Paul's dilemma

chapter 2- hurricane emma (part 5)

“Feeding me?” Claire nervously echoed, as the sisters entered the main room and Claire gave Paul a concerned look. Paul had readjusted his posture to conceal his ‘problem,’ but he tried to convey with his expression that he thought Emma was crazy to say something like that.

“You’re huge!” Emma burst, as she stepped between the couple and began slowly encircling her younger sister, inspecting her like one would if they were bringing cattle to market. She shook her head disapprovingly at the way he sister’s thighs had rounded with fat. She nearly gawked at the pudgy love handles that caused Claire’s shirt to ride up. Her belly had really budged outward in size, it was more apparent as she rounded Claire’s profile from the side. And then there was Claire’s butt. Since when had her little sister’s ass transform into a blob of excess fat?? With an overt squeeze of her sister’s chunky butt, Emma continued her tirade with a chastising, “When was the last time you got some exercise?”

“Every day! I walk all over the place!” Claire defended herself, as she took a step to the side and sent her hands backward to cradle her big bottom and defend it from Emma’s judgment.

“Waddle is more like it.” Emma doubted, as she continued eyeing her sister’s enhanced frame. Claire now looked like a girl built for sitting and eating rather than moving and exercising.

“Stop it. I know I’ve put on some weight, but it’s not that bad.” Claire self-consciously wined, as she looked to Paul for approval, but Emma abruptly blocked him by sticking her face in Claire’s way.

“I think you’re fatter than Laura now.” Emma gushed in a teasing fashion, as she poked Claire’s doughy midsection. Emma wasn’t actually sure about that, but she knew comparing Claire to their fat sister would annoy her gloriously.

“Ah! No, way! I am not!” Claire argued in a childish manner, as she tried to shoo Emma’s prying hands away from her bloated belly. There was no way she’d gotten THAT big. Emma was just doing what she always did, causing trouble.

“With this gut? I beg to differ.” Emma countered, as her gently prodding and poking turned into a firm grab of Claire’s roll of lower belly fat and a teasing jiggle of Claire’s flabby tummy, “You got a real jelly belly going on! Sure you ain’t prego?”

“I’m sure!” Claire burst, while her cheeks began to burn. She couldn’t stop herself from blushing deeply in embarrassment.

“Damn. Then looks like you’re the ‘big’ sister now!” Emma continued to playfully tease her younger sister. Paul, meanwhile, was watching this whole clash with great interest.

“Am not!” Claire roared, as she bit down on her lip and stomped her foot down like a child. The loud noise it produced from her heavy weight almost proved Emma’s point in and of itself.

“Right, cause I’m still bigger where it counts.” Emma lauded, as her hands abandoned Claire’s widened form and clung to her own bigger breasts. Paul’s eyes followed Emma’s hands only for Emma to catch his gaze while she turned her head toward him. Looking at Paul and offering a wry grin, Emma teased, “My heart Paul. I’m talking about my heart. It’s not polite to stare at a girl’s breasts.”

“I wasn’t..” Paul stammered, as he tried to keep his cool. He’d been so zoned out fantasizing about the way Emma was handling Claire.. He’d let his guard down. He prayed Emma wouldn’t notice the budding physical manifestation he had going on for how sexy he found this whole interaction playing out before him.

“Kidding! Gosh, you both need to lighten up.” Emma claimed, as she turned her attention back toward her chubby sister, “Especially you Claire. What is with your hips?? You give birth recently?”

“Emma!” Claire protested in a serious tone. She’d had enough of this.

“I’m just teasing.” Emma sighed, as she took a more serious lighthearted tone, “But you are looking heavy sis. You gotta hit the gym or eat a salad or something. Cause your butt looks like it gave up the fight.”

“Okay I get it. Not all of us can have your crazy metabolism. Quit rubbing it in, I just wanna eat my breakfast, I’m starving.” Claire vented, as she pushed past her sister and gazed at the kitchen table only to see it empty. Feeling victimized, Claire softly wondered, “Where is it? I smell bacon.”

“Emma ate it all.” Paul accused, as Claire’s hefty body swung with a ripple of jiggles right back toward her sister.

“Emma!! You didn’t!” Claire cried out in annoyance. She’d officially reached her limit for her sister’s bullshit.

“I don’t know what he’s talking about.” Emma countered playing dumb, as she slyly walked past her sister and Paul, and picked up the lonely donut she’d left on the counter by Paul’s microwave. Holding her peace offering upright, Emma proclaimed in a guilty fashion, “I left you a donut.”

“Just one donut?” Claire growled at her older sister, as her stomach rumbled at the sight of the chocolaty morsel.

“On second thought, judging by how tight your pj’s look, I think you’ve had enough donuts lately. Better let me have this one too. I’m doing you a favor Claire-bear!” Emma playfully justified her excuse to consume the last bit of the once massive breakfast.

