Contributions to society

chapter 2: god, that's good burger (part 3 of 3)

"Well, like I said, we can find one, maybe we can find the others," Alex began. "So I am proposing that we try to speak with the family and friends of the four missing aliens to figure out when and where they went missing. Maybe we can find clues and see where they were all taken. Or at least figure out who, or what, did the taking," she explained.
"And you think that if we can find some commonality?" Maggie asked, sitting beside James and Winn and eating her own burger and meat pie.
"Then we can start researching the culprits," Alex nodded as she spoke, giving a determined look to everyone in attendance.
"There's a problem with that, though," J'onn interrupted. "We would need to look to space and Earth in order to get a full picture of our missing people and we have neither the time nor the resources to do that. And even if we did, who's to say that whoever is doing the kidnapping won't catch onto us and try to hunt us down as well?" he was busily eating a sandwich of his own as he turned Alex's plan over in his head. Maybe when Supergirl was still around, J'onn could afford to go to space. But now that she was gone? Crime had increased and he wasn't sure if he could find anyone with the time or skill to travel the galaxy in order to conduct familial interviews about the whereabouts of the four missing aliens.
"I can handle that," Cat finally added her own two cents into the conversation. "As the CEO of a large reporting company, I can easily get word out across this planet and maybe I can even use my connections to Universe Food to reach into the heavens as well," she suggested. Then, as she took another bite from her meat pie, she explained. "I can send an ad out in the paper to draw in the family of the missing aliens. It wouldn't be too hard for someone like myself to get the publication spread across the country. As for outer space, while that would be tougher, I think it is doable. And I have never been one to back down from a challenge," she added fiercely. She was just as invested in saving Kara as the others were.
"And if Cat can't handle outer space, I can help with that," Lena agreed, referring to her own close ties with the food company. The two CEOs exchanged guarded but respectful smiles as they shook on it.
"Good!" Alex sounded relieved. "Then once we're able to get in touch with the families and conduct interviews, maybe we can find out what happened to everyone. That's when we come in," she gestured to herself, James, Winn, J'onn and Maggie.
"Well, if we know where the kidnapping took place, I can get on that right now," Maggie offered. Even though her jurisdiction only fell within National City's borders, she still knew how to run an investigation. Besides, as an unofficial member of the DEO know, she knew that she could easily obtain a fake license that would give her power anywhere she went.
"I can do the same. I can assist Ms. Sawyer in an early investigation on the crime scenes," J'onn agreed.
"Excellent!" Alex repeated, looking hopeful for the first time in five years. "Then it looks like it's settled!" she and James and Winn were going to stay back in National City and continue to look for Kara while Cat, Lena, J'onn and Maggie would look for the other four missing aliens.
"I think we're finally getting somewhere!" she said next with a genuine smile, and the other four people in attendance smiled back, playfully raising up their Universe Food burgers in a toast. They would find their missing friends, they were certain of it! ... But burgers first.
"Yes, burgers always first!" Alex joked with a bittersweet smile, quoting Kara as she bit into her food. Then the room fell silent as everyone continued to eat and there was only one thing that any of them could think: God, that's good!
10 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 4 years
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