Paul's dilemma

chapter 11- reckoning (p4.5)

“I am. So, make like a good piggy and lick me clean.” Paul ordered, as Emma eagerly nodded. She didn’t know where to start. She’d envisioned this scenario so many times before. Did she start with his feet? Did he start with his arms? She was frozen within her thoughts until Paul spoke again, “You can start with my arm.”

“Yes master.” Emma instantly responded, as she leaned her obese body against the bed and began licking Paul’s forearm.

The sensation of Emma’s tongue against his skin felt titillating. She was working faster than he’d expected. Paul watched, as Emma’s face became a mess with dirt pudding. She wrapped her lips around bits of pudding and gummy worms and sucked it all down. By the time she finished cleaning his first arm, he decided to give her some encouragement.

“My god you’ve become such a fat little piggy haven’t you??” Paul teased, as Emma looked at him with her complete undivided attention, “What do you think your parents would say If they knew how helplessly obese you’ve become?”

“Ahh.. I don’t knoww..” Emma nearly moaned, as she bit her lip and Paul noticed her hand dart between her legs, “Ugh.. They’d probably be.. disappointed..”

“You don’t get to pleasure yourself until your job is done. Now get the other arm.” Paul ordered, as Emma leaned into Paul’s shoulder and stuffed her mouth with another gob of dirt pudding before guiltily hurrying around the bed. She’d probably have made better time if she’d rolled herself like the ball of fat she was, “Hurry!”

“Umm, Yeeesh mashster!” Emma wheezed, while she came to a halt on the other side of Paul and began earnestly licking his left arm clean. She was working at a desperate pace. As if she really feared his threatening tone. He let her finish the whole arm before he let her have some more encouragement. It didn’t take his gluttonous piggy long.

“You’re unrecognizable you know? From when we met? Every part of you has swelled with soft jiggling rolls of fat. What would your cheerleader friends say if they could see you now?” Paul harshly teased, as Emma’s enjoyment was evident on her pudding covered face. Her mouth and nose were totally covered in the pudding, but Paul didn’t care. Emma looked hot messy. She was looking and acting more and more like the slutty pig she was pretending to be.

“They’d probably call me a cow or a porker..” Emma shallowly answered, while she looked at Paul as if asking permission to touch herself.

“Both legs now.” Paul responded squashing Emma’s nonverbal request.

His feeder lumbered to the end of the bed and threw down some pillows to rest her knees on. When she knelt down, Paul couldn’t see Emma at all over his dirt pudding covered gut. Although it wasn’t the dirt pudding’s fault he couldn’t see her, if his gut hadn’t been so fat he’d have a front row seat to Emma’s tongue in action. He was kind of pissed at himself, but his self-loathing subsided as he felt Emma enthusiastically sucking on his pudding covered toes. Paul was thankful he wasn’t ticklish.

Once his feet were both licked clean, Emma maneuvered herself to the left side of the bed and started on Paul’s left leg. Either there was a lot more pudding on his leg than on his arm or Emma was getting full because she was slowing down in her efforts to clean him. Still though, after a good amount of time where Paul just enjoyed the sound of Emma licking him, she finished the majority of the leg and moved on to the next one, she’d left his inner thighs and crotch untouched. He figured she wanted him to order her to lick that part of him clean. Maybe the tequila had something to do with it, but he was okay with that.

“You’re such a hopeless porker. Are you out of breath already?” Paul teased Emma, as he caught her taking a break. She was probably staring at what he had going on below the waist.

“Yes master.” Emma smiled, as she slowly lumbered to her feet and wobblily grabbed the tequila bottle. She took another big gulp and saw to it that Paul finished off the bottle with a big gulp of his own. She seemed exhausted, but Paul wasn’t willing to let her take a moment to rest. Not when she had a job to do.

“Gosh, I bet even the thought of exercise gets you out of breath.” Paul chastised Emma, as he watched his feedee’s face revel in the humiliation he was hurling her way, “I don’t care if you need a break, keep going. You know what you need to clean next.”

“With pleasure master.” Emma winked, as she hornily licks her lips. She’d imagined going down on Paul many times, and always wondered what his face would look like if she actually did it. Would he be upset with her, elated? Excited? Well this was her chance. She plopped her fat body between Paul’s licked clean legs and shimmied herself forward like a blubbery walrus until she was in the proper position. She began her quest with a deviant joy pulsing through her, as she went down on Paul, she looked up to see the look on his face but was slightly disappointed to only see his rounded gut blocking the way. She felt a little robbed but didn’t want to voice her complaint. Besides she could still hear him, it sounded like he was very happy with her.

As she continued with Paul in her mouth, she watched one of his fat arms lazily reach over his gut, and firmly cradle the back of her head. He’d broken one of the cuffs!! Gosh! He wanted her bad! He wanted more and she gave it to him with gusto!

“Just like that you fat slut..” Paul sighed in delight, while the line between what was real and what was a dream blurred in his mind. The tequila stripped away his inhibitions and for the first time in a long time, he wasn’t Paul. He was Emma’s feeder. “Oink for me!”