“Drop it! That’s mine!” Claire threatened, as if she was letting out a war cry. In a rush she leaped at Emma, but the older sister nimbly rushed away to safety. Claire gave chase as best she could, but after a moment they were just doing laps around the coffee table. Paul didn’t know what to say or if he should get involved, so he just watched. It was so sexy watching Claire begin to slow down despite her desire to catch Emma. And Emma’s stuffed stomach was nothing to scoff at either. Since no eyes were on him, he took a quick second to readjust himself and his waistband to best hide what he had going on below the belt. Just as he’d finished, Claire started breathing a little heavy from the pointless chase and bellowed, “*Pant* Come here!”

“Haha, I bet Laura could catch me slow poke!” Emma teased, as she darted out of Claire’s grasp once again. Claire looked infuriated by that comment.

“Paul! Grab her!” Claire huffed in desperation, as Emma’s latest change in direction had placed her right within Paul’s reach. Not even thinking, Paul quickly nabbed Emma in his clutches despite her attempt to rush away from him. He was gentle, but firm. Locking Emma into a full nelson hold.

“*Pant* Phew! Thanks babe.” Claire wheezed, as she struggled to catch her breath. Maybe Emma hadn’t been blowing things out of proportion, she felt seriously out of shape.

“Haha! Noooo! Let me go!” Emma squealed in Paul’s clutches. He was stronger than he looked, her feet weren’t even touching the ground! Deciding the physical battle was lost, Emma resorted to her words, “Claire, I swear I didn’t eat your breakfast!”

“For someone who didn’t, you sure have a full belly!” Claire growled, as she pinched her sister’s full stomach. It felt firm and taut. Totally not a fat tummy. Clearing her throat, Claire proclaimed in a vengeful fashion, “This isn’t fat. This is my breakfast!”

“I’m sorry, it was a long drive this morning and I didn’t eat breakfast.” Emma pouted, as she seemed to admit defeat. Looking back at Paul, Emma added, “Paul never said a thing about it being your breakfast.”

“I did. You ignored me.” Paul defended himself with a quick lie. He suspected Emma might try and throw him under the bus. He’d been ready this time.

“Hahahaha! Woops!” Emma laughed clearly buying Paul’s fib.

“Whatever, just give me back my donut you ***!!” Claire demanded, as she reached for her chocolaty treat.

“No! Hypocrite! You’re the ***! You’ll have to pry it from my cold dead hands!” Emma melodramatically vowed, as she managed to wiggle and maneuver the donut out of Claire’s reach while Paul tried to keep her still.

“That can be arranged if you keep calling me names.” Claire playfully threatened, as Paul sensed the sibling rivalry was real. He wondered what Claire was doing, as she rolled up Emma’s shirt enough to expose more of her full stomach.

“Hippo!” Emma burst calling what she thought was Claire’s clear bluff.

“Hold her tight Paul. It’s time for tickle torcher!” Claire threatened, as Paul felt Emma attempt to seriously break free of his grip. Claire knew Emma hated being tickled. It was her best weapon against her.

“NO!! Paul let me go! I’m double-parked! I gotta load my stuff inside before the Uhaul gets towed!” Emma yelled in desperation, as Paul dropped her before Claire could get her hands on her.

“You’re double parked??” Paul exclaimed in surprise. Why had she been so calm earlier if she needed to move her truck?

“Yeah! Come help me!” Emma yelped, as she slapped the donut into her sister’s hand and then jogged hurriedly out of the apartment door and started down the steps.

“In a minute! I need him for a second!” Claire called after her older sister.

“Just hurry!” Emma responded, as she rounded the corner of the steps and started down the second-floor hallway.
102 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 2 years
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Polarisdreamer 4 years
I wish I could respond to every amazing comment without the word limit cutting me off. Thanks everyone for the interest! It has been a wild ride. Chapter 11 will be the final chapter of this story, expect it in a week or two
Fatchance 4 years
This is an awesome story, that just keeps on being awesome! I find myself rooting for Claire to finally dump Paul, Emma to claim him, and Claire to start gaining while missing Paul!

Can't wait to read what REALLY happens!
Fatforfun 4 years
Polarisdreamer, I almost didn't start reading this back when it was 40-something pages. I didn't think it would hold my attention that long. Now it's 70 pages and I'm still with it and eagerly awaiting every new page. Well done, sir, well done.
James Marlow 4 years
Absolutely loving that paul is putting on weight too.
James Marlow 4 years
I'm absolutely loving this story so far.
Polarisdreamer 4 years
Thanks everyone for the wonderful feedback so far! It really motivates me to keep going! For those wondering, yes Alana from the Fence also appears in this story as a minor character
Fatchance 4 years
One of the best stories ever posted here .... absolutely fantastic!
Arch329 4 years
Is Alana in Paul's Dilemma the same Alana from the Fence? I have been thinking of doing some cross over stories to expand beyond Eric and Colette. I have always enjoyed Vonnegut's writing and he often introduced a character in one book, who then became th
Karenjenk 4 years
I like this because of the development of the people. they are realiztic and likable
Aquarius64 4 years
I don’t usually go for female feedees, but I have enjoyed this one. It would be interesting to see Emma fully embrace a fattening lifestyle!
I like the contrast between the sisters and your characterisation too.
Jazzman 4 years
This is Amazing. This story is Art!
Polarisdreamer 4 years
I hope people are enjoying the story, feedback would be greatly appreciated!
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