Paul's dilemma

chapter 11- reckoning (p4.6)

It was true, his exhausted feedee had beached herself on top of his gut and seemed unable to propel herself any further. Paul was very excited by this reality, but he hadn’t wanted her to stop, he still had pudding all over his beard and his neck. He knew she needed more motivation, and he’d give it too her, “What’s a matter? Didn’t you know moving becomes difficult when you’re pushing FOUR hundred pounds.”

The logical center of Emma’s brain knew she wasn’t quite close to pushing four hundred pounds, but the way Paul said it made her believe it. Playing along, she cooed, “Forget my stomach, even my intestines feel over-saturated with the fattening foods you keep forcing on me.”

“Such a fat pig.” Paul shook his head, as if disappointed with Emma.

His demeaning look motivated her to push further. She heaved herself upward and tried to inch closer to her goal like a fat caterpillar. At least that was until..

“Ahooohh!” Emma gushed, as something big and warm stumbled up and into her most private of area with the most satisfying feeling following suit. Apparently, her enthusiastic blowjob hadn’t been enough to lull Paul’s bulge into submission because she’d now firmly lodged it up the very place she knew she shouldn’t have.

“Emma!” Her feeder growled apparently very displeased with her. She knew she’d crossed a line, but her body didn’t want to obey. She tried to coax more pleasure from the spot she’d found herself in, but her hips were too exhausted to listen. Paul was mostly tied up, she wanted to keep going, but all her energy seemed zapped from her body. She was too full to move, even though she craved nothing more than to rock her feeder’s world.

“Get off me now.” He said in the angriest of tone’s she’d ever heard from him. He used his free hand to forceful try and shove her off of him, but he couldn’t do it without her help. She was simply far too big to be moved now. With the guilt overtaking her, Emma helped Paul as best she could and barely managed to roll herself to his side. She’d reached her limit. She was too full, too fat, and far to tired to move anymore. She was out of breath and she’d hardly budged. She’d really done it this time. She should have been guilty but feeling so powerless actually made her feel more aroused than she’d ever recalled being before.

“What were you thinking?” Paul burst, as Emma only had sex on her mind. She’d been thinking of the pleasure. Not of the rules. She’d crossed the line. And Paul was right to hate her. She was a terrible person. Far worse than the character she was impersonating, but she couldn’t help it. Not anymore. She’d lost herself to this fetish, surrendered her free will.. and she wasn’t sorry.

“I’ll tell you what you were thinking.” Paul growled, as Emma could feel the shame coming. She craved the punishment. She needed it. She closed her eyes to try and brace the impact. “You thought you could get off before my say so.”

Emma opened her eyes. Had she just heard correctly? Was Paul.. still in character?? Looking at him with a sincere hope, Emma could tell her feeder was indeed the man still in bed next to her. He was working to free his left hand, and once he’d finished that. He got his feet out of their binds.

“You disobeyed me.” Paul evilly threatened, as Emma could feel real fear and excitement in her heart.

“It was an accident master.” Emma shamefully recoiled, as Paul got off the bed and began tugging her off of the bed too. Moving her fat body was a slow process, dragging out the suspense and heightening Emma’s aroused sensitivities. He stopped when her butt had reached the bed’s edge.

“It was no accident. And now, you’ll need to be punished like the slutty piggy you are.” Paul vowed, as Emma’s face lit up with anticipation.

“Yes master!” She yelped, as Paul spread her legs apart and maneuvered himself into position.

This was happening! This was really happening!

Emma moaned a delirious sigh of relief and jubilation as her feeder began having his way with her for the first time. If felt even more amazing than she’d always imagined. As Paul worked, Emma took everything he gave her with a visceral satisfaction. She loved him, and she loved this more than she could ever put into words. He even gave her some titillating words to listen too while he worked his magic and rocked her into a state of immobilized blissful delight.

“I love feeding you. Watching those pleading eyes looking at me, begging for more. I can’t wait to keep destroying your body. One day you’ll forget what it was like to be free. You’ll only remember your submission to me. You are not just a slutty piggy. You’re my pet. My toy. You’re just the means to satisfy my selfish needs.” Paul crafted his drunken words without a filter, “The arousal I awaken within you, will eventually consume you, until you’re so fat and helpless you can’t even roll over.”