Emma tried to follow his orders, but her mouth was far too occupied. The thrill of having Paul talk down to her while she worshiped him was tickling her in places, she thought she needed hands for! As she continued, and used her hands to provide Paul more stimulation, his humiliating comments died down, all she could hear was his moaning and grunting. His passionate uncontrolled noises drove Emma crazier and gave her the extra energy she needed to finish her masculine feeder off.

While Paul let out a moan of delight, Emma swallowed her hard-earned treat.

“Mhhh!!” Emma hummed with another gulp, “Now it’s all clean master.”

Seeing Paul relax contently without giving her a word sent Emma a thrilling message. He was treating her as if she was a worthless fat piggy. He wasn’t even congratulating her or thanking her for her efforts. He was sticking to the character in a way that made Emma forget what they were doing was just a game. Her mission was to please her master, and she wouldn’t fail.

Starting on licking his belly clean, Emma’s stomach hurt from all she’d eaten, but she couldn’t stop. She licked and slurped and wiggled herself further on top of Paul. His belly took a long time, especially his belly button, but eventually she ate the majority of the pudding. Heaving herself forward with great effort, Emma forced her obese body atop Paul’s and used her tongue to clean his chest. It wasn’t easy, her huge breasts kept getting in the way. She was getting extremely messy from the process, but Paul couldn’t care. He loved watching her struggle. Feeling Emma’s weight on top of him was a thrill he’d savor forever. He was proud he’d done this to Emma because he knew she loved it too. She’d never be the same and it was all because of him. He could be immensely proud of that.

Everything was feeling great, but then Emma stopped. Paul looked at her disapprovingly and she muttered a sorrowful, “I can’t reach your face..”
102 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 2 years
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DanishPastries 1 year
That was one heck of a story! I've had so much fun , and a fair deal of... Excitement... From reading it! Thank you so much for contributing so greatly to the society! You're really a star! 🌟🌟🌟
Polarisdreamer 4 years
@Sweden1997 Your comment got cut off by the character limit, please feel free to PM me if you wanna share more of your thoughts! If you liked the story up to ch 17, I think you would enjoy the later parts of the story even more.
Polarisdreamer 4 years
@Stranger43 Thank you for reading! It was very fun to write!

@ClearSkyNZ Thank you! That means a lot! I hope you enjoy the next one!
Polarisdreamer 4 years
@bluephantom42 I may do an epilogue someday, but for the moment I think I want to leave the future of the characters to the head canon of the reader. Thanks for the feedback!
ClearSkyNZ 4 years
Hey man just wanted to say your writing is great. Loved this story, with its characters. Its very rare for these kinds of stories to have so much heart in them and you do that. Looking forward to your next story
RatedMForMas... 4 years
This is my favorite story I've read on here. Thanks for the effort!
Bluephantom42 4 years
The story was very good. I really enjoyed it. The ending was good, but an epilog detailing the lives of everyone two years later would be a welcomed addition. You could include Paul and all the sisters. I realize there was a lot of time and effort y
Polarisdreamer 4 years
*** that go along with this story. There is also a final illustration that hints at what Emma's been up to after the part she played in chapter 11!
Polarisdreamer 4 years
I hope people enjoyed the story! It was a lot of work, but it really was a lot of fun! Credit goes to berserker1133 for coming up with the idea for the story, as well as being my editor. Check out berserker's deviantart page to see the illustrations th
Polarisdreamer 4 years
@Whatyoutalk and @ClearSkyNZ I think your comments got cut off for some reason, could you repeat whatever is missing? I do really value your feedback
ClearSkyNZ 4 years
Hey good job on the story I'm really invested in the characters. I know you're not done with the story but I get the vibe Claire wants to fatten Paul and Paul wants to fatten Claire. I don't think it will work both ways. All I can say is I kept reading fo
Polarisdreamer 4 years
I just want to clarify that the final chapter still has two more parts before the story is over. @Whatyoutalk I don't want to get into spoilers, but stick around. The ride ain't over yet
Urlacher127 4 years
One of my favorite stories. Semi depressed by the end but it may have been the right ending.

Well done.
Polarisdreamer 4 years
I'll be posting the final chapter in parts this week, expect five updates to the chapter, should be able to post one each day. I hope people enjoy! Thanks for sticking with the story!
Polarisdreamer 4 years
Thank you everyone for all the encouragement! I'm currently writing the conclusion for Paul's Dilemma. It is about halfway done, I suspect I will be ready to post it within a weeks time. Thanks for the interest!
RatedMForMas... 4 years
I check back every day to see if there's more!
Fatchance 4 years
Sure hope more is coming! This is a fabulous story!
Wheresmyfeet 4 years
Love the story! I am excited for the next chapters!
Fatchance 4 years
This story is SO fantastic! Please keep it coming!
Fluffylove 4 years
Love the story. Keep it going as long as you can. Turn her into a real food addicted hog
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