The sweetest barista (free edition)

chapter 1.5

After the dress incident, Kiara made sure to buy a few new outfits so that it wouldn’t happen again. That didn't last long. Her coworker definitely wasn’t helping.

“Here’s your cake pops!” Jared announced as he dropped off the small pastry bag by her hands before he turned around to change the trash.

“Thank you!” Kiara called out, knowing he likely didn’t hear it in the middle of the rush they were in. Before anything else, she looked into the bag and saw that there were three cake pops when they only asked for two, so Kiara pulled one out and set it to the side before handing the bag to the waiting customer. “Your extra hot nonfat skinny mocha with extra whip is almost ready!”

Kiara turned around, saw that it was ready and waiting already, and quickly put the sleeve on it before handing it off “Sorry for the wait, hope you--!”

The driver drove off, not having said one word to Kiara beyond her order the entire time.

‘Fuck you too, lady,’ Kiara thought as she quickly shoved the cake pop in her mouth and chewing it as fast as she could before taking the next impatient order.

Next thing Kiara knew, Jared was dropping off a warm brownie by her. She didn’t have any new orders with food and a quick check on the register showed that neither did the cafe. ‘Did he notice how stressed I was and decide to bring this to cheer me up?’

Kiara smirks, bites off a small piece, and then opened the window to greet the next customer.

Flopping down in the driver's seat for her break, Kiara shuffled uncomfortably before reaching down to unbutton her pants, her belly surging forward to settle a few inches onto her thighs that were tightly wrapped like sausages in her too-small jeans.

'This is probably an old pair,' the barista thought to herself as she started up the car, not realizing that they were one of the biggest pairs of her new pants.

Kiara pulled into her local Sonic and was almost immediately drooling as she looked at their menu, her exposed belly quickly rumbling up a storm as if she hadn't spent most of her shift with either food in her mouth or gulping down sugar and cream from a straw.

"Can I get... Two foot long chilli cheese dogs and a large Butterfinger Sonic Blast?"

"Alright, so two foot long chilli cheese dog meals, both with a large Butterfinger Blast?"

Kiara paused. She should correct her. But a part of her told her 'No. Let it happen.' "Yep!"

"Alright, would you like tatter tots or French fries?"

"Ummm, one with tatter tots and one with fries."

"Alright, anything else?"

Kiara locked her lips. Those words were very tempting, but she already ordered more than planned.
"N-no, that'll be all for today."

When the food finally arrived, the barista immediately went to work on her food. Tots and fries in her lap, one hot dog in her hand with the second on the passenger seat, and both of her cup holders containing nearly 3000 calories of deliciousness.

Within two minutes the first footlong was gone, and Kiara started grabbing tots and fries fistfulls at a time as she shoveled heaping scoops of the blast into her hungry maw.

Her fingers were covered in salt and grease, while her shirt was covered in driblets of chilli and ice cream that were mostly smeared cause every time she saw one fall, Kiara would immediately drag her finger across it and lick said finger to try and savor as much as she could.

After finishing off the first blast, Kiara eagerly picks up the second footlong and had it making its way into her taut belly in just five bites before getting to work on the rest of her sides and her second blast.

As the final scoop of Butterfinger blast crossed her lips, Kiara leaned back and lift her shirt up so she could just rub her belly that was so stuffed she looked eight months pregnant.

When she finally worked up the energy to sit up again, the movement let loose a loud, long belch that definitely would have won some competitions.

Shifting her car into park at work, Kiara took a big breath, preparing herself. She opens the door, and slowly shifts one leg out at a time. Moves one arm onto the top of the door frame and the second on the shoulder of her seat. Kiara scoots herself to the left edge of the seat and took another deep breath. Grunting and panting, the barista spent the next ten seconds struggling to stand. When she finally could, she needed a moment to catch her breath.

Looking down, she realized she forgot to pull her shirt down and rebutton up her pants. Grabbing the two flaps and yanking them up, she went to pull them together and they were nowhere near touching. Kiara did her best to suck in her stomach and hold her breath as she tried again and it barely made a difference.

She jumped, pulled, grunted, and finally leaned against her car with defeat as she struggled to catch her breath. Kiara didn't have time for this - she needed to clock back in. So instead, she tried to pull her shirt down past her zipper to cover it up, which as far as Kiara was concerned, it did. But to anyone looking directly at her, it obviously didn't, as her love handles and belly fat pushed her shirt up.

Tying on her apron and putting on her hat, Kiara waddled back into work.
3 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 2 years
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Anmeroth 4 years
I was actually planning on doing that! And I made it premium cause it was one of my most popular stories and I need to pay bills lmao
Unknown2None 4 years
Why not do the same thing with Walter High? Make a free edition next to the premium? Why even make that premium?