Paul's dilemma

chapter 2- hurricane emma (part 6)

Now that Paul had a moment alone with his girlfriend, he felt comfortable asking, “Be honest. Is Emma adopted?”

“Haha, no. Why?” Claire smiled, as she victoriously grabbed a napkin from the kitchen table and used it to cradle her donut. She didn’t want to make a mess and leave any crumbs in the apartment. Before taking a bite, she asked, “Having second thoughts about letting her move in here?”

“No. She’s just.. different than I expected.” Paul admitted. Among other things, he’d figured someone who just broke off an engagement would be more choked up about it, “Did she tell you she was coming this morning?”

“Of course not. Welcome to hurricane Emma.” Claire sighed, as she couldn’t hold herself back from taking a little bite of her donut. After quickly chewing it and swallowing, she added, “Just wait till she starts singing in the shower.”

“Anything else I should know about?” Paul wondered, as he watched Claire wipe her lips with her napkin.

“I’ll make a list for you.” Claire sarcastically answered although she didn’t really provide the proper inflection.

“Oh boy.” Paul muttered thinking she was serious.

“Kidding.” Claire added realizing her mistake.

“Haha,” Paul chuckled, as he eyed his girlfriend munching on another piece of lovely donut. After she’d wiped her mouth, Claire’s expression changed.

“Umm, before you start helping her outside. Can you get the scale out of your closet? I need to weigh myself.” Claire blushed, as she avoided eye contact and instead looked at her donut a bit guiltily.

“Sure, but why do you want the scale?” Paul wondered playing dumb.

“To see how much I weigh. You heard Emma.” Claire muttered sounding dejected. She’d been avoiding the scale for a long time, but she knew it was time to face the piper. Yesterday with her clothes and today with her sister, she needed to know how much she had let herself go.

“She wasn’t being serious though.” Paul tried to comfort her, as he went to the bedroom closet and searched for his scale. He did his best to keep the scale hidden and out of reach, but clearly it was something that was still in Claire’s mind. When Claire had finished her donut, she joined Paul in his search. After a few quick minutes and more than a few attempts by Claire to organize Paul’s messy closet, they found the scale. Biting the bullet, Claire had Paul put it on the floor and quickly stepped on.


“Oh my god..” Claire’s gasped, as her hands leapt to her mouth in horror.

“It’s not so bad.” Paul tried to console her.

“Oh-my-god!” Claire repeated seemingly in shock.

“Honey, it’s okay!” Paul told her a little louder.

“No, it’s not. Why didn’t you tell me that I’ve packed on 60 pounds since we started dating?!” Claire burst feeling disgusted with herself, “No wonder Emma said all those things.. I look disgusting!”

“I’m with you all the time, I didn’t notice it was that much. You are so beautiful I don’t care if you’ve gotten a little heavy.” Paul tried to assure her. He was desperate to ease his girlfriend’s worries.

“60 pounds is not a ‘little’ amount of weight.” Claire told him, as she grabbed her tummy like Emma had earlier and shook it for him, “Look at my tummy! Emma was right, I look prego!”

“You have a cute tummy! Not to mention the cutest belly button.” Paul assured her, with a loving touch to her outie.

“Haha, stop it.” Claire giggled at his touch before using her hands to grasp her big butt cheeks and complain, “But most of the weight isn’t in my tummy. I need to diet right away. No more donuts.. I need to get back into the gym. You deserve the best of me, I’m sorry I’ve been so lazy lately.”

“Don’t be sorry. I love you just the way you are.” Paul sincerely expressed.

“Then you’ll love me even more when I get back in shape.” Claire smiled feeling Paul’s support empower her.

“You don’t have to do that for me.” Paul tried to add not wanting Claire to go on a diet.

“I want to. For you and for me.” Claire explained making up her mind.

“Okay, I’ll be as supportive as I can.” Paul nodded trying to sound supportive but feeling quite dejected.

“Thank you, you’re the best babe.” Claire chirped, as she wrapped her arms around Paul and gave him a very tight hug. With a twinge of worry, he could feel her soft body pressing against his. Halting her hug and darting her hand toward Paul’s groin, Claire double checked what she’d just felt, “Oh my..”

“Sorry.” Paul blushed not knowing how to explain himself.

“Why are you SO hard?” Claire gushed, as his mind raced for an answer.

“You just turn me on so much!” Paul blurted, as he wanted to avoid explaining why watching Claire bickering with her sister had been so arousing to him, “I better go help your sister with her luggage.”

“Not with that in your pants you’re not! Come here. Let me help you.” Claire urged, as she ushered Paul to lay down on his bed with his legs hanging off the side.

“What are you..” Paul began to ask, as Claire yanked down his pajama pants and knelt her soft body onto the floor between his legs.

“My sister ate my breakfast, remember? I’m famished.” Claire seductively reminded him, as she began giving him a little massage and eying up her dessert.

“There is ice cream in the fridge.” Paul softly joked, while what Claire was doing to him felt fucking amazing.

