Paul's dilemma

chapter 2- hurricane emma (part 1)

As the succulent aroma of freshly cooked bacon tantalizingly filled the apartment, Paul lovingly made some finishing touches to Claire’s special breakfast. For her main dish, he’d fashioned six eggs, four pieces of cheddar cheese and four large pieces of perfectly sizzled bacon into an oversized omelet of champions. However, he didn’t stop there. Since his pudgy girlfriend had stayed up rather late last night celebrating with him in bed, she’d received far more ‘exercise’ than was usual for her. As such, Claire was sleeping rather soundly despite the fact he’d been able to hear her stomach growling ever so demandingly after he’d woken up.

Anticipating her ravenous hunger, Paul popped the now freshly toasted bagel out of the toaster and slathered it with extra butter until it was positively dripping with the stuff. Placing it carefully next to Claire’s plate full of warm omelet, Paul knew he wasn’t done. He loved watching Claire methodically stuff herself silly and he wanted to ensure her cravings were satisfied in every way. She had such a graceful way of eating, it was proper, it was polite, and it was measured in pace but definitely not in quantity. She had such an intoxicating aura around her. He couldn’t wait to watch her pudgy form indulge in his little surprise. Earlier in the morning his first thought was to make her a large ‘protein’ shake to go with her meal, but he decided this breakfast deserved something more special.

Moving methodically, Paul placed two chocolate donuts to the side of her plate to feed his growing girlfriend’s budding sweet tooth. He’d picked the large donuts up from the Amish bakery down the street half an hour ago and he didn’t regret the extra effort for a second. Claire’s mind was going to be blown at how perfectly he’d crafted this breakfast.

Last night Claire’s engorged stomach and softly pampered body had really made his wildest dreams come true. She was everything he’d ever thought he wanted from a woman and he wanted her to know how much he appreciated her for it. The sex last night had been hot, it had been steamy, and Claire had looked so delectably chubby!

What had he done to warrant such good luck? He couldn’t stop replaying it in his mind even though deep down he knew it was time to rouse Claire from her beauty sleep. As Paul worked up the motivation to pick up Claire’s heavy plate along with a large glass of milk to serve her breakfast in bed, Paul’s attention was suddenly turned to a loud noise at his apartment’s door.

Three knocks pierced through the living room and kitchen area of his apartment. It was only 10:30, so Paul couldn’t help but wonder who could be at his door this early? As he headed over to the old wooden door, he figured it must have been one of his neighbors. It was his best guess. It wouldn’t be the first time he’d been troubled for the proverbial ‘cup of sugar.’ Then again, what if Claire’s vocal enjoyment of last night’s festivities had been too loud? Could somebody be knocking to complain about their amazing sex?

The neighbors who lived under his bedroom in b2 were probably not ones to complain since he normally heard them going at it every other day. Maybe the couple in apartment b3 were knocking to complain? He wouldn’t put it past them. They were a bit older than the rest of the residents in the apartment. Deciding to bite the bullet, Paul took a few more steps and promptly swung his door open to address the cranky old geezers.

“Hell-o?” Paul’s voice let slip an involuntary inflection that betrayed the profound, but welcome, surprise his eyes were treating him to. Expectantly leaning against the railing of the stairs in front of him was not an irritable elderly couple, but a young woman of breathtaking beauty.

“Hey.” The vociferous vixen loudly replied in a bored tone. Sizing her up, Paul could tell after a split second that her incapsulating appeal stemmed from something more than her bright blue eyes or her short dark red hair. Her beauty was an unconventional one.

He could spy she was wearing a leopard printed tank top underneath a punky jean jacket along with a pair of striped shorts that ended around her mid-thigh. Where her shorts ended, her long fishnet socks began and covered the young lady’s shapely legs down to her edgy pair of spiky high heels. There was something about her, it was hard for Paul to put his finger on it.

It wasn’t just the clothes she was wearing.. Was it the way she was wearing them? With such clear comfort and confidence? This girl was something else, maybe a girl-next-door type? Or perhaps more of a real-life diamond in the rough? At the very least, it would be doing her justice to say she looked like a living breathing piece of art.

As if unsatisfied by his thoughts, or more likely, the awkward moment of silence beginning to emerge between them, the young lady crossed her arms across her trim waist and burst in an impatient tone, “don’t you know it’s impolite to keep a girl waiting?”

“Who are you?” Paul managed to ask, as he gathered that this girl was a bit shorter than him, probably around 5’4, but her height was rather deceptive because of her high heels. She certainly wasn’t one of his neighbors. He never would have forgotten this girl’s face.

“Haha, don’t you see the family resemblance, roomie?” The spunky mystery lady smiled, while she struck a flamboyantly girly pose. Paul could feel the wheels turning in his head. Come to think of it, she had a bit of a facial resemblance to Claire. He was about to ask her to clarify when she impatiently burst in an excited tone, “So, where’s Claire-bear??”

