Vegetables make you fat

chapter 5

Her hands immediately grabbed the sides of her belly, sinking into a new and growing layer of soft fat that pressed harder and harder against her jeans. Goosebumps rippled across its surface, casting shadows over her skin in the moonlight from the window.
“We need to get you out of those jeans,” I realized aloud. “Here, let me help you…”
With my hands only inches from her growing belly, I paused and stared at her muffintop oozing in all directions. Nervously, I traced my eyes up her body, past her giant breasts towards her face.
“Come on,” she waved her hands with mounting frustration and discomfort.
“Sorry,” I fumbled with her button. “I thought you were going to stop me for some reason…”
Jessica’s jeans were now so tight, it was impossible for me to get a hold of the button as it hugged her growing bulk more and more. It was a race between my dexterous fingers and her white, swelling stomach as it began to pooch and hang over the jeans. With time running out, I fumbled for her zipper and tugged it down in an attempt to relieve some pressure, but it only made her belly hang further. The button was more wedged-in than ever.
Images of biscuits baking in the oven played across the television screen, the dough rising, swelling into delicious treats. Meanwhile, Jessica’s quivering belly touched my forehead as I struggled to get it free of her jeans.
“Hey,” I grunted. “Suck it in real quick.”
“I am sucking it in!” her belly shook harder against my head.
I’d had enough. “Screw it.”
“Nothing. Just… a second…”
With a sharp tug, I tore the flaps of her jeans apart. The button flew past my face as her belly bulged comfortably on top of my head. Shifting away, I stared past her massive cleavage and caught her glaring at me. It puzzled me that in spite of her growing girth, she could be every bit as bitchy as she was when she was thin, if not more so. In a time like this, when her best assets were swelling by the second, her overall reaction was simply to be even more of what she already was. I wondered how that could be (after all, I’d be panicking and hyperventilating in her situation), when I realized that the reason was because she was so shallow a person that she didn’t have any other mood to speak of.
Then again, wasn’t my reaction just as shallow? Nah… I was just level-headed and –
Jessica’s jeans popped like a croissant cannister, the seams at her sides splitting on both sides of themselves. The sight of her thighs exploding inches from my eyes was enough to send me sprawling backwards. Scooting backwards against the white carpet, I gawked upwards at her engorged frame, her belly hanging over hips easily more than twice their original breadth. The polo shirt – her last undamaged element of clothing – rested atop her body, struggling to contain her massive breasts.
“Where is that fucking ambulance already?” Jessica stumbled as she shifted her feet, every part of her body wobbling.
“They said they’d call one,” I winced.
“Room service?”
“Darby, I’m blowing-up! Look at what their food did to me!” she pointed at the door. “Stop gawking at me and find them! They better be sending that ambulance!”
“Sure,” I got to my feet. “I’ll uh… go down to the lobby and show them where to go.”
“Hurry! Get out of here!”
I struggled to edge past her, and had to push against her to keep her from falling on me. Her plush skin squished against my touch, and I blinked with surprise at how comforting and pleasant it felt. The spell was broken when she wailed at the sensation of me sliding past her. It made her lose her balance, and she fell to her hands and knees, breasts and belly hanging ever-closer towards the floor.
As I slipped past the door, the last I saw of Jessica was her arching her back as she moaned and groaned at the ceiling.
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