Contributions to society

chapter 2: god, that's good burger (part 1 of 3)

Universe Food catches the public's eyes, ears, hearts... and stomachs.
Universe Food acquires Big Belly Burger and becomes an international chain.
Universe Food becomes an INTERGALACTIC chain.
Universe Food announces its 3 Billionth sale through Big Belly Burger and 1.8 Billionth through all Non-Big Belly Burger Locations.
Universe Food announces four new types of burger: Fire Burger, the US BBQ Teen Burger, the Double Meat, and the Bacon Bomber.
Universe Food: God, that's good!!!
"Well, that's the best news I've heard all day," Winn smiled dryly as he set his newspaper down.
"What?" James asked, looking over his shoulder, curious to see what had caught Winn's eyes.
"Universe Food is bringing out new burgers for its fifth anniversary," Winn replied, tossing James the paper.
"Hmmm," James skimmed the names of the burgers. "Kind of cliché, don't you think?" he asked. Winn pretended to get offended.
"How dare you insult my favorite burger joint?!" he cried, putting a hand over his heart.
"I thought Big Belly-" James began playfully.
"Has been owned by UF for about four years now, so it counts," Winn finished. James only laughed in response. Back in Universe Food's earlier days, when it was still a rival of Big Belly, there had been many heated discussions between Winn and anyone who would listen about which was better. Now that the two had become one, though, the need for arguments was over. James still liked to tease the poor technician about it though.
"Did you want to go out for a burger later tonight?" James asked after a moment, setting the paper back down.
"Do you have to ask?" Winn smiled back and James raised a hand for a high-five.
"You're gonna have to nix that burger plan," Alex suddenly walked through the door, expression cold and hard, like ice.
"What's wrong?" James' face instantly changed into a look of concern.
"Four more aliens have just gone missing," Alex replied darkly, then she quickly led the two back in the direction she had come from, to one of the larger rooms in the DEO. There, upon the giant flat screen, were four faces.
"Scorcher, an Almeracian, a Maaldorian and Draaga" Winn read off with a pained expression.
"Yep," Alex looked disgusted, eyes burning with a quiet but hateful rage. James and Winn both looked at her sympathetically. They knew that she was still bitterly mourning the loss of her younger sister, Kara Danvers. Even though it had been five whole years since the young Kryptonian went missing, Alex was still holding out the hope that Kara was still alive. She just needed to be found. And now, they had four aliens more to find too.
"How are we doing in here, Lenny?" Lex shouted over the screaming of the machinery and the aliens in the background.
"We're doing wonderfully, sir!" Lenny shouted back before gesturing for himself and Lex to step into his private office. It was a small room he'd built off the side of the building and it was completely soundproof. That way, he and Lex could speak to one another without losing their hearing or their voices. Wonderful as it was to watch the aliens squirm and scream like slaughterhouse pigs all the way to their untimely and graphic, agonizing demise, it was very hard to carry out a conversation in such an environment.
"As I'm sure you already know," Lenny began excitedly. "We've opened far more restaurants than other big companies like McDonald's, Burger King, Wendy's, Subway and all the others and we've got a giant group of hungry customers flocking in from all over the galaxy."
"Good, good," Lex allowed his eyes to drift shut slowly in pleasure. It made his wicked heart twist with pleasure to think how rich and famous he was becoming off of the suffering of his enemies. His one regret was that he was unable to reveal himself as the genius mastermind behind the whole plan. Since he was still serving 30-some life sentences, however, he'd been forced to allow Lenny to be the face of the company.
"How are our plans for further expansion going?" Lex asked a few moments later, opening his eyes once again.
"Further expansion?" Lenny echoed. "But, sir, we've already dominated the galaxy!"
"I don't just want this universe, Lenny," Lex replied, frowning. "I want all of them."
"All of them, sir?" sensing that Lex was about to have another meltdown, Lenny made himself as small as possible.
"Yes, Lenny, all of them," Lex bit out every word, trying to remain calm. "I want every single universe to know my name! I want you to invent a way for us to reach these parallel universes and crossover worlds. I want every single alien in any known universe to bow down before me. Do you understand?" the Luthor was baring his teeth now and Lenny had the good sense to nod rapidly.
"Good," Lex backed down a little, then he looked past Lenny out the window of the office and back towards the heart of the factory.
For a moment, there was only silence as Lex peered out the window, watching limbs being violently ripped off of still-living aliens before everything was tossed into a giant oven. He watched as struggling, squirming bodies cried out in misery and agony. He watched them try to escape, thrashing and attack their chains. It wouldn't work, though. Lex had been doing this for five years straight. He had everything down to a science by now. He only gave one soft laugh of amusement as he watched one of the many Supergirl clones being held immobile by several giant metal arms hanging from the ceiling. While she screamed her lungs out, the claws placed her on a conveyor belt and held her down as the belt moved slowly forward, pushing her closer and closer to the incinerator. She was finally fully inside the machine and the metal doors clanked shut as she and thousands of other clones were slowly cooked alive, flesh burning and bubbling off to reveal the warm meat beneath.
But Supergirl wasn't the only one being cloned over and over again. The four new missing aliens, along with a vast host of other species and breeds, were being cloned as well. The entire left half of the warehouse, which was now far larger thanks to all the expansions done, was nothing but cloning machines. After a few seconds, another fully-formed clone would pop out, and then the giant metal arms would grab hold of them and place them on the conveyor belt where they would walk the same path their billions and billions of predecessors had. To the far right of the slaughterhouse was a giant packaging station where all the fresh cuts of meats were quickly stored and sent out, to be shipped all over the world and the universe. It was a very swift, efficient process that picked up quite the pretty penny.
10 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 4 years
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