Walter high (free version)

chapter 3

When Thanksgiving Break came along, Samantha's mother struck down and told her if she promised to restrict her eating that week, she would let Samantha eat as much as she wanted on Thanksgiving. The young teen quickly agreed - though waited until her mom was asleep to sneak out for fast food late at night in order to satisfy her poor, starving stomach.

Haley, however, was having a completely different treatment. Since her father had to go on a business trip the entire Thanksgiving Break, as an apology he hired a private chef to make her all sorts of decadent meals everyday during the break.

What the private chef assumed would be a simple task - just feeding one teenage girl for a week doesn't require much work a majority of the time unless they are picky - was the exact opposite as he expected as he was constantly having to make four servings worth of food at each meal along with constant snacks throughout the day and then finish off every night before he left with a large cake for her to eat by herself before bed.

As the days went on, the extremely bottom-heavy teenager would request more and more food and when Thanksgiving Day came along, she wanted an entire Thanksgiving feast for herself -- a large turkey, honey-smoked ham, and heaping bowls of stuffing, mash potatoes, and so on were all for her to eat and enjoy. And, of course, for dessert that night she had three pumpkin pies that were drowning in whip cream.

The private chef had never seen someone eat so much before -- especially not someone that wasn't even an adult yet!

When the girls came back to school, they both found themselves weighing just over 220 pounds. Though many would believe Haley to be the larger of the two, with her shorter stature and large hips that were getting close to brushing up against both sides of the door frames at her house, her constantly bouncing booty being held by size 22 pants. Meanwhile, Samantha was a mere size 18, though her gargantuan boobs and stomach were pulling against her tight extra large t-shirt, a little bit of pale flesh peeking out as it rolled over the top of her jeans.

Pretty soon, Haley was bringing two backpacks to school - one full of snacks for her, and one full of snacks for Samantha, as her mother had now completely forbidden her from taking snacks to school. Little did her mother realize, this was even worse for her overweight daughter.

While Samantha had often times simply brought bags of chips and Oreos as snacks, Haley was bringing dozens of donuts, cupcakes, endless amounts of chocolate, and tubs of frosting.

Samantha began to creep up to 250 pounds and had to go up another pant size under the watchful eye of her mother and her best friend's large bag of "snacks", but Haley had no one to tell her to stop as she ate her way up to 290 pounds of jiggling fat, her wardrobe upgrading yet again as she found herself a hefty size 26 - the highest size her local Walmart stocked in.

At home, Haley was shoving burger after burger into her greedy mouth as she searched online for specialty websites that made clothes in even larger sizes, the pants she had just bought three days ago already struggling to entirely cover her wobbling behind.

As Winter Break came along, Haley's father was once again too busy with work to spend time with his growing daughter, so he hired three personal chefs to pamper her during her three-week break from school. A couple days into Haley's constant stuffing, a text from her friend informed her about how Samantha's mother had been forcing her to diet by making her drink water and eat three small salads everyday.

Feeling terrible for her dear friend, Haley hatched a plan. Buying clothes for Samantha that would definitely be too big for her, Haley tells her to ask her mom if the two girls could spend the night at the shorter girl's house.

When Samantha stepped into her friend's dining room after being led in by a maid (she had been hired a couple weeks prior to help out the growing girl as it became more difficult for her to do basic things around the house), she was amazed at the large feast displayed before her on a massive table, Haley already ripping into it without waiting for Samantha.

The young plumper had never seen so much amazing food before! Without so much as a greeting, Samantha quickly waddled over to the table and began to stuff her face as she moaned with pleasure, her tortured stomach finally receiving the food it's been begging for these past few days.

One of the private chefs peeked out and, upon seeing the second large girl, quickly yelped as her slim frame ran to warn the other two that they needed to start making more food fast.

An hour later, when the two girls finally finished eating their monstrous lunch, the two started talking about their plan between bites of their mid-meal snack - heaping bowls of mini corn dogs wrapped in bacon.

Every time Samantha spent the night, she would go home in larger and larger clothing - giving her mom the illusion that she was losing weight with the help of Haley, while in reality, she was simply over stuffing her hungry stomach more than ever.

Believing they had come up with a perfect plan, the two friends smiled brightly as they continued to shove more of the "snacks" into their mouths as the maid entered the kitchen to worn the chefs that their food was almost out.

Three days before Christmas, the two girls were at it again as they shoveled more and more delicious food down their throat.

Though Samantha had only spent the night four times, she was eating so much food during their time together that she had gained a whopping twenty-seven pounds and had gone up another pants size. A weight gain of that caliber would normally be obvious, but Samantha's clothes were so loose and constantly on the verge of slipping off her jiggling frame that her mother wondered if maybe her eyes were playing tricks on her.

Haley's weight gain over the break (so far) however was not fooling anyone. The overweight teen's new clothes had shown up a little too late, as the 343 pound beauty continued to stuff her face as her brand new leggings stretched so tight that they almost looked like panty hose, little pieces of thread popping one by one with each new bite of food.

Their appetite seemed to be contagious, however, as both the house maid and the female private chefs looked to be slightly plumper than before - due to a combination of stress eating, constant exposure to tantalizing food tempting them to spoil themselves, and the two teenage girls there to remind them "Even if I gain a pound or two, I still won't be as fat as they are!"

Most of the friend's time together during the break was spent sitting at the dining room table - using new, reinforced chairs that could hold up to five hundred pounds - as they stuffed their faces almost completely around the clock. Haley herself had barely left the table at all since the break started almost two weeks ago.

The only walking Haley had done was between the table, the bathroom, and her bed. And every single second in between was spent either eating or sleeping. That - combined with her rapid weight gain on her already short and heavily overweight frame - made making those short walks more and more difficult.

Due to her mother's rigorous forced-dieting, Samantha was able to stand up from the dining table when it was time to head to bed rather easily, albeit much slower than most her age.

Haley, however, was another story.

Placing one hand onto the table and the other on the top of the chair next to her, the big-bottomed teen took a deep breath before slowly lifting herself up as sweat dripped down her multiple chins and tiny little feet, forced so far apart from the scores of fat surrounding her thighs, began to struggle to support the hundreds of pounds above it. After twelve seconds of constant grunting, Haley managed to stand up, covered in sweat and feeling like she had just ran a marathon.

The maid, whose belly was starting to press up against her medium sized shirt ever so slightly, quickly headed over to Haley's side to help her slowly waddle her way toward her bedroom, as she had done almost every day since she started.

"Thank you . . . Beth . . ." Haley told her between labored breaths and calculated steps.

"It's really no problem at all ma'am," the maid told the obese teenager with a smile, secretly thinking to herself that maybe Haley wouldn't be needing assistance to walk around in her own home if her rich father didn't just pay for fat child's every wish without even bothering to come home and see what that has done to her.

But . . . It would be a lie for Beth to say that Haley didn't look happy.

Once the girls were settled into their queen sized beds - both of which creaked ominously with every jiggle of movement - and enjoyed a midnight snack of a gallon of cookie dough and a two liter of soda each, with countless amounts of cookies, ice cream tubs, and so on in mini fridges next to their beds incase they still felt hungry afterwards, which they often did, Beth found herself sneaking into the kitchen for a few snacks of her own. The amount of snacks were not nearly of the caliber of the two teens, but enough so that a little extra padding appearing on her blossoming figure was inevitable.
4 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 2 years
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Fluffylove 3 months
Please add more to free version 🙏
Mommika 4 years
Please continue the free version
Fluffylove 4 years
Love the story. Please continue