“Claire-bear? Wait, you’re Claire’s sister?” Paul wondered in disbelief. Claire had told him that Emma was different, but this wasn’t what he’d expected. She’d also told him that her older sister was arriving in a week, not right now! How had Emma even gotten into the apartment? The downstairs door was always locked, unless one of his neighbors let her in.

“Surprised?” Emma mused, as she tilted her head and her eyes scanned Paul up and down.

“Ugh, no I just thought you were arriving next week.” Paul responded trying to think if his apartment was looking presentable enough to invite her inside right now. He’d planned on cleaning up before she arrived, but now it looked like that idea was shot.

“Claire must have misheard me.” Emma dismissed him, as she tried to poke her head over Paul’s shoulder to get a look inside of his apartment, “Is she in there??”

“Still sleeping.” Paul kindly answered, as he leaned on the side of his doorframe and blocked Emma’s view of his apartment. It was pretty messy. He didn’t want her to get the impression he was a slob or anything.

“This late? Oh well.” Emma shrugged, as she flared out her nostrils and took a few noticeably quick sniffs, “What’s that smell? Breakfast!?”

“Umm, yeah.” Paul slowly stammered, as he looked back toward his kitchen and worried that Claire’s breakfast might be getting cold.

“Coolio. I’m starving.” Emma enthused, as Paul refocused his attention on her just in time to feel her push past him and scurry into his apartment.

“Wait, excuse me.” Paul muttered, as he noticed Emma making her way into his kitchen area.

“You’re excused.” Emma joked, as she turned around mid-stride and fanned her nose mockingly.
102 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 2 years
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DanishPastries 1 year
That was one heck of a story! I've had so much fun , and a fair deal of... Excitement... From reading it! Thank you so much for contributing so greatly to the society! You're really a star! 🌟🌟🌟
Polarisdreamer 4 years
@Sweden1997 Your comment got cut off by the character limit, please feel free to PM me if you wanna share more of your thoughts! If you liked the story up to ch 17, I think you would enjoy the later parts of the story even more.
Polarisdreamer 4 years
@Stranger43 Thank you for reading! It was very fun to write!

@ClearSkyNZ Thank you! That means a lot! I hope you enjoy the next one!
Polarisdreamer 4 years
@bluephantom42 I may do an epilogue someday, but for the moment I think I want to leave the future of the characters to the head canon of the reader. Thanks for the feedback!
ClearSkyNZ 4 years
Hey man just wanted to say your writing is great. Loved this story, with its characters. Its very rare for these kinds of stories to have so much heart in them and you do that. Looking forward to your next story
RatedMForMas... 4 years
This is my favorite story I've read on here. Thanks for the effort!
Bluephantom42 4 years
The story was very good. I really enjoyed it. The ending was good, but an epilog detailing the lives of everyone two years later would be a welcomed addition. You could include Paul and all the sisters. I realize there was a lot of time and effort y
Polarisdreamer 4 years
*** that go along with this story. There is also a final illustration that hints at what Emma's been up to after the part she played in chapter 11!
Polarisdreamer 4 years
I hope people enjoyed the story! It was a lot of work, but it really was a lot of fun! Credit goes to berserker1133 for coming up with the idea for the story, as well as being my editor. Check out berserker's deviantart page to see the illustrations th
Polarisdreamer 4 years
@Whatyoutalk and @ClearSkyNZ I think your comments got cut off for some reason, could you repeat whatever is missing? I do really value your feedback
ClearSkyNZ 4 years
Hey good job on the story I'm really invested in the characters. I know you're not done with the story but I get the vibe Claire wants to fatten Paul and Paul wants to fatten Claire. I don't think it will work both ways. All I can say is I kept reading fo
Polarisdreamer 4 years
I just want to clarify that the final chapter still has two more parts before the story is over. @Whatyoutalk I don't want to get into spoilers, but stick around. The ride ain't over yet
Urlacher127 4 years
One of my favorite stories. Semi depressed by the end but it may have been the right ending.

Well done.
Polarisdreamer 4 years
I'll be posting the final chapter in parts this week, expect five updates to the chapter, should be able to post one each day. I hope people enjoy! Thanks for sticking with the story!
Polarisdreamer 4 years
Thank you everyone for all the encouragement! I'm currently writing the conclusion for Paul's Dilemma. It is about halfway done, I suspect I will be ready to post it within a weeks time. Thanks for the interest!
RatedMForMas... 4 years
I check back every day to see if there's more!
Fatchance 4 years
Sure hope more is coming! This is a fabulous story!
Wheresmyfeet 4 years
Love the story! I am excited for the next chapters!
Fatchance 4 years
This story is SO fantastic! Please keep it coming!
Fluffylove 4 years
Love the story. Keep it going as long as you can. Turn her into a real food addicted hog
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