Paul's dilemma

chapter 1- happy anniversary babe part 5

Late that night..

Stifling flirtatious giggles like a tipsy teenager, Claire joyfully held Paul’s hand as he carefully led her out of their Uber and into the bottom floor of his little apartment complex. As far as apartment complexes went, his one was small and old. There was a dirty commons with a washer and dryer in the basement, one apartment on the first floor, two apartments on the second floor, and finally one apartment, his apartment, on the third floor. Claire was never one to complain about the steps, but he could tell from her increasingly labored breath that the journey up them was becoming more and more difficult for his ever-softening girlfriend.

However, despite her belabored breaths, Paul had clearly underestimated how much energy Claire had left. The moment they finally got inside his apartment and closed the door Claire was on him like butter on bread. Her lips were firm, her passion was spirited, her tongue was ticking his own in the subtly sexy way she knew he enjoyed. Not even thinking, Paul’s hands groped her ample behind. It felt a lot fuller to the touch than he remembered a year ago, and the thought of Claire’s ass growing even larger sent Paul’s heart racing.

He gently pushed her onto the couch with startling ease, and lustfully gazed at his girlfriend’s inflated figure. The large Italian meal had done wonders for her chubby tummy. He couldn’t hide the obvious gawking expression in his face. He was admiring his handywork. Claire seemed to enjoy the lust in his eyes, but nervously reached for her stomach when she realized that’s where he was looking.

“Umm, before we continue.. I’ve got to get this belt off! It’s way too tight. I can hardly breath.” Claire admitted with a bit of embarrassment in her voice. Paul wasn’t surprised. Compared to earlier, Claire’s belly had swollen to epic proportions. The little belt which had been slowly loosened to it’s last remaining notch over the course of Claire’s drunken dinner and dessert, now appeared on the verge of snapping off against the pressure Claire’s stuffed tummy was putting it under.

“Here let me help you with that.” Paul quickly interjected, as his hands rushed to touch Claire’s stomach. She felt firm to press against, and yet soft to the touch. Without wasting time to indulge himself, Paul unhooked the belt and let Claire’s tummy expand into the excess space. With a joyful breath, he knew Claire would be happy to be rid of her pesky belt.

“You have know idea how good that felt.” Claire nearly moaned in her drunken state. She’d had far too much wine with dinner, but Paul would only have stopped her if she’d been on the verge of getting sick. Paul didn’t exactly realize he’d never withdrew his hands from gently touching Claire’s belly, but she sure as heck could feel him pressing against her, so she tipsily exclaimed, “I feel like I’m going to explode! My food baby looks like I’m full term with twins!”

“There, there..” Paul calmly snapped to attention and began gently rubbing Claire’s swollen tummy.

“Oohh.. Don’t stop..” Claire moaned, as she leaned back into the couch and let Paul massage her uncomfortable stomach.

“Do you want anything else to eat?” Paul wishfully asked, as Claire gave him a perplexed look.

“I think the ice cream on the way home topped me off. I’m not gonna be able to move if I eat anything else. That might be a problem for sex.” Claire hinted, as her eyes shifted from Paul’s face to his now extremely well filled out groin area of his pants, “Somebody looks horny.”

“I am.” Paul admitted, as his hand continued his gentle rubbing of Claire’s stomach.

“Ugh! Help me get this dress off.” Claire pleaded, as Paul obliged her.

It only took a few moments, but soon he’d freed her of the confines of her dress. She was in her Victoria’s secret underwear now and Paul couldn’t deny that his well-fed girlfriend rocked the look, “You are so fucking beautiful.”

“Haha, I like it when you swear like a sailor. Take a seat.” Claire demanded, as Paul sat next to her and she struggled to her feet. Paul helped by pushing against her beautifully big butt once she’d raised it off the couch. Now standing, Claire wasted no time in removing Paul’s pants and underwear. In excitement, Paul removed his shirt, while Claire flung off her panties, but left her bra on. Checking each other out in anticipation, Claire hornily chirped, “Looks like you’re sailing at full mast. Mind if I come aboard?”