“I’m trying to lose weight now honey, besides I’ve got a hunger for something a little warmer right now.” Claire hornily spoke, as her soft body leaned forward and she wrapped her mouth around the source of Paul’s problem.

Paul let out a moan, as Claire lowered her mouth and began pumping herself slowly from base to tip, her tongue flicked around his tip and she began sucking harder and harder with each satisfying motion. Paul moaned a little louder, as his loving girlfriend got into the familiar groove she’d found last night as well. As his enjoyment continued, his hips involuntarily buckled while he remembered the look of Claire’s face when Emma was poking and prodding her chubby body.

Claire had been so embarrassed. Maybe having Emma move in wouldn’t be so bad if she continued teasing Claire like that. It was probably the hottest thing he’d ever witnessed. Then again, if it weren’t for Emma’s teasing, Claire might not have vowed to go on a diet. What was he going to do with all the junk he had in his fridge if Claire wasn’t going to eat it? Who was he kidding, judging from the way Emma had scarfed down breakfast, she’d eat everything in no time flat. He still couldn’t get his mind off of the way she’d stuffed her face with that omelet, or guzzled that milk straight from the carton, or made eye contact with him as she’d let out that monstrous burp.

“Ahh!” Paul groaned, while his hands involuntarily wrapped around Claire’s head. She sucked even harder in response to his enthusiasm. Helpless from what was happening, he unintentionally pulled her hair, which only motivated her further. As his moans of pleasure broke into a gasp of bliss, Claire felt Paul beginning to twitch in her mouth, followed shortly after by the warm sticky treat she’d been waiting to gulp down her throat. While she was mentally thanking the fact that she didn’t have a gag reflex, Paul was left to justify his profound climax on the thought of Emma slobbishly burping at him. It had been an accident, right? It didn’t mean anything..

102 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 2 years
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DanishPastries 1 year
That was one heck of a story! I've had so much fun , and a fair deal of... Excitement... From reading it! Thank you so much for contributing so greatly to the society! You're really a star! 🌟🌟🌟
Polarisdreamer 4 years
@Sweden1997 Your comment got cut off by the character limit, please feel free to PM me if you wanna share more of your thoughts! If you liked the story up to ch 17, I think you would enjoy the later parts of the story even more.
Polarisdreamer 4 years
@Stranger43 Thank you for reading! It was very fun to write!

@ClearSkyNZ Thank you! That means a lot! I hope you enjoy the next one!
Polarisdreamer 4 years
@bluephantom42 I may do an epilogue someday, but for the moment I think I want to leave the future of the characters to the head canon of the reader. Thanks for the feedback!
ClearSkyNZ 4 years
Hey man just wanted to say your writing is great. Loved this story, with its characters. Its very rare for these kinds of stories to have so much heart in them and you do that. Looking forward to your next story
RatedMForMas... 4 years
This is my favorite story I've read on here. Thanks for the effort!
Bluephantom42 4 years
The story was very good. I really enjoyed it. The ending was good, but an epilog detailing the lives of everyone two years later would be a welcomed addition. You could include Paul and all the sisters. I realize there was a lot of time and effort y
Polarisdreamer 4 years
*** that go along with this story. There is also a final illustration that hints at what Emma's been up to after the part she played in chapter 11!
Polarisdreamer 4 years
I hope people enjoyed the story! It was a lot of work, but it really was a lot of fun! Credit goes to berserker1133 for coming up with the idea for the story, as well as being my editor. Check out berserker's deviantart page to see the illustrations th
Polarisdreamer 4 years
@Whatyoutalk and @ClearSkyNZ I think your comments got cut off for some reason, could you repeat whatever is missing? I do really value your feedback
ClearSkyNZ 4 years
Hey good job on the story I'm really invested in the characters. I know you're not done with the story but I get the vibe Claire wants to fatten Paul and Paul wants to fatten Claire. I don't think it will work both ways. All I can say is I kept reading fo
Polarisdreamer 4 years
I just want to clarify that the final chapter still has two more parts before the story is over. @Whatyoutalk I don't want to get into spoilers, but stick around. The ride ain't over yet
Urlacher127 4 years
One of my favorite stories. Semi depressed by the end but it may have been the right ending.

Well done.
Polarisdreamer 4 years
I'll be posting the final chapter in parts this week, expect five updates to the chapter, should be able to post one each day. I hope people enjoy! Thanks for sticking with the story!
Polarisdreamer 4 years
Thank you everyone for all the encouragement! I'm currently writing the conclusion for Paul's Dilemma. It is about halfway done, I suspect I will be ready to post it within a weeks time. Thanks for the interest!
RatedMForMas... 4 years
I check back every day to see if there's more!
Fatchance 4 years
Sure hope more is coming! This is a fabulous story!
Wheresmyfeet 4 years
Love the story! I am excited for the next chapters!
Fatchance 4 years
This story is SO fantastic! Please keep it coming!
Fluffylove 4 years
Love the story. Keep it going as long as you can. Turn her into a real food addicted hog
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