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chapter 4

Abby after getting a clean bill of health other than the extra 17.9lbs of lard decided to go home and relax since she had completed every bit of paperwork she needed to get done for the day. She opened the door to be greeted by Lancelot sitting in the front hall. Abby bent down to catch his head when she noticed how tight her jeans got around her belly; this was the first time she really noticed the new weight. A frown grew on her face as she rose to her feet and started walking upstairs with a purring Lancelot prancing behind his upset mother.

She made it to the master bathroom and started to inspect the damage. She pealed off her shirt and jeans. Abby’s eyes widened as she saw the angry red impressions from her tight jeans and how her boobs were starting to swell out of her modest B cup bra. She rested both hands on her hips and felt them sink in slightly as a frown marred her gorgeous face. Then she did something that cause her to gasp in horror; she reached down and grabbed her thigh and gave it a simple little shake and witnessed it jiggle profusely. This caused Abby to run and dive on her bed muttering to herself holding back tears, “I’m turning into a pig.”

As she tried to keep her composure Lancelot curled up next to Abby to try to provide emotional support. Just then the front door opened and rushed to slam close the bedroom door and through on a robe to hide the damage done to her fit figure. Abby grew more worried as she heard footsteps grow louder and the door to slowly open as Kurt poked his head in. He said concerned looking at the pile of clothes lying on the floor, “Abby?” Abby replied softly, “Yes.” Kurt replied softly, “Can I come in.” Abby sighed putting her hand to her face covering her emotionally distraught look, “Yes you can dear.” Kurt walked in and saw her standing near the bathroom doorway and asked, “What happened at the doctor’s office today you seem extremely upset?” Abby replied defensively,” I put on weight! Besides shouldn’t you be at work right now?” Kurt replied caringly, “Abby you know I love you just as much as I did yesterday, the day before that, and the so on and so on? Yes, well I haven’t been able to sleep because I have been worried about you; so, I go into the office early and get home early.”

Abby looked up from her hand and said coldly, “So you have noticed me turning into a pile of lard?” Kurt replied kindly, “No, I haven’t noticed the extra weight. I just noticed that you don’t seem as lively as you used to be when you were teaching dance lessons. Its why I have made you your favorite pastries and meals, because you seemed to ack like your old self that carefree compassionate energetic person I fell in love with. Sorry for making all those meals if they made you gain weight.” Abby looked perplexed for a few moments before muttering as she buried her face into her hand, “No its not your fault Kurt. You are right I need to find a better way to cope with just running my business because at this rate I will be 200lbs by January, so something has to change.”

Kurt walked up to Abby and lovingly hugged her and said, “You won’t get that fat. Let’s talk this out Abby.” Abby looked up with tears swelling up in her eyes and said, “In the last 2 months I couldn’t have run the studio any better. It just cost me 18lbs! Sorry for getting angry I just don’t know how I let myself go so fast.” Kurt said in a nurturing, “I will love you the same if you lost all 18lbs or put on an 100lbs more.” Abby gave a puzzled look and said, “Really you wouldn’t mind me if I was a bloated over weight pig?” Kurt replied, “I never said this before because I was worried you would find me insane for it, but I find fat on a women’s figure is sexy. So, what I am saying is if you were to continue to get fatter, I would only find you sexier.” Abby was utterly speechless out of all the things she was expecting to hear this was absolutely not one of them.

Abby shuddered out as she opened up her robe revealing her new figure, “So you don’t mind this?” Kurt said lovingly, “I think you look exquisite.” Abby retorted, “Oh please you know I love when you say I look exquisite.” Kurt sighed and replied, “Ok then I love the way you look. I like how you have a little cute belly, and how your boobs look like they are starting to spill out of your bra.” Abby blushed and said playfully, “Ok you cheeky bastard. So, what size would you like to see me become if I decided to continue go hog wild?” Kurt gave a puzzled look and said, “This isn’t a test, right?” Abby gave a disgruntled look and replied, “well I would like to know what size you would prefer me to become because it means I get to enjoy your cooking way too damn much?” Both chuckled and said, “Ok well I don’t know about you but a nice large sexy belly that sticks out an inch or two in front of pair of D cup boobs would be spectacular, I think having chubby hips flare our and give you more of pear shaped figure would be perfect, and nice plump thunder thighs and butt would seal the deal.” Abby said, “Can I think about this because there is no going back if I decide to gain that much. Also, I don’t want any ugly stretch marks under any circumstances understand me!” Kurt replied, “Take as much time as you want to think about it. I don’t think you will complain with a full body message with lotion to keep those ugly stretch marks at bay.” Abby replied, “I can get behind that.” Kurt replied, “Good. Want to help me with dinner for once?”
5 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 4 years
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Jazzman 4 years
So Good and well written!
Jazzman 4 years
I like it.I have known members here who experienced the very same occurrence. Two suggestions. The dryer shrinking thing never happens in real life.Its a thing only found in every other story.Second.You're is a great word.Please try it.lol
Keep going ple