mixtures, he couldn't let his plan be based only on the sugar of low-fat products; he went ahead and added two sticks of butter to the mixture, as well as quite the hefty amount of sugar, he poured it in the pan and, one by one, a stack of ten pancakes was made, adorned with a few strawberries “because fruit is healthy” and diet maple syrup.

Once that was done, he worked on his usual sausages and bacon sandwich, he always used lard to cook his meat, and today wasn't different, he would just say that he used olive oil, and of course, whole grain bread drowned in garlic butter, all accompanied by a delicious protein shake, and, well, with how lazy Jayden was, all that protein was going to end up as more blubber for her ass, John really couldn't control himself at the thought of fattening his girl to such grand proportions.

On the meantime, Jayden had just woken up, she lazily rubbed her eyes and made an “attempt” to get up, only to fall back on her pillow, she really didn't want to get up, it didn't matter that she had slept more than 10 hours, she could always sleep more.

John watched her with love in his eyes, she loved this woman so much, but it also made him even more confident about his plans, there was no way this girl was ever going to lose weight, he knew she didn't have even remotely the amount of self-control to go on a diet.

Sniffing the delicious scent of breakfast, Jay turned around and sat upright in their bed, that was the only thing that made her move, the smell of John's cooking was like a drug for her, she was practically salivating “Sweetie, you shouldn't have, especially so much, you told me you were going to help me with my diet” the blue-haired woman said with a mixture of shame but also extreme greed, really to dive headfirst into her food.

“And I am, believe it or not, all of this is dietetic, low fat, few carbs, and sugar so you have enough energy to go through the day, I have never cooked such healthy food”

“W-Well, if you say so, I suppose I could then indulge a bit, I do need energy for a new experience” she hadn't even finished her sentence when she was already leaning forward trying to reach the tray, she wasn't going to get up for it, but she wanted it so bad.

John didn't waste any time and sat by her side, it had become routine for Jayden to let him feed her, she loved to be pampered in such a way, and he loved to see her pig out, and each day she impressed him even more.

He grabbed two packages and cut them into large pieces, not only was Jayden a greedy girl in terms of how much she could eat, but also in the way she ate, she wanted her mouth to be at full capacity, she needed large slices just to savor everything.

The spoiled woman was devouring everything John put in front of her lips, she didn't care what it was, the only thing she cared was that there was more. Before she realized, the pancakes were gone, all crammed inside her already tight belly, she leaned back and started to rub it gently, it was impressive, even when she was full she still felt like a ball of dough, definition was not something present in her body.

John decided to help her out, placing his eager hands on her gut, he let his fingers sink slightly on her excess adipose, he couldn't take it anymore, he grabbed the sandwich and cut it on four pieces. This was slightly difficult as he decided to sit with Jayden on his lap (normally she sat in between his legs, but as she grew wider and wider they just decided to switch it).

With one hand he continued to fondle her tummy, with the other he grabbed a piece of the sandwich and placed it on her face, she only looked at him with the stare of a deer on headlights “Come one darling, don't you want all the energy you can get to exercise? Starving yourself can lead to weight gain” she said with a convincing yet seductive voice, his hand moving from her belly to her chest, the poor girl yelp as a sudden feeling of arousal came over her, now she was putty on hands.

She opened her mouth as he stuffed her another piece of the sandwich, now two were down, only two to go, and he was going to reward his good little piggy. He placing his fingers on her tits and started to rub against them, feeling them harden as he lifted her pj's, exposing her chunky body to the world.

Another bite was down, Jayden could barely eat with the constant burps and moans eruption from her, yet somehow she managed. Now John moved his hands down onto her love-handle, pulling her closer to him, god, was this girl heavy, and he loved it, he started to caress her inner thighs, feeling the rising heat.

The last slice passed by her lips, she felt like an over-inflated balloon, but the mixture of him touching her plus a full belly was enough for her to give in, she spread her pants-ripping thighs and let John start to rub against her crotch, he was slowly taking off her pants, finding quite a bit of resistance by how tight they were, yet he somehow managed to leave the overweight woman in only her panties, she looked back at him, almost begging for him to take them off, yet he only looked towards the shake, the last thing on her breakfast, she didn't need any other hints.

She got up from his lap and almost gulped the glass itself, now she was absolutely ready to burst, but ready to be fucked... Or so she thought, the food plus her lazy nature were really getting to her, she slowly drifting into a food coma. John giggled as he kissed her on the lips and smacked her ass “Once you wake up, we are going go have a great workout” he teased before she fell asleep, there she was, the greedy hog he knew and loved.

(Thank you all so much for your patience with me! I'm sorry for keeping you out of the loop for so long, but now I'm back with another chapter! As always, let me know what you thought of it and if you have any suggestions for other chapters, I'm unsure if I want to make Jayden an obvious gainer or an unwilling one, but again, ideas and suggestions are appreciated it!)
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Beautybelly 4 years
love it!! please continue!! smiley
Theswordsman 4 years
If a fitness freak became 500 pounds how big will jayden become