The sweetest barista (free edition)

chapter 1.0

"Can I have a large 20 McNugget meal with a Tropical Berry Sprite?"

"Sure thing! Would you like to add an apple pie to that?"

"Hmmm, no but I'll take three chocolate chip cookies, please!"

"Alright, anything else?"


"Go ahead and pull forward, thank you!"

Kiara pulled forward, a little voice in her head telling her 'Hey, maybe that was too much food? Especially considering our current fashion emergency...'

That voice was quickly drowned out when the food entered the car and with it, that delicious smell of chicken nuggets - her favorite junk food that wasn't loaded with enough sugar to make a keto addict faint.

Pulling into a parking spot, Kiara quickly went to work to devore the pretty sizeable meal she had ordered, almost as if she hadn't spent her whole shift doing nothing but snacking on sugary treats and slurping down even more sugar packed into her many Frappuccinos.

One by one, more and more threads began to pop along the tear in the center, as more of the chocolate flesh poured out and pressed against the fabric of Kiara's apron. But the barista didn't care as long as there was delicious, greasy food in her mouth.

After finishing off the nuggets and fries, Kiara looked down as she shoved a cookie in her mouth, seeing that she still had about ten minutes of her break left. She then looked up at the Goodwill across the street and thought 'Now might be a good time to get something to change into really quickly...'

By the time she drove her car to the front of Goodwill, the barista had finished off her cookies and slurped down the last drops of her Sprite. She opened the car door, shuffled both legs out of the door, and then used the hood of the car as support to help her get out of her car - something she needed do to her height and the car being so low to the ground, but has slowly become more and more tiring as her weight continued to slowly climb. With her belly swollen to its current size, it was especially difficult as she grunted a few times before finally standing up.


'Good thing I didn't leave my apron at the store,' Kiara thought to herself, thinking that last rip just from the one on top of her stomach.

The barista made her way into the Goodwill, purposefully going a couple sizes bigger than she normally would as she looked for a black dress that looked as similar to the one she was wearing. Settling for one with a slightly different neckline, Kiara made her way over to the changing room as fast as she could.

And it was as she closed the door and started to turn around as Kiara looked at the mirror behind her did she realize something.

That second rip she sound wasn't the one on her stomach getting bigger.

It was the sound of her dress ripping right along the crack of her ass.

Her struggling pink lace panties that almost looked like a thong with how bad of a wedgie she had was on full display, and on either side of those dainty panties there were blobs of flesh fighting their way out of the dress.

Kiara wanted to hide in the dressing room and never come out again, but she only had a couple minutes before she needed to be back at work and it was already fairly obvious that she was going to be late.

So the barista quickly shuffled out of the ruined dress and slipped on the new one, going as fast as she could to the register to buy the dress as she was wearing it and bolt back to her car.

Kiara collapsed in the front seat of her car, breathing heavily as she turned on the ignition and bolted back to work.

Only a couple minutes late, and no one made comments about her outfit change. So, Kiara figured she was in the clear. No one noticed.

But one did notice, but that's mostly cause he's been keeping an eye on here all day.
3 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 2 years
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Anmeroth 4 years
I was actually planning on doing that! And I made it premium cause it was one of my most popular stories and I need to pay bills lmao
Unknown2None 4 years
Why not do the same thing with Walter High? Make a free edition next to the premium? Why even make that premium?