Walter high (free version)

chapter 2

A little over a week later, Haley found herself struggling to pull up her size zero pants past her slightly-thicker thighs. Her constant munching of junk food throughout the day was quickly beginning to show on her short figure. By her second day of school, she had started to eat a few treats during her classes. By her fourth, she was asking for two bowls of that delicious soup at lunch before receiving an ever-increasing amount of junk food from Samantha. As of a couple days ago, Haley was snacking during class almost as much as her obese classmates.

Haley grunted loudly as a last-ditch effort to pull up her pants past her thighs before sighing with defeat and pulling them off. She decided she would just wear a dress today.

Haley wasn't the only one struggling that morning, however. Samantha stood in the mirror, looking at her predicament. She was able to pull her pants up just fine - albeit, they were quite a bit tight - but her shirt was another story. She felt like her size small shirts were getting shorter and by the day - but now not a single one of them could completely cover her softening belly and growing love handles and a little bit of her pale flesh stuck out underneath everyone of them and the fabric itself so tight that there was no way that it could be considered flattering to her figure.

Samantha had definitely gone up a size - again. When she first started the school year, she had been 127 pounds and a size six. After a few weeks at Walter High, however, she had found herself about twenty pounds heavier and, after buying some new clothes, a size ten.

The redheaded teen didn't think much of it, however, as her tiny weight gain didn't even compare to the number most of her classmates had appearing on their scales.

Thinking of the large batch of brownies her mom had baked last night, Samantha found herself drooling as she walked to the kitchen for a rather large, unhealthy breakfast before it was time for her to get on the school bus. Not even bothering to change out of the inadequate shirt as she stuffed her face with brownies and shoved at least a dozen treats into her large bookbag, Samantha found herself packing quite a few extra "for Haley", even though she usually only gave her friend two or three.

Two weeks later, Haley found herself at the McDonalds built into her local Walmart, stuffing herself with a Big Mac, large fries, 10 piece chicken nuggets, and a large Dr. Pepper. This was slowly starting to become a weekend ritual for her - go to Walmart, eat as much food as she could, and then go hunting for clothes that fit just right on her stuffed frame. The idea was to try and make her clothes last longer by getting the biggest size necessary for her recently increased appetite, but the effects were most likely the opposite.

Since her transfer about a month ago, Haley had gained a whopping twenty five pounds, most of which went to her hips, ass, and thighs that now had to be forced into a size six jeans. Like the majority of most new students to Walter High, Haley found herself to not be too concerned about her unusually rapid weight gain since, as far as she was concerned, she still seemed almost anorexic compared to the rest of her school.

After finally completing updating her wardrobe with larger sizes, the short brunette found herself to starving once again as she stopped by the McDonald's once more for two double cheeseburgers and a refill for her large soda.

Samantha's weight gain wasn't as extreme as her friend's - after all, she was almost half a foot taller - and it was partially due to the fact that her mom prepared every meal and was slightly limiting the amount of junk food her constantly eating daughter could consume.

Nonetheless, she still managed to gain another twenty pounds - marking her at 168 pounds and a size 12. It had quickly become evident that her stomach was the main focus of her gain as it pushed up against every shirt she wore and was slowly getting to the point where it was starting to sag ever so slightly. Another addition was her newly forming double chin, which became more prominent whenever she laughed or smiled.

Haley was quickly beginning to hate walking. She already couldn't walk that quickly to begin with her short stature, but add giant thighs that constantly rub together and a 152 pound frame and you got exhaustion waiting not that long to happen.

It didn't help that the young teen spent most of her time at home sitting on her ass and stuffing her face, but Haley had also already completed all of her gym credits at her last high school, so she spent most of her time at school sitting on her ass and stuffing her face as well. The longest distance she walked throughout her entire day was between her second and third period classes - a mere seven yards and it felt like torture.

Opening up her fourth large bag of assorted candy that day the moment she sat down with a sigh of relief in her third period class, she quickly began to shove chocolate after chocolate into her hungry maw as most of her fellow students were doing as well. With Halloween having passed a couple days ago, everyone was taking advantage of all of the candy and other sweet goodies on sale at the stores.

And with the holiday season and chilly weather, came an increase of senior students, and even a couple juniors, opting to not bothering to walk anymore as they rode around the school on their own mobility scooters that carried around their nearly 500, if not more, jiggling forms from class to class.

A part of Haley felt a bit jealous, but the more reasonable part of her claimed that using them would only increase her rapidly growing frame and that she should try to cut back on all of her eating before riding in a mobility scooter became a necessity.

Haley drowned out that part of her by shoving more chocolate into her mouth at the command of her hungry stomach.

Samantha didn't need a part of her to tell her to slow down - her mom was telling her that almost everyday. Her mom was trying to limit her access to unhealthy foods to the best of her ability, but Samantha had money of her own from her father that liked to spoil her rotten and could buy her own food whenever she wanted. Still, her mother's watchful eye cut back on her weight gain slightly and caused her to only go up to 181 pounds, making both her and Haley size 14s.

Samantha's belly finally began to fold over the top of her pants as little bite as her shirt was pushed up further by the day, not being able to completely cover it's jiggly form; her deep bellybutton always visible through the tight fabric.

At lunch, the two growing girls got four bowls of soup each and asked one of the people that got pizza for everyone to pick up large pepperoni for them to share along with their multitude of snacks.

The more soup they ate, the more they loved it and the hungrier they got. Many people would come to the conclusion that there must be some sort of appetite enhancer in the soup, but if these two girls or anyone else at the school had realized it by now, they didn't care.
4 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 2 years
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Fluffylove 3 months
Please add more to free version 🙏
Mommika 4 years
Please continue the free version
Fluffylove 4 years
Love the story. Please continue