Paul was so tongue tied in the face of Claire’s beauty he didn’t even have a moment to scream ‘hell yes’ before Claire hungrily mounted him over his lap. He was sandwiched between her two hefty thighs now, and as she slid into place, he couldn’t hide just how amazing it felt. The primal desires within the two lovers took over. Claire began to grind, hump, jiggle and shake atop Paul’s lap as her belly pressed firmly against Paul’s and his hands reached around to feel her booty’s buns of jello. As he gave her a lustful squeeze, her new mass kept him completely pinned. Claire sped up her pace, as her breath began to sound labored. The couch was squealing loudly well before Paul, but even so. He could only resist her womanly temptations for so long.

“Oh my god.. Honey!” Paul surged, as the weight of his girlfriend sent him to places, he never wanted to return from.

“*Pant* I love you! Happy anniversary babe!” Claire bellowed, as she decided to give Paul a few more minutes in paradise for good measure.
102 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 2 years
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DanishPastries 1 year
That was one heck of a story! I've had so much fun , and a fair deal of... Excitement... From reading it! Thank you so much for contributing so greatly to the society! You're really a star! 🌟🌟🌟
Polarisdreamer 4 years
@Sweden1997 Your comment got cut off by the character limit, please feel free to PM me if you wanna share more of your thoughts! If you liked the story up to ch 17, I think you would enjoy the later parts of the story even more.
Polarisdreamer 4 years
@Stranger43 Thank you for reading! It was very fun to write!

@ClearSkyNZ Thank you! That means a lot! I hope you enjoy the next one!
Polarisdreamer 4 years
@bluephantom42 I may do an epilogue someday, but for the moment I think I want to leave the future of the characters to the head canon of the reader. Thanks for the feedback!
ClearSkyNZ 4 years
Hey man just wanted to say your writing is great. Loved this story, with its characters. Its very rare for these kinds of stories to have so much heart in them and you do that. Looking forward to your next story
RatedMForMas... 4 years
This is my favorite story I've read on here. Thanks for the effort!
Bluephantom42 4 years
The story was very good. I really enjoyed it. The ending was good, but an epilog detailing the lives of everyone two years later would be a welcomed addition. You could include Paul and all the sisters. I realize there was a lot of time and effort y
Polarisdreamer 4 years
*** that go along with this story. There is also a final illustration that hints at what Emma's been up to after the part she played in chapter 11!
Polarisdreamer 4 years
I hope people enjoyed the story! It was a lot of work, but it really was a lot of fun! Credit goes to berserker1133 for coming up with the idea for the story, as well as being my editor. Check out berserker's deviantart page to see the illustrations th
Polarisdreamer 4 years
@Whatyoutalk and @ClearSkyNZ I think your comments got cut off for some reason, could you repeat whatever is missing? I do really value your feedback
ClearSkyNZ 4 years
Hey good job on the story I'm really invested in the characters. I know you're not done with the story but I get the vibe Claire wants to fatten Paul and Paul wants to fatten Claire. I don't think it will work both ways. All I can say is I kept reading fo
Polarisdreamer 4 years
I just want to clarify that the final chapter still has two more parts before the story is over. @Whatyoutalk I don't want to get into spoilers, but stick around. The ride ain't over yet
Urlacher127 4 years
One of my favorite stories. Semi depressed by the end but it may have been the right ending.

Well done.
Polarisdreamer 4 years
I'll be posting the final chapter in parts this week, expect five updates to the chapter, should be able to post one each day. I hope people enjoy! Thanks for sticking with the story!
Polarisdreamer 4 years
Thank you everyone for all the encouragement! I'm currently writing the conclusion for Paul's Dilemma. It is about halfway done, I suspect I will be ready to post it within a weeks time. Thanks for the interest!
RatedMForMas... 4 years
I check back every day to see if there's more!
Fatchance 4 years
Sure hope more is coming! This is a fabulous story!
Wheresmyfeet 4 years
Love the story! I am excited for the next chapters!
Fatchance 4 years
This story is SO fantastic! Please keep it coming!
Fluffylove 4 years
Love the story. Keep it going as long as you can. Turn her into a real food addicted hog
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