“Manipulate me master. Abuse me. Do all that you’ll do! I’m yours!” Emma echoed between exhausted moans of delight, “Ahhh! I love you!”

“I wanna hear you squeal like the pig you are.” Paul growled, as he released the lust that had consumed him for so long.

“Yes master, ahhh! Yes master!” Emma yelped so overtaken with the bliss of Paul’s motion to comply immediately.

Paul didn’t stop until he had his piggy squealing with the kind of uncontrollable joy that was only possible after months of buildup and delayed gratification. They kept at it into the late hours of the night, until their bodies couldn’t sustain the act any longer. They each passed out in character. Never speaking of what they were doing even after they’d finished. Maybe it was the catharsis they needed to move on from one another, maybe it was a selfish act of passion that they both deserved to be shamed for. Maybe it was something else entirely. Either way, in the warmth of the night, cuddled together, it didn’t matter to Paul or Emma. For now, it was over, they could each finally rest, together.
102 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 2 years
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DanishPastries 1 year
That was one heck of a story! I've had so much fun , and a fair deal of... Excitement... From reading it! Thank you so much for contributing so greatly to the society! You're really a star! 🌟🌟🌟
Polarisdreamer 4 years
@Sweden1997 Your comment got cut off by the character limit, please feel free to PM me if you wanna share more of your thoughts! If you liked the story up to ch 17, I think you would enjoy the later parts of the story even more.
Polarisdreamer 4 years
@Stranger43 Thank you for reading! It was very fun to write!

@ClearSkyNZ Thank you! That means a lot! I hope you enjoy the next one!
Polarisdreamer 4 years
@bluephantom42 I may do an epilogue someday, but for the moment I think I want to leave the future of the characters to the head canon of the reader. Thanks for the feedback!
ClearSkyNZ 4 years
Hey man just wanted to say your writing is great. Loved this story, with its characters. Its very rare for these kinds of stories to have so much heart in them and you do that. Looking forward to your next story
RatedMForMas... 4 years
This is my favorite story I've read on here. Thanks for the effort!
Bluephantom42 4 years
The story was very good. I really enjoyed it. The ending was good, but an epilog detailing the lives of everyone two years later would be a welcomed addition. You could include Paul and all the sisters. I realize there was a lot of time and effort y
Polarisdreamer 4 years
*** that go along with this story. There is also a final illustration that hints at what Emma's been up to after the part she played in chapter 11!
Polarisdreamer 4 years
I hope people enjoyed the story! It was a lot of work, but it really was a lot of fun! Credit goes to berserker1133 for coming up with the idea for the story, as well as being my editor. Check out berserker's deviantart page to see the illustrations th
Polarisdreamer 4 years
@Whatyoutalk and @ClearSkyNZ I think your comments got cut off for some reason, could you repeat whatever is missing? I do really value your feedback
ClearSkyNZ 4 years
Hey good job on the story I'm really invested in the characters. I know you're not done with the story but I get the vibe Claire wants to fatten Paul and Paul wants to fatten Claire. I don't think it will work both ways. All I can say is I kept reading fo
Polarisdreamer 4 years
I just want to clarify that the final chapter still has two more parts before the story is over. @Whatyoutalk I don't want to get into spoilers, but stick around. The ride ain't over yet
Urlacher127 4 years
One of my favorite stories. Semi depressed by the end but it may have been the right ending.

Well done.
Polarisdreamer 4 years
I'll be posting the final chapter in parts this week, expect five updates to the chapter, should be able to post one each day. I hope people enjoy! Thanks for sticking with the story!
Polarisdreamer 4 years
Thank you everyone for all the encouragement! I'm currently writing the conclusion for Paul's Dilemma. It is about halfway done, I suspect I will be ready to post it within a weeks time. Thanks for the interest!
RatedMForMas... 4 years
I check back every day to see if there's more!
Fatchance 4 years
Sure hope more is coming! This is a fabulous story!
Wheresmyfeet 4 years
Love the story! I am excited for the next chapters!
Fatchance 4 years
This story is SO fantastic! Please keep it coming!
Fluffylove 4 years
Love the story. Keep it going as long as you can. Turn her into a real food addicted hog
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