Paul's dilemma

chapter 11- reckoning (p4.3)

To his surprise, the conversation he read got more and more interesting as he scrolled to earlier in the day. The first texts he saw were a picture of the ring on Claire’s finger and a message that he’d proposed. Emma had responded that she was happy for Claire and Claire had then asked Emma if she’d known that he was going to propose tonight.

This peaked Paul’s curiosity. Why would Claire think Emma had advanced knowledge of his plan? Had Emma said something?? Paul scrolled through the conversation and found the first text Claire had sent Emma today. She’d asked Emma if she knew if Villa di Roma was a fancy place. Emma replied that it was indeed fancy, and that Claire should dress her best. Emma also added that she’d heard that the dessert was to die for, and that Claire would regret not trying it, for the rest of her life.

The next few texts were pictures of dresses that Claire wanted Emma’s opinion on, but the final texts, before the ones Paul had read first, were ones by Emma reiterating how great the dessert was at Villa di Roma and how happy Claire would be if she ordered some for herself.

“You fat little weasel..” Paul muttered, while Emma stopped her rambling and realized what Paul must have read. Paul turned to her and burst almost vengefully, “You guessed my plan? And you wanted me to choose Claire?? Why did you do that and how did you know??”

“You’re predictable.” Emma guiltily muttered knowing that she’d have to come clean.

“And Claire? You tried to trick her into ordering dessert.” Paul pointed out almost unable to believe the apparent altruism Emma had demonstrated today.

“I had a lot of timee to think todayy.. Aand I don’t thinkk it’s possible to love two people Paul. I think you love Claire-bear and you love your fetish. And that’s what I am to youu.” Emma pointed out in a vulnerable, but matter-of-fact kind of way.

“Emma, you’re not just some fetish object to me..” Paul insisted, while he gazed over the rounded fat body of his helplessly stuffed feedee.

“I know that dummy! I’m keeping it simple.” Emma muttered quickly, slurring her words, “I had your fetishh on my side, and Claire didn’t, and yet you sstill couldn’t pick me over her. If she indulged your fetish, the scales of your lovee would tip in her favor for suree.”

“What are you blabbering about?” Paul responded, while a mix of appreciation and anger fought for control inside his heart.

“I was your fantasy, and she is your reality. You’re love for me is.. like a dream. A reallyy good dream, but still.. dreams ain’t real.” Emma rephrased to make sure Paul understood.

“It means a lot to me that you tried to push Claire into ordering dessert.” Paul responded thankfully, while he controlled his urge to chastise her. He could have argued with Emma’s logic, he certainly didn’t feel the same way about it, but there was no point. He felt in his heart that his feelings for her had been real. Fantasy or not, to Paul, that was all that mattered. But he’d made his choice, he’d picked Claire, and there was no backing out now. Even if, in the moment, he was feeling conflicted about his actions.

“I wanted what’s best for you.. both of you.. even if that means I don’t get what I want..” Emma insisted, as she looked at Paul with a distinct glare of regret in her eyes, “But I will miss what we have.. I’m gonna miss you.. A lot.”

“I’ll miss you too.” Paul admitted, while he felt an uncomfortable burning sensation deep inside him. Maybe it was guilt, maybe it was some feeling of self-hatred, maybe it was the reality hitting him that he’d just given up Emma. He didn’t want it to end this way. He felt he needed to ask, “No regrets though right?”

“Umm.. maybe one..” Emma blushed, as he noticed a tear fall down the side of her chubby cheek. Paul tilted his head in curiosity. His body still felt like crap, but there was a flutter of nervous excitement in the pit of his stomach for some reason. Maybe it was the alcohol.

“One? What is it?” Paul asked, while he watched Emma continue to lay helplessly on his bed.

“No. It’s not really appropriate.” Emma shook her chubby face and broke eye contact.

“Just tell me. Whatever we are, we’re still a bit more than friends. So.. It’s okay.” Paul assured her, while he put both hands on her belly and affectionally gave her a gentle rub. Her uneasy smile seemed to relax. It looked like she had something important to say.

“I’m really miffed we never got to do one last.. roleplay session. As feeder and feedee..” Emma cautiously admitted with a nervous glimmer in her eye that Paul couldn’t remember seeing before.

“You’re still hung up on that big scenario you won’t tell me about?” Paul inquired, while his curiosity peaked, and Emma nodded her chubby face as best she could.

“Since this is our last night together.. Would you maybe wanna..” Emma earnestly began to beg, as Paul saw through her request right away. So that’s why she’d parked her obese butt in his bed tonight. He should have been furious, but that’s not how he felt at all. He actually felt, relief.

“If you want me to roleplay with you.. one last time..” Paul cautiously answered, while the alarm in his head, telling him how improper it was to even contemplate something like this, was swiftly ignored. He wasn’t over Emma, he knew that. He could feel that. They needed closure to their feeding relationship and perhaps this could serve as it. Changing his tone to a more interested and authoritative demand, Paul continued, “you have to tell me what you have in mind before I decide if I want go through with it.”

“Fine, but no judging.” Emma reminded him, while she accepted his response with a worried look on her face.

“Of course.” Paul nearly chuckled at Emma’s apparent nervous embarrassment. What the heck was she hiding?

“No really, this isn’t like the other ones. It’s a little extremee. I don’t want you to..” Emma began to ramble, while Paul decided to put a stop to it.

“It’s fine Emma, just tell me.” Paul assured her with a lustful squeeze of her gut.
102 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 2 years
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Polarisdreamer 4 years
I wish I could respond to every amazing comment without the word limit cutting me off. Thanks everyone for the interest! It has been a wild ride. Chapter 11 will be the final chapter of this story, expect it in a week or two
Fatchance 4 years
This is an awesome story, that just keeps on being awesome! I find myself rooting for Claire to finally dump Paul, Emma to claim him, and Claire to start gaining while missing Paul!

Can't wait to read what REALLY happens!
Fatforfun 4 years
Polarisdreamer, I almost didn't start reading this back when it was 40-something pages. I didn't think it would hold my attention that long. Now it's 70 pages and I'm still with it and eagerly awaiting every new page. Well done, sir, well done.
James Marlow 4 years
Absolutely loving that paul is putting on weight too.
James Marlow 4 years
I'm absolutely loving this story so far.
Polarisdreamer 4 years
Thanks everyone for the wonderful feedback so far! It really motivates me to keep going! For those wondering, yes Alana from the Fence also appears in this story as a minor character
Fatchance 4 years
One of the best stories ever posted here .... absolutely fantastic!
Arch329 4 years
Is Alana in Paul's Dilemma the same Alana from the Fence? I have been thinking of doing some cross over stories to expand beyond Eric and Colette. I have always enjoyed Vonnegut's writing and he often introduced a character in one book, who then became th
Karenjenk 4 years
I like this because of the development of the people. they are realiztic and likable
Aquarius64 4 years
I don’t usually go for female feedees, but I have enjoyed this one. It would be interesting to see Emma fully embrace a fattening lifestyle!
I like the contrast between the sisters and your characterisation too.
Jazzman 4 years
This is Amazing. This story is Art!
Polarisdreamer 4 years
I hope people are enjoying the story, feedback would be greatly appreciated!
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